The Meeting

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~ Not me realizing that there isn't like any day between the kiss and the end of the book- whoops. who cares just pretend. My bad! ~

~ Future Sophie's POV ~
Everyone stuck to their word, and at the exact ten minute mark, everyone had gathered into the living room, curiosity in every single one of their facial features. All of my friends, who looked so much different and so much younger, piled onto the couch across from me. The collective; Forkle, Wraith, Blur, Squall, Granite and Physic, who decided to tag along, all stood next to the couch facing me that my friends were sitting on. It was almost menacing. I sank back into the couch a bit, then straightened myself up again. I cleared my throat, getting plenty of raised eyebrows.
"Please tell me you know more about Elysian otherwise-"
Fitz started.
"This is not about that."
I interrupted him, preventing myself from hearing the rest of his sentence.
Grady and Edaline joined in, moving to stand next to the collective. I swallowed.
"I'd advise everyone to sit for's a bit...complicated."
I commented, looking over every member of the collective.
I now knew all of their identities, but I wasn't going to reveal anything about it. Plus, I'd need to shatter everyone's memories of this after, to ensure that they never come across what's happening currently. It would completely ruin the timeline. I might even have to rid myself of the memory, or dig it super deep in my brain. We'll see.
"I think we will be ok, Mrs. Foster. Now continue, what did you summon us here for?"
Mr. Forkle asked, his eyes locked with mine.
I took deep breath. I haven't seen him in that form in a long time and it was honestly weird. Getting back on topic, I was sure to be a laughing stock after what is about to occur, but I need to see if one of my friends is here with me currently. I need to just try code words. It's going to be confusing and ultra-humiliating but whatever, I'll get through it.
"Okay, what I'm going to say is going to sound like and be complete nonsense, but just stick with me. You'll get it in the near future."
I paused waiting for everyone to nod. I'd considered putting an emphasis on the last word, but after a slightly lengthy internal debate, I'd decided it was probably not the best option.
"It was the revival that knocked some sense back into the fool."
Despite my warning, this was still humiliating. I could feel my palms start to get sweaty, so I sat on them to prevent myself from fidgeting. Everyone was confused, tilting their heads to study me as if I was some sort of alien species or had two heads. I glanced hopefully at Biana, trying to see if she understood the code word we had created in the future. She looked super confused. I sighed.
"Artificial as it was, the known man never stood to stand, but rather stood to make a stand."
I lingered my eyes on Tam, hoping he'd understand, but he too was confused, and only semi-paying attention. All of my friends seemed confused.
"So, the ecstasy he had felt, true to himself and his heart, was all but nothing."
I looked over at Linh. Nothing. I felt my cheeks warm even more. This was so embarrassing.
"To suppress the feeling, they told, for he had been far too overjoyed."
I continued, desperately trying to recall the words we had made as a call for everyone's help, but to my dismay, Wylie looked just as confused as well.
"T'was all starting to compute to nothing, as he had started to notice."
I faithfully looked over at Dex, but no reaction came. I was really trying to make sentences in my head right now using these words. I swear, Why did we have to pick the most hard-to-use-unless-used-in-poetry words?
"But the presupposition, grappled his heart and suddenly it all seemed like nothing and everything all at once."
I glanced back at Marella, who too looked confused and was starting to lose interest.
"He rocked back in forth, convulsed with bubbling laughter and this extremely overwhelming fever."
Maruca had zero reaction to that statement.
Basically everyone looked confused.
"So with the consumption of this policy, the man decided to take control of everything at once."
I was running out of hope, and Fitz seemed to be just as lost as the rest.
"Are you ok Sophie?"
Dex asked, looking genuinely concerned.
"I'm fine...just trying something..."
I assured him, removing my hands out from underneath me and giving into the urge to fidget.
The collective were probably wondering if their little moonlark was still sane. I heaved a sigh. I guess it's time to try my husband then, but I was certainly hoping someone would be at home to take care of the kids. Knowing them, they're probably arguing over who's the favorite or something stupid.
"He was acclimated, and took the sacred chive many considered to be witless."
The last sentence was supposed to be my word, which was 'cessation', but there would be no point in using it. But it wasn't necessary anyway, because as I lingered my eyes over every one of my friends I noticed something. While I was speaking, the second I said 'chive', Keefe perked up. I noted that his face light up with recognition. And almost on queue, he whispered,
His voice was shaky.
"You're here too?"

~ I was going to write some more about what happens after this, but I thought I'd just leave it off here. I did write some (and I'll be skipping over Present Sophie's POV next chapter), but I decided to just make it the next part. Thank you again for reading and stay tuned for the next part! 💕 ~

Mrs Sophie Foster-Sencen (Sokeefe Tale of Two Times) - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now