The Finale

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~ Hey everyone! Long time no see. I know it's been a while, and I'm so sorry for all the delay. I really appreciate all the love this story has gotten so far! It's just been really hard for me to find the time and motivation to continue writing this story. Over the summer I found myself in a huge writers block- I spent a majority of that writing essays and such anyway for applications into programs and stuff. During the school year it's been hard, as finding time between everything I'm doing is a struggle. I also detatched from the fandom mostly. I started breaking away in March and I just kind of left it. Of course I still love the books and will probably come back to this fandom when 10 is released, but I just wasn't as interested and therefore writing this was never a priority. However, I finally have a break and enough motivation to sit down and write the long awaited finale! I'm so sorry again for all the delay and I hope you enjoy! ~

~ Future Sophie's Pov ~

It was approaching closer and closer to show time, and all I can do is hold hope close to my chest that our past selves managed to figure this one out. To be honest, this entire process seemed a little too easy. I'm worried. But I always worry, so what's new? I don't want to overthink this, but the uneasiness in my stomach is growing and expanding by the passing minutes. Hopefully this is it. Hopefully this is the last thing we need. Because if not, we may just be stuck here forever.

~ Present Sophie's Pov ~

Still clutching Keefe's hand, I released a low sigh that felt as though it had been building up in my chest for decades.

"Do you happen to remember what time we took the elixir at and then the nectar?"

Keefe asked, his voice a tone full of both hope and yet hopeless all at the same time.

I squinted up at the large glowing star once again.

"Probably 9:30? We took the elixir first, I know that. What elixir did we take again?"

"I think it was one for scratches- or mabye cuts? I'm not sure either."

He responded, directing his gaze to the same star mine was on as well.

I sighed once again and ran the hand that wasn't clutched in Keefe's down my face.

"This entire thing seems like a guess."

Stating that blatantly almost felt like a relief, even though I had known that all along. This was all guess and hope, and keep guessing, and keep hoping. It never seemed to actually go anywhere.

For some reason, I felt like I was forgetting something important that I meant to do.

"Lighten up, Foster. Someone has to know."

Keefe told me, drawing his eyes away from the starry sky.

I did the same.

The cold air darted in and out of my air, ruffling my blonde locks and swaying them side to side.

It was quite a bitter night, fitting for such bitter activity.

Who would know?

I gasped suddenly, dropping Keefe's hand, and catching him completely by surprise.


His eyes widened and turned to me in surprise.

"Are you okay?-"

I understand why he would ask that question, considering I was standing stock-still with my eyes wide and my jaw agape.

"Oh. My. God. Keefe, we're so dumb."

"Hey, you don't have to make generalizaitons about the both of us. I'd argue that I'm just as handsome as I am smart, which would make me very smart-"

"No, shut up for a second. We have to talk to Flori! That's what I was forgetting!"

Mrs Sophie Foster-Sencen (Sokeefe Tale of Two Times) - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now