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Crap! How the hell did I get into this mess?! Fighting the man I don't want to fight. The man who was my target just a week ago.

I pulled away just in time to avoid a left hook coming straight for my head.


For a few moments, we both took each other in, breathing hard and fast.

The man in front of me is none other than the next leader of a rival mafia gang- Jungkook Jeon.

"Damn, Eun Jeong! You are fast!"

You spat on the ground, breathing heavily.

"Where did you learn to move like that?"

As a mafia leader's daughter, I have been trained to kill since early childhood. But you can't know about that... yet.

"Jungkook... I don't want to fight with you."

You hesitated for a split second but then composed yourself.

"But you leave me no choice, Jungkook."

I charged at you and landed a blow to your ribs as I ducked under your arm.

"Argh!" you screamed.

This is my chance to win the fight!

I kicked you. You were about to attack but I jumped back and slipped on the garbage left on the ground and almost fell. It took me seconds to find my balance again. Seconds you didn't use to attack me.

There was a clear opening to his side. Why did I hesitate? I have gone soft on him, and he has gone soft on me.

You charged at me once again. I moved swiftly, spinning away from your reach.

"What the hell!!" you yelled.

"Ha! You didn't expect that!" I laughed.

You narrowed your eyes. I shifted my weight, ready to bolt but you zeroed in on the movement.

"Oh no, you don't!" you exclaimed.

You wasted no time; you moved straight towards me blocking my escape.

You pushed me against the wall, pinning my hands above my head. Your body pressed against mine, keeping me trapped.

"Damn!" I yelled.

I tried to fight against your hold, but you are just too strong.

"Stand still, Piccola," you teased me.

Crap! I should have seen that coming! Why did I give in to him so easily?

As my anger grew, so did my arousal. Feeling your body against mine, throbbing with what must be the same excitement. It made my nether ache. I could feel your breath against my neck, a steady rhythm that kept in time with the beating of my heart. I'd never felt anything like this before - and I wanted to feel it forever.

"I won," you announced.

Your smile hurt even more than hitting my back against the wall. The feeling of accomplishment was evident in your voice, but the underlying pain from my mistake was still there.

"Jungkook!" I tried to wiggle out, but it got me nowhere.

"Easy there, Piccola."

"Get off me, Grande," I yelled.

"And you say I am a sore loser?"

A chuckle escaped me, followed by a frustrated growl.

"Let. Go. Of. Me. You--"

Before I could even finish saying that you pressed your lips against mine, shutting me up.


I melted into the kiss, the familiarity and taste of you bringing down all of my defenses. I never wanted the moment to end, desperate to stay in the embrace of your familiarity and love. Even so, I was aware that the moment would have to pass eventually, and I would have to return to reality.

How did I end up here? Kissing my enemy? Willing to not fight him anymore? Well, it all started the day I first met you. When my plan for revenge got totally derailed...



18th February 2023

© Novelist_Susanna

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