06 | Into The Lion's Den

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Insight into the chapter

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Insight into the chapter

"After a steamy hour with your enemy, you are in his den to reveal all of his secrets and find your father. But how will you do that?"


"Get on the bed, Piccola."

I quickly scrambled onto the bed, sat upright and looked up expectantly at you.

You placed your finger under my chin, smiling with amusement.

"I am going to take very good care of you, Piccola."


Your deft fingers set to work, undoing the buttons and laces on my clothes and underwear, easily relieving me of my clothes. You moved with confidence and dexterity that mesmerized me, and I felt a thrill of pleasure as my skin was exposed inch by inch.

"Relax, Eun Jeong."

The two of us lay back on the bed. You planted gentle kisses on my lips. Shivers formed on my skin as your hand ventured down my stomach. My heart raced as I felt your touch and I was fully engulfed in the moment.

I flinched with delight as your fingers gently knead small circle around my sensitive cl*t, warmth spread all over my body.

Oh, what clever hands he has.

Your tongue gently batted against my eager, parted lips, while your fingers worked a little faster, causing my muscles to tighten instinctively.

"Do you like this, Piccola?"

"Yes..." I moaned.

While your fingering continued teasing at my delicate bud, you nuzzled your face into where my shoulders meet my neck, alternating between gentle pecks and deeper sucking and I just kept moaning.

You speeded up your work on my cl*t, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through me. I instinctively grabbed your hair as you nibbled at my sensitive skin on my neck.

"Jungkook... it feels so good."

Glancing downwards, my eyes caught the sight of the bulge of your pants. Your clearly visible erection pressed tightly against the fabric.

You quickly stood up, undressed yourself, grabbed a condom from your wallet and puts it on. I admired you from where I was laid on the bed.

Like a panther stalking prey, you climbed onto the bed, and I eagerly lay onto my back, legs parted invitingly for you. As you positioned yourself between them, you stared hungrily at me.

Taking great care, you eased in your prodigious manhood, causing my body to arch instinctively as I felt fulfilled. You grasped my hips, pulling me closer.

Gosh! It's huge!

Slowly at first, you thrusted in and out in measured but firm strokes. I felt control of my body blissfully ebbing away with each passing second.

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