17 | Opening Up

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Insight into the chapter

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Insight into the chapter

"When he starts to open up, you can't help but worry. But when you both start to dream of the same thing, you can't help but be happy. Will this happiness last long or will something drastic happen the next second?


"I, ah... I know your father a little better than you might realize."

"What do you mean, Jungkook?"

"Actually, up until he went missing, Don Nam Gil was trying to get me out of this business. He is a good man, all things considered. Good men don't survive long in this line of work."

"You and my dad... You worked together? Did you turn him over to your father?"

You shifted uncomfortably, crossing your arms as you spoke, "No, and I don't know who it was that turned your father over to my father. I wish I knew though. I would put a bullet in that person's head."

"Alright... I trust you. How did you two meet?"

"We were doing an information trade. Met up at a bar, got to talking... Well, your dad can read people pretty well. He knew I was not happy with the work. We kind of came to an understanding. He was going to help me start over, but then he went missing and... Well, you know the rest."

God... that sounds exactly like the kind of thing that Dad would do...

"I believe you, Jungkook. But why was he helping you get out of the business? What will you do if you are not a mafia?"

You nodded your head slowly avoiding eye contact. Your face was expressionless and unreadable, but your whole body seemed tense.

"I am going to make my family business legitimate. I am not quite sure how yet, but once I get out of the illegal sh*t, I get to choose my own path."

I lay my head on your shoulder, thoughts roiled as I considered everything.

He wants Dad... Because he can get him out of this life. Maybe we could just be normal people... together.

"We are going to find your dad, Eun Jeong. I promise. And when we do, he will help me make my family business legit."

"About my dad... Is he okay? I just need to know if he is alive."

You smiled wanly as you took hold of my hand. "He is alive. My father still needs him to break into the common fund. As long as he can hold out, he will stay alive. But he might be in a rough shape when we find him."

"Then hopefully we can find him soon."

"There is not much we can do for your father right now, but there is something."

"What do you mean?"

"Even though I don't know where he is being held right now, I know someone trustworthy on his guard detail. I could possibly get a message to your dad. He could at least know you are coming for him."

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