eight ❦

71 6 2

Prey . The Neighborhood

Perhaps Seolyeon had grown accustomed to the pestering warmth and the blinding sun

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Perhaps Seolyeon had grown accustomed to the pestering warmth and the blinding sun. Perhaps she'd grown accustomed to her skin darkening, burning red for hours upon end. The moment the clouds had enveloped the blues, a chill slithered up her spine.

The warmth and humidity from minutes prior were still present, and Jungwon—the firebender—seemed largely unaffected. Yet her arms began to tremble, forcing her to seek comfort within herself.

She folded her arms and hushed away her thoughts, focusing on the scenery before her. There are fewer trees, she observed.

The land seemed to be expanding—or rather, the forest seemed to be waning. The once tall, expansive trees she'd taken cover under had now grown to a height similar to her own.

Another chill ran up her shoulders, waking the dormant goosebumps. She finally craned her neck toward the confident, alert boy who seemed to know every corner of their world.

"Aren't you...cold?" she asked. It seemed as though it was an obvious question. He was a firebender—wouldn't he be more pervious to a simple chill? Seolyeon noticed his shoulders rise and tense.

"No," he finally spoke. Although he hoped his voice would come out firm, he could feel the shake in his breathing. He wasn't cold—this was nothing to him.

"Really..." she mumbled, mostly to herself. Her hands instinctively hugged herself closer, her head tilted toward the ground.

Maybe I'm just weak after these last few days.

Seolyeon shrugged off any other thoughts, simply continuing to follow him.

Jungwon found himself lost in thought. Was I supposed to be cold?

The way Seolyeon questioned him was as if it was something a firebender should easily feel. But to him, the ever-breezing wind that seemed to only grow with every step melted away like a snowflake under the sun. He could barely consider the wind as a breeze, let alone the weather to be chilly. He'd felt harsher chills and taken icier footsteps. This...was simply nothing.

He shook his head, gazing at Seolyeon instead. He could see the smallest shake in her steps, mostly due to the exposed garments suited for heated climates. Her hands tightened over her arms with each passing minute.

It was more than obvious that she was simply cold.

Jungwon then looked ahead, squinting his eyes to observe the skyline. The sky seemed to only darken as time passed, and the frost soon completely enveloped the trees that surrounded them.

Seolyeon was too busy focusing on not shivering to death to notice the male walk behind her. She was also too busy to notice the slivers of ice forming on the dirty beige pavements. What she did notice, however, was when soft warmth suddenly enveloped her as a thin cloth robe was placed over her back.

SCINTILLA ❦ | YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now