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~ Present Sophie's POV ~
THIS is not was I was expecting to wake up to. I fell asleep yesterday in my warm bed in Havenfield...so where am I now? I peek my head up from under the covers and take the room into account.
The entire room was made of white marble tiles. A large, silver chandelier with clear, droopy crystals hung above the King sized canopy bed. The bed set was red and silver, silver sheets, a red blanket, and another blanket that was red velvet spread across the foot of the bed. The bed frame was white.
There was two doorframes on either side of the wall directly in front of me, which showed two large walk in closets... why two? A pattern of clear and red alternating crystals and gems dotted the doorframes. In the center of the wall was a door embedded with crystals, which I assumed was for the restroom.
I turned my face to the right to see a window taking up the space of the entire wall, with a beautiful view of a mellow beach with pinkish color sand. It was so calm and peaceful, but... how did I get here?
My head felt hazy and my eyes were blurry. For some reason I felt...less youthful? I don't know how to describe it. Something about me feels more mature and stronger. What on earth is going on?
I run my hand down my face to my chest and eventually land on my stomach. So. Much. Muscle. What on earth was happening?!If anything I was out of shape yesterday! So how am I suddenly ripped? I feel for my arms, which are nicely toned. But for some odd reason, I feel mostly skin, which is alarming. I feel my body again. I seem to be wearing some sort of bra like style top made of silk and some to-short-to-even-be-shorts shorts. NONE of this sounds like me.
I snuggle my head under the covers, hoping I'll wake up to find out that this was all a dream. Suddenly, my head hits something very gently. I turn my face to find...A BOY?? I can feel my face heating up. WHO IS THIS? HOW DID I GET HERE? WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON? My head had rested on his chest, which wouldn't be nearly so bad, IF HE WAS WEARING A SHIRT! Instead I was laying on some random dudes abs!
I wander my eyes up to his face... something about him seems familiar. He has messy, blonde hair and a chiseled jawline. Something I didn't mean to notice as well is how built he is. I stare at him a little longer. He has a mature face...do I know him? I squint a bit. Nothing comes to mind. Suddenly, his eyes flutter open. They were ice blue...ice blue eyes and blonde hair...KEEFE!
OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD! I JUST KISSED HIM...WHAT...A FEW DAYS AGO? NOW WE ARE IN THE SAME BED?! I think if I look in the mirror right now all I'll see is a cherry, that's how red I am!
He blinks a bit, with a confused look on his face. All of a sudden, he notices someone laying on him...me. He turns to look at me and dang if I was red before. My face feels hotter than the Everblaze right now and that shit killed a councilor (Love you, councillor Kenric.)  He slowly blushes a bit too.
He whispers.
I blush a lot more (which I didn't even think was humanly- or rather elfly- possible) , and he seems to notice. His signature smirk appears on his face. I swallow.
I respond.
He turns over and wraps his arm around my waist. My palms sweat, and I hesitantly snuggle
my head into his chest. I gulp.
"What are we doing here? Where are we? How on EARTH do we get back?"
I rub my eyes and burrow my head under the covers as I say all this. The last thing he or I need is my morning breath.
"Woah, no need to hit me with that Foster wave of worry. We'll figure it out, we always do."
Keefe yawns, his voice crackly. I sigh. As much as I love this man sometimes I wonder if he realizes the weight of these situations.
"Alright I'm getting up. We can't sleep all day!"
I say authoritatively.
"Awww! But I wanted a Foster cuddle sesh!"
He pouts.
"Ugh, you are ridiculous."
I respond, rolling my eyes.
I unwrap myself out of the covers and get up. The outfit I mentioned earlier is made of silk and is a red color similar to the blanket. Keefe gawks at me, turning as red as my pajamas. I take my chance and smirk at him.
I say, folding my arms.
He responds looking away quickly.
Too quickly. I giggle a bit and walk over to the bathroom door, slowly turning the crystal handle.
The room was huge! A large bathtub sat directly in the middle and crystals drooped down from the ceiling. They were attached to some sort of thread, that was almost invisible. Pearls lined a huge mirror on the wall to the right. A counter of marble was in front of it. The floor and the walls were all marble. Light refracted to almost every surface of the room (which I suspect was Keefe's way of staying anti-Tam or something.) I sighed. This definitely wasn't SUPER like me, but hey it was close enough. It was less sparkly than most other houses anyway. I shut the door and started to get ready, washing my face and brushing my teeth. There was definitely a lot of products there, especially hair and skin products. I sighed. Today was going to be a LONG day...and I needed to figure out how on Earth I was gonna get back! Well guess I better get to it then. Hopefully I can get Keefe and I out of this mess soon, because Stellarlune can't wait.

~ Hi Guys! It's your author again! What'd you think of this? Let me know if you have any requests for this story or anything you wanna see. By the way, I will always try to have some finished chapters in drafts so I can publish them when I'm ready to. Hopefully you enjoyed! Feedback is always appreciated! Thank you! 💕 ~

Mrs Sophie Foster-Sencen (Sokeefe Tale of Two Times) - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now