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~A Few Months Later~

"My god" rubbing my belly—it's been a few months and even though I'm supposed to be four months pregnant I look about seven—I've been drinking blood about a month after finding out about the twins when I started to crave it "Felix, your babies are giving me heartburn"

He chuckles, kneeling next to me as I'm on the couch. He lifts my shirt and kisses my belly "their just showing you that they love you, like I do"

"They continue to tap dance on my bladder" I deadpan "I don't need heartburn" when one of the babies kicks, Felix places his head next to my belly to feel the kick. The other baby then kicks, the two both kick my belly and I shake my head as the two kick wanting their daddy's attention.

"Are we sure those babies won't come any day now?" I hear Demetri ask "I mean" he motion to how big I am.

"Don't let Cassie hear you" Bree, Alec's mate comes up beside him "remember last week at the joke Emmett made?" Oh yes, last week Emmett made a joke about how I'm eating so much that I might not be carrying twins but a whole litter like an animal and I start to cry since he thought I was a whale and Felix came in then and dismembered Emmett. We're still trying to find his head, but Felix won't say or think where he hid Emmett's head.

"Cassie" Elizabeth comes up beside me "you need to know something"

"What?" I ask

"The babies" she tells me "their coming"

"Their" my words cut off when I feel this burning pain that I grab Felix's hand "Oh god!"

"Cassie" Demetri, Bree come to my side as Carlisle entered the room "what's wrong?"

"The babies" I grit my teeth "their—oh god! It's like their making a new hole, use the existing hole!"

"Her water broke" Bree realizes

"Take her to the exam room" Felix picks me up—Demetri stays by Bree making sure she doesn't attack when she smells blood—he runs me to the exam room past Edward and Bella who is about five months pregnant.

"Get her out of her pants and underwear" Carlisle orders "I need to see"

"You are not seeing my mate's lady parts" Felix growls

"No time" I hit his shoulder "for your possessive territorial shit, help me out of my clothes" he rips my clothes off before setting me on the exam table/bed whatever it's called.

Carlisle checks and says "yeah, she's crowning" looking at me "you need to push Cassie, your child is coming out now!" I grip Felix's hand pushing with all my might as I push the baby.

Taking a breather I hear Elizabeth say "Jane is back, she has helped in many births—Carlisle maybe a doctor but I don't trust him"

"Jane!" I yell "I want Jane to deliver these babies!"

"Is Jane even" Felix asks

"Jane!" I scream, the door opens and her head pops in "your delivering this baby, not Carlisle"

"Okay" she comes in and closes the door "move" she pushes Carlisle away and looks between my legs "Push!" I scream pushing, more burning pain comes through me "push again" I scream pushing the baby, when we hear the wails of a baby I open my eyes laughing as Jane shows us a baby "a boy, you have a son" Felix takes our son first since the male hybrids have venom. I take a deep breath feeling tired, leaning back I feel a burning pain "you need to push again" Jane orders me

"I'm tired" whispering

"You've got this" Jane tells me "now push"

Gritting my teeth I try to push, but I'm so tired "Take our energy" looking at James and Victoria who are here "we've had our fun, tormenting the Cullens" yes by possessing them for the last few months "take our energy" holding out their hand I take James's. A bright glow comes from them and I feel my energy come back that when I feel pain again I push and push until I hear a baby cry.

"Another boy" Jane tells me showing me, I lean back sighing happy.

"Yeah!" Weakly smiling "Can I take that nap now?" Looking at Felix "Felix, take our sons"

"You can take that nap" Jane has me look at her "after delivering the afterbirth"

~A Few Hours Later~

"What" dad asks as he holds one of the babies, Felix is keeping an eye on him carefully since I don't want dad to be a vampire. I want him to die as a human and not come back, I may love my dad but I don't want him to spend eternity with him "are their names?"

"The baby your holding is James" yes, I'm naming him after the vampire who helped me deliver him "and Demetri is holding Ryodan"

Dad is silent "Isn't Ryodan that name from that book series you love? Fever series?" I nod my head smiling "I hope that kid doesn't turn out like that book character"

"Why?" Bree asks, we told dad that Bree is Felix's younger sister who he adopted a few years ago.

"The book character Ryodan" I say "essentially he's extremely controlling and manipulative. One of the characters says this and I quote 'Barrons breaks heads. Ryodan turns them inside out. Barrons fucks you up. Ryodan makes you fuck yourself up. He pushes buttons and rearranges things according to his own private, coolly sociopathic plan' Barrons is Ryodan's brother" I then ask "Felix? If we have another boy let's name him Barrons"

He just looks down at me staying silent as I smile "You want us, to name our next child after a book character who fucks people up?" I nod my head "alright" I fist pump at that.

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