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Reason . KAI

Five Years Ago

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Five Years Ago...

Sound seemed to dull the rest of her senses. The chimes never ceased for the wind aimlessly flew, brushing past her toffee cheeks and chilling her skin. She could swear that she'd become an Earth bender, able to hear the aimless sound waves emitted by the stone-carved walls—or maybe, it was simply her teacher trying to fling her to insanity.

Is that fucking meditation music?

She felt like she'd been sitting there, her mind traveling boundlessly within her consciousness, unmoving for hours at that point. However, she'd done this enough times to know that it probably hadn't even been five minutes. Her lack of patience never ceased to amaze the people around her.

Maybe if I tried to tune out the chimes, I could hear the bustling streets.

A few silent seconds passed by as her mind stilled. She focused, pushing past the sounds of the obnoxious chimes next to her ears and toward the extremely faint cheers she could hear. Just a little bit more and she'd succeed.

"Oh who am I kidding I can't hear anything else!" she groaned, slapping her forehead and releasing her meditative form to lay down harshly.

Despite shutting her eyes in exasperation, she could feel the energy of the powerful winds above her in the form of her trainer, her teacher.

"Seolyeon, that's the tenth time you've failed this lesson."

Seolyeon groaned once again, scowling underneath her arm.

"As if I didn't know that myself..."

Her teacher rolled her eyes before effortlessly lifting the girl up with the winds, placing Seolyeon upon her feet. "I'm sure had you been less lazy, you would've succeeded. I let you play around too much when you were younger, aiya..."

"You sound like a grandmother whenever you speak like that," Seolyeon mumbled, letting out another frustrated groan as the booming sounds finally echoed through the halls of the grand temple.

Seolyeon wondered if she'd be able to leave the Air Temple that day. She could imagine the clouds of walkways and the people that stepped on the mist, the booths full of candied fruit that she wished to taste more than anything—just imagining all her fellow colleagues simply enjoying the day forced a frown upon her lips.

If she could think even further, her mind would conjure a map of the world—from the fiery and dark Fire Nation Capital to the Icy Northern Tribe and even the secluded yet peaceful Ba Sing Se. The cities were all but water paintings within her mind, colored to her imagination based on the rumors she'd heard.

"Master Yunjin..." Seolyeon started, causing her long-time teacher and guardian to place her attention on Seolyeon once again.

Master Yunjin sighed, already well aware of what Seolyeon intended to ask. "What is it?"

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