14 | Laying Low

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Insight into the chapter

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Insight into the chapter

"It's time to take shelter. Some peace and quiet might just be what you and he need."


Starting the engine on your car, you and I left the dingy Chicago alley. The neon-bathed city street passed me by outside, gentle rain started to fall on the windshield.

"Jungkook, where do we go from here? Back to your place?"

"Not yet. I have got other ideas. I have had enough of getting attacked out of the blue. We need to stop these attacks at the source. We have got to find the daughter of Nam Gil."

Oh shoot. 

The venom in your voice snapped me back to reality from the evening's otherwise surreal events.

This is getting way too close for comfort. I have not been completely exposed yet, but I cannot fool him forever. He must be at least a little suspicious of me by now. I wonder if I can pick up anything from his body language.

I watched you for a moment as you drove, closely observing the movements of your fingers, the expression on your face, everything. Feeling my gaze, you glanced at me.

"Something wrong, Piccola?"

His legs are still, hands firmly on the wheel, and his face is not betraying anything.

"Yeah... I am fine."

I now know you are a trained killer like me, so I expect that you have good physical control, but this is a whole new level. Completely poised.

The ride lapsed into silence once more as you drove.

Why do I get the feeling our night is only just beginning?

As I stared out the window, I couldn't help but feel that familiar instinct for trouble, as if sensing an unseen assailant.

I can't get a good read on Jungkook, and I can't just sit here hoping he is clueless. The only way I am going to know what he is thinking is if I ask him.

"Jungkook, after you find Nam Gil's daughter... what then? Do you really think she will cooperate?"

You chuckled as you rounded a street corner. You cleared your throat but kept your eyes transfixed on the road.

"We won't need her to cooperate. We just need her to get Don Nam Gil to be a little more... agreeable. I doubt that the Brenard family will have any objections to our methods."

"Oh! The Bernard family has not really given me any info on that. I was mostly supposed to just keep an eye on you."

Damn... Come on, Eun Jeong. Don't overplay your hand. Keep it simple. I guess on the upside, if he had any suspicions of me, he would have acted on them by now. Can't be too careful though.

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