four ❦

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I Need The Light . Enhypen

"Come get your daily news! Just in today! The Fire Nation has begun to move across the lands with a fleet! Ba Sing Se orders all villagers to tread with caution! Beware of two firebenders with motives unknown, who adorn-"

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"Come get your daily news! Just in today! The Fire Nation has begun to move across the lands with a fleet! Ba Sing Se orders all villagers to tread with caution! Beware of two firebenders with motives unknown, who adorn-"

The villager continued to shout the news—he was known as the parrot amongst the benders of the Earthly village. He stood amongst the crowd gathered under the straw hut, embracing his presence despite the closed ears of the people. Servers continued to shout orders above his voice, serving a boundless amount of tea in the breezy morning.

A simple young male sat there with a silken navy mask covering the bottom half of his face, taking sips of his milky tea. His ears had perked up at the mention of the Fire Nation, unwittingly raising an eyebrow whilst listening closely to their rumored endeavors.

The parrot was soon surrounded by three burly benders—all proficient in Earthbending, no doubt, for he wouldn't have flown away as fast as he had at that moment. A sigh ran across the hut as peace once again ran by, this time with a murkiness lurking within.

The young male soon turned to his companion—an elderly male who gazed upon the bustling streets with serenity. His black hairs were slowly fading away, wrinkles clear even with a blank face. "Should we leave this village soon, Uncle?"

The uncle turned toward his nephew slowly, silently sipping away on his herbal tea with a slight hesitance on his shoulders. He shrugged. "When the time comes where we must take our leave, we will. The world will take you where you need to go, Jungwon. There is no need to rush things."

Of course, Jungwon knew this just as well. He and his uncle were travelers with a destination unset. He'd heard the wise lectures of his uncle all his life. Yet, Jungwon found himself tense within the friendly atmosphere. Perhaps, such kindness only felt unnatural to him.

"Mr. Yongjin! How are you enjoying today's special tea?" an enthusiastic server came up to ask, placing a kettle of a refill upon the wooden table.

Old Yongjin chuckled, setting his cup down to respond properly. "Just as much as I have been these past few days. Thank you, once again."

Jungwon continued to tap his foot against the leaves, his gaze lingering upon a wooden pole as his mind traveled. The small talk his uncle engaged in simply didn't help—he was logical.

He was cynical.

Soon, the pair of wanderers headed back to the place they'd been resting—a vacant room within a kind villager's home. Jungwon figured that if he didn't leave the village by the next day, he'd do something he'd regret. Unluckily for him, Yongjin refused to budge from the small cot, taking his afternoon nap without paying mind to his nephew's anxiousness.

Jungwon left the safehaven to walk amongst the villagers, keeping his mind alert as the walk greatly calmed him. He'd never been one to enjoy staying stuck somewhere with nothing to do. Within the village, he couldn't even train—only observe and try to learn, just as his uncle had instructed him to do.

SCINTILLA ❦ | YANG JUNGWONWhere stories live. Discover now