09 | The Secret Door

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Insight into the chapter

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Insight into the chapter

"A desire to know, find, and discover more leads you to a door."


"So, go on. Show us who you really are," said Chul Woo.

Fish... This Chul Woo guy is getting suspicious. I need to keep my story straight otherwise I could blow my cover and put Dad at risk. Come on, Eun Jeong... you have practiced this. Just stick to your story, it will be fine. Don't improvise if you don't need to.

"Alright. Well, where to start?"

"Start from the beginning," said Chul Woo.

"Well, I am a Korean Native. I grew up near the Union Stockyard Gate. So yeah, I am a back of the yards kid."

"There is quite a bit of history to that part of the city."

"Oh yeah... The Jungle was required reading when I was in high school."

"Eun Jeong, that sounds so fun! Does your family still live there?" asked Yu Jun.

"I wish... but it's just me now. My parents passed away a few years back."

"What a sad story."

"Indeed. You have my condolences," consoled Chan Yeol Jeon.

"And easily checked," said Chul Woo.

Yes. Check it as much as you want. I have got this legend covered.

You gave me a worried look and suddenly, I felt your firm palm slightly squeezing mine.

"I am so sorry, Eun Jeong."

For the first time this evening Ji Woo seemed interested in the conversation. She shifted her focus from her drink to me and clutched her napkin in shock.

"Oh My! How could that happen?" she exclaimed.

"Both of my parent's got in a car accident. My mom died and my father survived but he just could not live without her."

"Oh jeez. I... I didn't know that, Eun Jeong," you said while tightening your grip on my hand.

Chan Yeol Jeon nodded as he listened intently. At the mention of my parents, I noted that his expression softened somewhat.

"Nothing is more difficult than being alone in the world, child. I lost my parents when I was young, but in Sicily. This city is my adopted home."

Don Chan Yeol is an orphan? I had never heard about that through the grapevine. This is good intel. Straight from the horse's mouth.

"I agree, Don Chan Yeol, but I am fortunate to be blessed with good friends and an attentive boyfriend," I said, and you smiled shyly while Chul Woo raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

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