22 | Out Of The Dark

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Insight into the chapter

"Troubles keep piling up, with the tracker on your hand and someone attacking you! You need to decide something, quick!"


After you left to answer an emergency call from the guard watching over my father, I heard something coming from the bathroom.

Armed with a switchblade, I tried to sneak up, but the door opened before I could read it and revealed....

"I got you now!"

What the?! Olivia!

She did not hesitate. She grabbed the gun hanging off her belt and pointed toward me.

With lightning reflexes, I had sprung to the side just as she pulled the trigger. The bullet whizzed by and hit the opposite wall. As she sprung out of the bathroom, I jumped to duck behind the couch.

"Come back here!" she yelled.

What the hell is she doing here?! And why is she trying to kill me?!

Another shot went off, hitting the back of the couch. I flinched for a second, but then my survival instincts kicked in.

You want a fight? I will give you a freaking fight!

I grabbed the vase from the coffee table in front of me and flung it over the couch. It stroked her in the chest with a hard thud and she dropped the gun as she knelt over from the force of the blow.

I jumped on top of her before she could react and pinned her down to the floor with my whole-body weight, grabbing her wrist.

"Get off me!"

"Not before you tell me why you are trying to kill me!"

"Like you don't know, Nam Gil Park's daughter."

How does she know that?!

Olivia used my shock against me and kicked me in the chest, sending me flying back on the floor.

Before I could recover, she ran off into the bathroom and escaped through the window. I took a moment to catch my breath, rubbing the sore spot on my chest.

Shoot! That's going to bruise. What the hell just happened? How did she find this place? And how does she know who I am?! I need to get Jungkook immediately!

I shook up, grabbed my things and hurriedly left the apartment.

The receptionist at the Sunset Motel sent me upstairs to room 3B and I hurried. Relief immediately flooded me when I saw you.

You closed the distance between us and embraced me tightly. "Piccola! I tried calling you! Are you alright?"

"Do I look like I am alright?"

"What happened? Was it those shooters again?!"

"No. It was Olivia! She tried to kill me, and she knows who I am, Jungkook."

"There is no way she could possibly know that. She... she is like Yu Jun, she has no idea what her family does!"

"Then how did she find out?"

"I don't know, Piccola."

With an exasperated sigh, I sat down on the edge of the bed and wrapped my arms around myself. With the adrenaline high gone, fear crept in instead.

I have been trained all my life to do this... So why is it all getting to me? Am I... Weak?

As I mulled over my thoughts, you sat down beside me and wrapped your arms around my shoulders. I leaned into your warm side, finding comfort in your embrace.

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