05 | Into The Lion's Arms

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Insight into the chapter

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Insight into the chapter

"He found your address and wants to take you right to his mansion! You can't miss out on this opportunity! What will you do?"



I took a deep breath, hid the weapon and cracked the door open slightly. My heart raced as I heard an angry knock on the other side.

I peeked out and...

"Piccola! Are you okay?"


I instinctively closed the door in surprise, then heard you lean heavily against it. "What are you doing here?" I asked, unable to contain my confusion.

The banging stopped. From the other side came a heavy sigh.

"Thank God you are fine! I was worried that they got to you," you expressed your worry. Relief flooded your face as you realized I was safe.

With your voice, I could feel how worried you were. Having you wrapped around my finger made me happy. However, I didn't understand why I felt broken seeing you worried about me, a person who is here just so she can kill you.

Crap. He cannot see me holding a weapon though.

Thinking quickly, I slid my revolver into the pocket of a raincoat hanging from a nearby coat rack.

Okay... hopefully he does not snoop around too much.

I opened the door and found you standing in the hallway. Worry lined your forehead.

"Come on in, Jungkook."

It did not take long for you to walk into my apartment after the words left my lips.

You checked the windows, then peeked into each room. Your eyes were alert and serious.

"Jungkook, you seem like you are looking for something. You can ask me what you want. I am right here."

"Of course, Piccola, I don't mean to ignore you. I just wanted to make sure that no one was hiding here."

I flashed you a sultry smile hoping to distract you from snooping too much further.

"There is nothing to worry about, really. Can't you see that I am doing just fine?"

"I know, Eun Jeong, but I can't take any chances."

You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration, then sighed heavily and turned to me.

"Still, you are safe, and that is what matters to me, Piccola."

You took a few steps closer to me. Your movements were graceful as a panther on the hunt. Your eyes were burning with intensity. You reached out and placed your hands firmly on my shoulders, your gaze never wavering from mine. You spoke with a certain authority in your voice. "You must stay safe, Piccola, no matter what. I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to you."

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