04 | What Is The Intel?

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Insight into the chapter

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Insight into the chapter

"Of course, a mafia prince has his secrets, and you need to do your best to uncover them. How would you do that?"


Crap! I am in real trouble.

It took me a moment to settle my breathing. Suddenly, all of it was becoming more real.

So, my identity might be easier to uncover than I expected. That is concerning. I should be extra careful when I am around Jungkook, so he doesn't get suspicious! I should see what else I can find. Where should I look next?

I took your wallet and opened it carefully.

Credit cards, cash, receipts... Oh, what is this?"

I found a tiny photograph peeking out of a card slot.

Oh... It is a photo!

An adorable young woman was smiling in the picture, with a soft loving look in her eyes.

Who is she and why does Jungkook keep a picture of her?!

Strange emotions stirred up within me.

And why do I even care?! Am I jealous? No way! It must be stress. Nothing else.

I shook my head, pushing those unwanted thoughts away, then placed everything back and reached for your phone next.

I wonder what I will find here!

I took a peek over my shoulder once more, just in case, but you were still sleeping, your breath deep and relaxed.

I tapped on the screen, but the phone was locked.

Gosh! Of course, it is locked. What did I expect? It is locked with a pattern code. But there is nothing I cannot handle. I remember Jungkook using it. I am sure I will find something useful in it. Maybe I will also find out who this girl is...

I took a deep breath and swiped my fingers across the screen in what I thought was the right pattern. My first try did not work.

How did it go... all the way up, then one right, one down, one right again?

It did not work again.

Crap! I only have one more try.

I go over the screen in my head, trying to recall the way your fingers moved across it.

No, no! It was all the way up, two rights, one down, one left!

And the home screen appeared in front of me. I succeeded!

Yes! Now to the best part! Let's see what we have in the inbox.

I opened the inbox but there were only a few messages, and none were of any use.

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