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"Well" Aro speaks "to discuss when that Anna is done with the human, she will be killed since you have no intention of turning her" looking at Edward he then looks at me "when will the ghost leave your sister?"

"Typical Aro" I look over to the throne, sitting in the throne Aro has is a woman with long black hair. She has red eyes and pale skin "always has to care about power, never—what is she looking at?"

 She has red eyes and pale skin "always has to care about power, never—what is she looking at?"

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"Is there another ghost?" Aro asks me

"It's Dydime" the room is silent when Edward speaks "she sees Dydime"

"You can see me?" The woman comes down smiling, I nod my head "can you give Aro a message and Marcus one too?"

"You can see Dydime?" Marcus breathes looking around "where is she?"

"Tell him I'm always by his side" Dydime sighs looking at Marcus "ever since Aro destroyed me, I have been next to him"

"She's by your side" I tell Marcus who looks around "not right now but since Aro destroyed her, she's been by your side" the room is completely silent as I say this "who's Dydime?"

"Marcus's mate" Caius informs me "and Aro's little sister"

"She here?" Aro asks smiling

"Tell Aro that if he values his life" Dydime growls "he will leave you alone and that I hate him, that I know his darkest secrets"

"What did she say?" Aro takes my hand and frowns letting go.

"She said she hates you" I answer "that if you don't leave me alone she will reveal your darkest secrets"

"Tell Marcus that I love him" Dydime asks me going over to Marcus as she sits on his lap "oh, also tell Caius that he's an idiot"

"She's on your lap Marcus" he looks at me "Dydime, she has her arms wrapped around your neck as she smiles—she wants you to know that she loves you" looking at Caius "she thinks your an idiot" he rolls his yes at that.

Marcus smiles "thank you" I nod my head "you may leave now, Jane escort her out" I leave as the Cullens stay behind, Jane is beside me.

"Wait here" Jane orders me as we get to a receptionist area "Felix will be out soon" I nod my head.


"Tell Anna to get out of Bella!" Edward yells at me, which earns him a growl from Felix when he comes over. We are in the receptionist area about to head to Forks since Felix not only with him turning me, he will oversee Bella's transformation. Demetri is also coming since Marcus doesn't want anything bad to happen to me because of the Cullens.

"She's her own person Edward" I answer "now leave my alone" he stomps off like a child as Felix gets between us. When Felix sits down, I see some blood on his chin from when he just ate his meal. See that's the thing about people, there are many guilty sinful humans in the world—yet the Cullen's decide to feed from innocent animals? I can't respect their choice in doing that.

I use my thumb to wipe the blood away, with my hand on Felix's face we stare at one another. I go to pull my hand away but Felix stops me keeping my hand on his face. "You have really pretty eyes" is the first thing I say to Felix.

"Fuck him!" Anna yells to me, she's still in Bella and we listen to her mutter shit as Alice and Edward try to get Anna to leave Bella. But the thing is, Anna isn't that easy to annoy "Felix! Fuck Cassie! Deflower her!"

I turn bright red as she says this "Were leaving at midnight" Demetri informs us when he comes over "before you go, some of our friends wish to meet you Cassie"

"If your up for it" Felix looks at me "if not"

"She wants to meet them" Anna says "and as she does that" Anna stands "I'm going to be fucking me way through this city!" She leaves or tries to but Edward and Alice cock block her.

"Their this way" Felix offers his arm, I take it as we go. I wince standing up, when that one vengeful ghost attacked I ended up with some cracked ribs, a split lip and a broken arm.

As we are far enough away, Demetri asks me "how have you managed to be near Anna?"

I shrug my shoulders "you get use to her, besides I'm the first person Anna has had any real conversation with" when we arrive someplace, the doors open and a bunch of red eyed people stare at me.

"Now, I'm going to take a bath" Demetri says leaving.

"Cassie" Felix speaks "meet Santiago and his mate Renata, Afton and his mate Chelsea, Corin, and Heidi—you know the twins"

"Hello" waving my hand

"Can you really see ghosts?" Renata asks me, I nod my head.

"What's the typical ghost you see?" Santiago asks me

"Horny ghosts" I answer "Anna, my residential ghost loves sex. She was a whore in the nineteen twenties"

"She's the ghost that peed on Demetri correct?" Chelsea asked

"Same one" Jane confirms "what happened in that one hour?"

"She made sure Demetri was covered completely in pee" I answer "best not to dwell too much on it"

"Right now she's being cock blocked by the Cullens" Felix says

Just then Anna runs in and grabs my shoulders "you need to hide me! The Cullens won't let me have fun!" She shakes my shoulders, we see her run over to Jane and has her stand hiding behind her. The Cullens come in tied up and looks at Jane, they go over and they spin around Jane making me dizzy.

Anna laughs pushing Jane to them "I need sex!" She yells leaving the took with the Cullens behind her.

"Was that" Corin asked "the possessed human?"

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