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"Afton tells me girls" Demetri informs me as it's morning and Cassie is changing, her sister is still asleep so I'm somewhat okay "are going crazy over the babies, also that vampire who fathered the hybrid is going to be met by the kings. Apparently he is a danger and his daughters are to be taken into the Volturi's custody—there is a new hybrid of his that I'm to track down"

"How many hybrids does this man have?" I ask

"Six, five girls and one boy" he informs me "Aro saw something troubling that Heidi is going to tell me later" waving his hand "Caius is having some of our lower guard inform unmated nomad vampires and covens with unmated males about this so that if they face a situation like this then they know what to do"

Cassie comes out of the tent wearing a red crop top with black jeans, a black leather jacket with black ankle boots and a black choke necklace—in deep though "Something troubling you mi amor?" I ask pulling her hand to me.

"Just thinking" she says "where's Edward?"

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"Just thinking" she says "where's Edward?"

"Right here" we see him arrive, he stares at Cassie and I grow warningly at him. He looks at me then to Cassie "just thinking"

"What?" Demetri asks

"That Felix's baby would destroy your body" Cassie starts to tear up and I rub her back "I mean look at the size of your mate and thinking how big the child will be if you deliver naturally" Cassie starts to cry even more and I glare at the mind reader who walks away.

"Let me see the ring" Demetri tries to change the subject, Cassie shows him the ring and he whistles "it seems Felix here does have good taste in jewelry"

"What?" Cassie asks as I roll my eyes

"Centuries ago" I tell "I had a younger sister from my human days, I turned her into a vampire on her twentieth birthday. On her birthday I would get her a necklace or some form of jewelry that eventually the other female vampires stepped in to correct my choices"

"You have a sister?" She asks me

I nod my head "I did, her name was Star—the kings had to kill her when her mate was murdered by children of the moon"

"I wish I could have met her" she hugs me, I hug her back.

"Star was very sweet too" Demetri tells her "everyone was saddened when we had to kill her, unlike with Marcus she revealed herself to humans to force the kings hands"

"What did she look like?" She asks me

"She had red hair" I tell her "in our human days purple eyes"

"Purple?" She asks, I nod my head "did she die in the castle?" I share a look with Demetri.

"Why?" He asks


"Yes" nodding my head

"Then I've seen her" we stare at her shocked "she's about this tall" motioning to just a bit taller than herself "red fiery hair that most women would have to dye to get it to look like that color, purple eyes, tan skin"

"That's her" I feel dry tears in my eyes "she was there?"

"She was one of the ghosts who helped me" she says "when I was attacked by a vengeful ghost"

"Did she say anything?" Demetri asks

She shakes her head no "she more like smiles at me and tries to hug me"

"That's Star" we smile "she loved to hug people, she's a hugger"

"Also, Felix had me pick the ring" Cassie adds

"And the world makes sense again" they laugh as I roll my eyes.

Looking down at her attire again I frown growling "what's wrong?" Cassie asks me

"Why are you wearing heels?" She and Demetri look down at her shoes.

"Their technically ankle boots" she tells me "and I didn't realize they were a problem"

"Your in the mountains—what if you slip and tumble down the mountain?" I ask "what if you step on a snake and it bites you? Hmm? What if you step on a land mine?"

Demetri has his mouth covered but doesn't stop his shoulders from shaking with laughter, my mate simply rolls her eyes "Firstly" she says "only one of those things is...possible" shaking her head "none of my ghost friends would let harm come to me. Secondly I doubt there are any snakes this far up north and if there are they are hibernating. Thirdly" looking at Demetri "I thought he was protective before, he's taking this to a whole new level" she mouths

"You" I have her look at me "are carrying precious cargo. You were already precious cargo before but now? I'm not risking anything"

"Why do I feel like your going to follow me to the bathroom?" She asks, her eyes widen "Do not follow me to the bathroom!"

"Not risking anything" I say "and Demetri don't you dare start a pool about how long before Cassie snaps at me" Demetri puts his phone away when I saw him pull it out.

"What's going on?" Bella comes out and we see Seth appear "Hi, Seth" he stares at her before walking over towards us and nudges his head into my hand.

"I think he wants you to pet him" Demetri suggests as Cassie stares to scratch behind his ear before he falls into his side.

"Who's a good Seth?" She asks rubbing his belly "Who's a good Seth?"

"Your marrying him!" We look over to see Jacob stare at an angry Bella and Edward.

"Jacob, I" she says then looks to Edward "you knew he was there"

"He deserved to know" is his reply

"Jacob!" She goes and when Edward goes to stop her she yells "Don't!" She runs after the wolf "Jacob! Wait!"

"No James" Cassie tells her ghost friend "wouldn't it be more fun to terrorize them then automatically kill her?" Shaking her head she looks at Edward "I'm going to tell Seth and Leah after the twins appear"

Edward looks at Seth then to Cassie "Billy Black woke up"

"And?" She demands "I was stabbed because of him, he deserves much worse than what my mate did"

"Billy wants to apologize" Edward says as Bella comes back and her lips are swollen. Slut.

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