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~Felix's POV~

"Daddy" Star cries when I come into her room to see what the problem is, I heard crying.

When I don't see any danger, I pick my youngest daughter up and hold her to me "What's wrong il mio bambino ibrido?" My baby hybrid

"I'm not a baby" she huffs crossing her arms making the cutest face when she pouts.

"To me you are" I tell her "you and your siblings, now tell papa what's wrong? Who do I have to kill?"

"No one" looking over I see my beautiful mate come over, her ruby eyes shining with amusement "Star just accidentally bumped into the drawer here" she points and I sense a bit of blood before looking at my baby who rubbing her already healed head.

"It still hurt mommy" she holds me as she cries, like her mother she has her beautiful chocolate brown hair but she has her purple eyes she got from me from when I was human.

"I know baby" taking Star from me, she rocks our youngest in her arms "come on, James and Ryodan want to show you what they got for you and Anna" we leave the room and go into the living room to see snow everywhere. Anna is the ghost who was reincarnated that we adopted, when she turned fourteen all her memories came back so we had to pull her from school to explain everything. To say she was freaking out was an understatement.

"Where did this snow come from?" I demand as Anna screams "Oh my god!" She and Star run and jump into the snow, Cassie comes over to hug me.

"Hey dad" Ryoden and James comes over who are sixteen come over. See about a few years after the twins were born Cassie and I spent the time trying to have another hybrid, but nothing happened so I turned her.

"Hey mom" James smiles looking down at the girls "what do you think about the surprise?"

"They love it" Cassie says while I order "you two are cleaning it up"

Cassie slaps my shoulder "What if Anna or Star slip and break a bone or their fingers come off from frostbite?"

She rolls her eyes "James? Ryoden? Did you know that when I told your father about you two, he was so freaked out that he thought me using a phone would cause you two to explode in the womb?"

They look my way wide eyed "What?" They start to laugh loudly.

"Oh my" we see Demetri appear with his mate Lindsey, she was one of the hybrids the kings brought to Volterra from when they found out about hybrids "god"

"Uncle Dem!" The boys jump over the railing of the cat walk to stand before Demetri and Lindsey "did dad think we would blow up if mom used her phone?" Saying at the same time, those two do that sometimes.

Demetri looks my way as Cassie giggles "Oh yes" he pulls out his phone and shows them the video Cassie recorded "did your mom also tell you how when she was pregnant and a vampire made a comment about her eating, she cried and your dad ripped apart that vampire?"

"Your father" Cassie tells the boys when they look up at us "is very very very overprotective when I'm pregnant"

"He refused to even let her use the bathroom by herself" Demetri adds "I mean one time he ran her all the way to this hotel bathroom because he was convinced that the current bathroom she was in, that the toilet would eat her and you two" the boys double over laughing. Okay, I might go overboard when it comes to my mate.

"Didn't you remember what your dad was like when I was pregnant with Star?" Cassie asks, Star is about six years old. Cassie when she went to Volterra the first time after turning she may or may not have lied to the kings and said that the ghosts are still vengeful so they will want to attack. Lie, but because she's a shield Aro couldn't tell if she was being truthful or not. She just absorbed their energy and used that power to make her human temporarily, Star was conceived the same day.

The boys look at me thinking "we didn't really pay attention, you know with school and everything" oh yes, because of their aging they can go to human school.

"Oh, I remember" Anna walks over before slipping and I run to catch her giving Cassie a pointed look.

She rolls her eyes "since your all here I have some news" Cassie announces "I'm pregnant" she announces

"Oh my god!" Everyone screeches but I see hazards, running up I pull her away from the cat walk and then glare at it.

"See boys" I hear Demetri whispers to my sons "your dad goes berserk when your mom is pregnant"

"I was perfectly fine" Cassie complains "and I'm a vampire and"

"And it doesn't matter" looking down at her "your my precious mate who is carrying my precious cargo, I'm not risking you falling to your death simply because you need to walk from one end of the catwalk to the other"

"Dad does know that it takes fire to kill them right?" James asks

"All reason goes away" Demetri tells them "all reason"

"Daddy!" Star calls out, I look her way and she jumps having me catch her.

"He also sees no common reason with you kids" Cassie adds

"What? But I have a date" Anna groans and I snap my head to her and run before her that she jumps almost falling backwards but the boys catch her.

"Who? Who am I killing?" I demand "Are you being safe? Are you still a virgin?"

"Dad!" Anna exclaims while the others laugh and Cassie sighs.

"James and Ryodan will accompany you on this date" sneering the word

"What?" The three ask

"Do you want me to follow as well?" I demand

"If you two" Anna warns her brothers "mess up this date you'll be a testicle short"

"I expect all body parts to come back just as they left this house" looking at Cassie "can you have one of the of the ghosts to go with?"

"I'll go" Elizabeth pops up and smiles "oh, it'll be fun! Just like destroying my brother" yes about a year after the wedding, Elizabeth killed the Cullens when she inhabited some human's body.

"Mama? Let's play in snow!" Star calls out and the two go to jump in but I stop Cassie and catch her.

~Seven Years Later~

"You" Cassie crossed her arms "are being completely unreasonable, Barron is a baby" Barron is our last hybrid child, he has dark hair like us but Cassie's brown eyes. The only one who even has my human eyes is Star who is a little diva now.

"I'm not a baby" Barron who is nearby pouts crossing his arms, unlike his siblings he had more of vampire to him so he grew up faster. He now wants to go out to hunt a vampire with me and Cassie won't have it.

"You are to me" Cassie goes over to him "I mean none of your siblings went with, why must you?"

"Because I'm curious" he says "dad?"

Cassie gives me a look that means she won't be sleeping with me for a long time if I agree "what your mother says goes" Barron storms off before slamming his door.

"I love you" Cassie tells me

"I love you too" pulling her to me "but what's this out of blue I love you?"

"I don't feel like I say it enough" she shrugs her shoulders "I want you to know that everyday every moment that I love you" she leans up and kisses me then.

Over a thousand years of being alive I never thought I would have this: a beautiful mate, five beautiful children and a life outside of being the executioner. But it all changed the day I met Cassie.

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