16 | Cat Is Out Of The Bag

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Insight into the chapter

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Insight into the chapter

"He knows who you are! What happens now?"


"I know who you are. Your face told me all that I needed to know."

No, no, no, no, no.

"You are not just Eun Jeong Park... You can't hide it from me any more, Eun Jeong Park, daughter of Nam Gil Park."

My fight or flight response took over, and in a flash, I launched myself off the bed, my nakedness was secondary to survival.

"Eun Jeong! Wait!"

As you tried to clamber out of the bed, I twirled around, delivering a quick kick to square into your chest.


You staggered back as I made a beeline to the door, but before I was able to open it, you recovered and caught up to me, holding me tightly and restraining me.


"Calm down, Piccola! I promise I am not going to hurt you!" You held me close to your body, heart pounding in your chest. At first, I tried to fight you off, but with each passing second, I realized that your hold was meant to comfort, not to contain.


"It's okay, Piccola... I promise. Just relax."

I stopped fighting back, letting you hold me close as we both stood nude in the middle of my apartment.

"You... you know who I am? How long have you known?"

You eased yourself from the embrace, placing your hands gently on my shoulders.

"I have had my suspicions for a while now, but when you answered my question... Well, I had my confirmation."

"So, what happens now?"

Taking my hand, you walked me back to the bed, the two of us sat on it's edge in a close embrace.

"Right now? Nothing. It is late and we are both tired. The best thing we can do is get some rest."

"And what about your dad?"

You sighed heavily, staring off into the distance absentmindedly.

"My father... He is a cruel man, and an absolute bad father. I am on your side, Eun Jeong. Not his."

"I see... You know he will kill you when he finds out you have betrayed him. You can't piss of someone like Don Chan Yeol and just get away with it even if he is your father."

"Oh, believe me, Eun Jeong, I know exactly what he is capable of. If he want to try and take me out, he is more than welcome to try, but he will live to regret it."

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