18 | The Family Tree

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Insight into the chapter

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Insight into the chapter

"Yu Jun has been taken to the hospital! What happened to her and was it and enemy attack?"


You perfunctorily locked the phone, jammed it into your pocket and turned to me, your hand was balled into fists.

"We need to go. Now. Yu Jun is in the hospital!"

"Oh my god! What happened? Is she okay?"

"John could not talk long, so I don't know."

Oh god... did those shooters retaliate and target someone close to Jungkook?

"Come on, let's go."

Hastily, we left the pier and headed for the hospital.


When we arrived, we found John sitting in the waiting room, his foot was bouncing nervously. He immediately stood up the moment he saw us.


"What happened? Where is Yu Jun?"

"She had a severe allergic reaction. One of the new kitchen staff wasn't made aware of what can't be put in her meals."

"Oh, Yu Jun. Good thing she had you to look after her, John," I said.

"I was merely performing my duties, Miss Park."

"At least someone is reliable in that damn household," you said.

"Please don't be upset with them, sir. Everyone is being stretched rather thin."

"That is no excuse! And where the hell is my father?"

"I tried reaching him a couple of time, but he was at a business meeting when the incident took place."

"Of course, he was." Your bitter anger was palpable, so I took a gentle hold of your hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

The sweet touch grounded you and you let out a soft exhale. "Where is the doctor?"

"He is with Yu Jun. Her room is right over there. I was... told the family could go see her."

I couldn't help but notice the twinge of sadness in John's voice no matter how hard he tried to hide it.

John really cares about Jungkook and Yu Jun, doesn't he? He is much more of a dad than Chan Yeol Jeon really is.

"I won't be gone too long, Eun Jeong."

"Just don't be mad in front of Yu Jun, okay?"

"I will behave, I promise."

You pressed a warm kiss to my forehead, lingering and sweet, and you reluctantly let go of my hand. You walked off to Yu Jun's room as I and John took a seat on the uncomfortable plastic chairs.

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