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~ Hi! I know it's been a while, and I swear I'm trying to improve update consistency, but I've been super busy and had a large lack of motivation recently! I've also started another story and plan on another one being put out soon, so that might potentially slow my writing for this story! But I'm back, and ready to write! Ok, we good? Sit back, relax, and enjoy! 💕 ~

~ Future Sophie's POV ~
Linh twisted her silver-dipped locks around her finger, biting her lip thoughtfully.
Her eyes seem clouded for a second, as if she was considering what she was about to say.
Maybe thinking for another question? It's hard to tell.
Finally she speaks, softly. Her natural rosy cheeks seem to be a little pinker, most likely from being put on the spot awkwardly.
But she still looks beautiful as ever.
"How is everyone?"
She asks, tilting her head to study me in a sweet way.
"What do you mean?"
I ask her back, trying to get her to specify.
"I is everyone in the future...their lives...and..."
She trails off, gathering water from the room and shaping it into a swan.
I pressed.
Her beautiful silver-tinted blue eyes lock with mine. Her voice is barely a whisper when she continues.
"We're there any more deaths?"
My eyes widened.
The question caught me off guard. I felt stunned and paralyzed. I know I'm not supposed to reveal too much, but with the reminder of being in the past, with some soon-to-be-gone loved ones and even more not present, it's hard to suppress those emotions.
I start to quiver a bit, which I didn't even notice until Keefe steadied me and grabbed my hands, sending cool and calming breezes into my head.
The color that filled my head was ice blue.
That's the same color that appears when I meet Keefe's eyes.
Everything is slightly blurred, which is when I notice that my eyes are glassy, tears rimming the inside of them.
"Easy there Foster. It wasn't your fault. You know that."
That's what they keep telling me. Trying to keep the wretched and feared emotions away. Everyone tried to make me believe what they told me. And I did, but grief and guilt still hit with a loud, PANG! Much like the noise of metal on metal.
"I'm sorry was that too much?"
Linh whispered, grabbing my other hand.
I hadn't even noticed she had moved.
But I needed to be strong.
So I shook my head and sat up straighter, met with the eyes of my concerned parents and an equally worried collective.
My heart swelled a bit at the reminder of everyone who loved me.
Crinkles creased everyone's foreheads.
Then I remembered Linh and I snapped back into the present- or past- whatever this is way to disorienting.
" it's a good's just..."
I sighed.
"It's always going to be difficult recalling on losses. And for all of you, you have suffered more than enough losses. The unfortunate situation we were placed in was awful...we lost our childhood and worried for our lives and the lives of others far too much, but it was necessary. I just wish we could've lived like normal teenagers more. No one likes to remember losses...we would rather bury them under everything. But it's better to expose the wound for it to heal instead of putting a bandage on it for later..."
Everyone looked moved by my somewhat inspirational speech one could say.
Especially all who lost a loved one.
Mr. Forkle's eyes became glassy, and so did Grady and Edaline's.
All those victim to loss.
So I turned to them.
"I'm sure all of you can recount on your losses, and I'm sure you never particularly like talking about them. It's definitely a difficult topic."
I turned to Mr. Forkle.
"For you...we both witnessed it, did we not? You in memories, and I in person. Covered in your brother's blood...I was afraid I was losing you. And I did...I lost half of you. But that doesn't mean that we still have the other half today. You'll just never feel whole again. Loss is but an easy thing to undergo."
I had meticulously tried to dance around an actual answer to Linh's question...but everyone needed to hear this first.
A tear slipped down Mr. Forkle's face.
"I know we may have our ups and downs, but throughout all of this you have stuck with me. Even before I knew I was an elf. You always worried about me, always care. I believe it's fair you should know that maybe not genetically, but you have always acted as a father figure for me. And I appreciate it."
I had never truly told him this when I was little. But it's true...we were almost family. Out of everyone here, I had known him the longest. His response was both touched and sentimental. He smiled. It made my heart feel a pound lighter.
"To you as well, Sophie. I know everything we do is scary and I never intended that young children would have to partake in such dangerous activities, but things happened all too fast. Although we may not be genetically related, you are the closest thing to a daughter I have ever had and ever will have."
I was touched, and felt so loved.
My heart swelled a bit more.
Then I turned back to the group, and laughed, wiping my eyes.
"Now that I have sufficiently stalled my answer..."
I took a deep breath clearing my head.
"I think it's plainly obvious that there were...and it's unfortunate. There were losses of some in this room...those who I would rather not mention. Mentioning them would be dangerous if these memories were to be recovered. I'm afraid that you might think you'll be able to stop them...but you can't. Hindsight is a dangerous game to play, so I would rather you not try. Don't think about what you could change of the past, but rather focus on the future. It's going to get a lot heavier from here."
I studied everyone, noticing the sorrow and curiosity filling their features.
I clung to Keefe's palm and took another breath.
"That was depressing...all right who's next?"
Keefe asked, in a heavy attempt to lighten the mood.
Marella looked around briefly, shrugged, then raised her hand.
I nodded in her direction.
" uhm that was depressing..."
She muttered.
"Anyway. On a much lighter note...who was the last one of us you saw, I guess? Random question I just have no clue what to ask."
Keefe looked around at everyone, until his eyes landed on a particularly pudgy figure. He raised his hand and pointed.
"You- well not you in that form...but Leto. We haven't seen you in that form in forever. Anyways, turns out some of the kids wanna be just as awesome and amazing like me, and some are even getting the hair too! But they love to prank! In fact Aidrene just did and it was hilarious, though for the record, Foster was not happy..."
Keefe explained.
I sighed.
"Yes many of them love pranks. Three to be exact. The one that was pulled that day was by Aidrene, but Omith and Loriya are runners up for pranking, and I am so not looking forward to that..."
I grumbled.
"This one involved some fancy prank elixirs custom made by Dexy, an amazingly made fake leaping crystal, and an insane amount of mannequins! It was really clever! I'm so proud of my kids..."
Keefe praised, with overaccentuated pride and admiration, though I could see a bit of his smirk.
"Yeah I do not want to know what that was about..."
Mr. Forkle grumbled.
"Yeah, you definitely don't."
I agreed.
"Well I mean they get away with it because they're our children and not some random people sooooo....privilege?"
I voiced, shrugging.
"Plus what more would expect since they're his children."
I added, pointing to Keefe.
"Hey! Don't be so accusatory! What'd I do??"
He said, putting his hands up in fake accusation.
"You literally taught them all of this stuff."
I told him matter-of-factly.
"Not all. They figured some stuff out on their own...I did help Aidrene with the one with gremlins though! And Omith with the lushberry juice one! And!...not helping my case am I?"
He sighed in defeat.
"Fine fine, I did teach them a lot..."
He admitted, grumbling.
I started, clapping my hands.
"Next question."
Maruca started to raise her hand.
Marella interrupted again.
She turned to Maruca apologetically, but Maruca waved it off.
"It's another quick question. Is that good?"
She raised her eyebrows at me.
I nodded.
"Cool. Uhm, anyways. Weird question, but what's your guys' last names now? Who's did you choose to go by?"
She tilted her head curiously, with her nose crinkled, and her finger curling one of her fiery blonde strands of hair.
"Well...we actually used both our last names. It's uncommon here but thing some humans do."
I explained, noticing everyone's curious expressions.
"Our family's last names are Foster-Sencen. Though Keefe and I sometimes tend to refer to our birth last names on extremely important and classified missions from the council. But most of the time and legally, our last names are Foster-Sencen. I wanted to stick with my human last name and bring it through our family generation to symbolize a change, difference, and acceptance in our world, and Keefe wanted to add Sencen to try to change the 'legacy'- I know I hate that word too,"
I told them all, as I noticed their disgusted expressions, similar to mine.
"Of the family name. Try to get some good history behind it."
"I also wanted to be the dad my dad never was..."
Keefe added, sadly.
I squeezed Keefe's hand.
He cleared his throat.
"Anyway. This just gets sadder and sadder doesn't it?"
He shook his head.
"Alright who's next?"
Maruca raised her hand again.
"Soooo...what are your kid's abilities???"
She played with a blue strand in her naturally black hair.
"Jolie's a Polyglot and an Inflictor, which is scary cause she's got Foster's temper- what? I'm right!"
Keefe held out his hands in the universal 'what?' sign.
I rolled my eyes.
"Dimer's a Telepath and an Enhancer. Aidrene is an Empath and a Polyglot. Omith is an Enhancer and an Empath, and Loriya is a Teleporter and a Telepath."
He finished.
"They all got two abilities?"
Blur asked, the smudge figure seemed to tilt his head.
I nodded.
"Probably strong genetics from a parent who has a bunch."
I shrugged.
"So you have more than five?"
Biana met my eyes.
I shook my head
"That is a story I can't share."
I simply told them.
"So you probably do!"
Dex exclaimed
"Or I don't and I would rather you all find out for yourself over guessing for what doesn't exist."
I countered, and that shut them down.
There was a heavy eruption of grumbles and scowls. I did notice Mr. Forkle and some of the collective standing silently.
"What? Am I not allowed to be mysterious too?"
I flashed a smirk.
That just added eye rolls to the grumbles, and something along the lines of 'Adults...' said by most of the kids. Oh how the turn tables, Mr. Forkle.
"Next question!"
I called, silencing the sounds of annoyance.
Dex raised his hand.
He swallowed and thought for a moment before he started, as if he was striding into dangerous territory or testing deep ocean waters.
"So are you after...what happened?"
He stared at the floor while speaking.
Keefe clapped.
"Ooh! You mean mommy dearest's experiments on me- which she loved to claim weren't experiments- and her shooting me with different elements which fused and created a new ability?"
He ranted.
Dex looked up nodding awkwardly.
"Well...I have my original power back, and I can control my newer fused ones...but I still occasionally get very painful migraines and very painful aches in my heart that cause me to thrash a lot. But other than that I'm mostly ok!"
Keefe smiled, hiding his sadness and anger.
"Oh...I'm so sorry...I wish she hadn't done that. I wish we could reverse it..."
Sorrow and guilt filled Dex's tone.
Keefe laughed.
"Don't go feeling guilty Dexy. Foster over here's been saying and feeling the same things for ages. But truth be told it was bound to happen anyway, and it had been planned for so long, that stopping it would've been impossible. We all know how smart and meticulous my mom was. There was no other way around it. And plus, it's not your fault."
"Yeah but...well I guess your right."
Dex admitted, wringing his fingers.
"Ok next!"
Keefe exclaimed.
Biana raised her hand.
"Sophie, did you get a glow up? Based on those pictures you look AWESOME! So pretty!!"
Biana cooed.
I blushed.
"Sorta? did help me with a lot though. No joke, I had grace and walking in high heel lessons from you. They sorta worked. But when I'm stressed or busy or worrying I revert back to being clumsy. But it's all thanks to you."
I told her
She blushed at the compliment.
"Can I see any other pictures of you?"
She asked sincerely.
I laughed.
"Sure! How 'bout after all the questions I show you a picture of all of us grown up?"
She whooped the air excitedly.
"Can you also show us our future lives?"
She added.
I smiled.
"That's so cool! Thanks Soph!"
Her grin practically went from ear to ear
"No problem."
I felt my smile get somehow even bigger.
Suddenly, she stood, and without hesitation embraced me.
I don't think we hugged often when we were younger, but times change.
And I hugged her back.
I missed the times I could spend with friends.
After a few seconds she pulled away and sat back down on the couch.
"Alright! Who's next?"
Keefe called.
And a dreaded voice filled the room.
I'm not sure if Fitz was trying to sound rude or firm, but either way it wasn't the most inviting tone he provided.
I rolled my eyes.
In the future, he got a lot better. He realized I didn't need him and eventually accepted that there was no love between us, only friendship. I may have broken his heart when I kissed Keefe (Fitz and I weren't even dating at the time), but he constantly got mad at me for things that weren't my fault, thought I was his damsel in distress, and he thought he had a say in whether I was unmatchable or not. Jerk behavior basically sums it up. When he grows up, he realized all that. But for now, I have to deal with this.
I huff, trying to keep my voice even and keep out the annoyance, though that was difficult with the question he asked next.
"Sophie, did you find out who both your genetic parents are? Or are you still unmatchable?"
The room went silent.
I groaned.
"Yes and yes."
His eyes widened
I think he still believes we have a shot together.
My theory is proved half a second later when he asks,
"Why are you still unmatchable? We could've been together?"
"Okay woah."
I held both my hands up in the universal
'Stop' sign.
"First of all. At this point in your timeline, you should know we have no shot of being back together. Second, I'm still unmatchable because I respect my genetic parents and they are too important to reveal their identities. I may have been mad when I first met them but I mostly got over it, but I still hold a grudge sometimes. And third of all, it isn't your decision as to whether I am unmatchable. I'm not some damsel in distress. I don't need you. You don't make decisions for me. I'm a strong and independent woman who can do things for herself. So you need to let it go."
I snapped.
The room went quiet for a moment.
I glanced at Mr. Forkle and he gave me a reassuring and surprisingly proud smile.
Then Fitz spoke again.
"For the record, it would've been our decision because it would've affected both of us."
He stuck by his point apparently.
I laughed bitterly.
"Funny how you think because your in the room, the world revolves around you. News flash 'wonderboy' it doesn't. Get real."
I glared at him.
The room fell dead silent.
Fitz just grumbled and rolled his eyes.
Forkle gave me what looked like a smirk of approval.
And Keefe looked a little taken aback too, but mostly proud and content.
And I felt pretty badass, not going to lie.
It's awesome telling someone who thinks they own you that they don't.
10/10 experience, would recommend.
I smirked.
"You done now?"
I asked expectantly.
He muttered, clearly annoyed and angry.
"Good. Next!"
I called.
I relaxed the muscles in my face.
I'd never felt that...refreshed before.
I cleared my thoughts and focused.
Tam raised his hand.
"Yes bangs boy?"
Keefe smirked.
Tam rolled his eyes.
"First off we were supposed to go in order but I guess that didn't happen."
He started.
"Second. My question. What're your jobs?"
He asked, focused completely on the shadows pouring out of his hands.
"Foster and I are both emissaries for the council, but we still work with the black swan. Well...they both kinda merged basically, with the black swan becoming a separate working branch off the council. So now the nobility had the category 'Black Swan'. Though, they don't work together on everything. Most of the things function like how you guys normally do things- occasional communication with the council, but mostly working separately. There is a bit more communication though, that's it. And occasionally when we have time, Foster and I go mentor at Foxfire. I mentor Empathy and she mentors Inflicting."
Keefe ran his hand through his hair, resorting to his perfectly messy hair.
"Oh I guess. What about the rest of us?"
Tam was still focused on the shadows.
"Most of you work in the nobility. But Biana is only a regent and simultaneously owns her own beauty, makeover, and fashion shop, which is now the biggest one. It's in Atlantis. Likewise, Dex is also just a regent but owns his own technology and gadget making shop. Though occasionally you still help your dad out at the apothecary."
I met his eyes, and he gave me a content nod.
"Tam, you are a mentor at both Foxfire and Exilium. You rotate between the two, and mostly mentor shades and teach about the six elements. At Exilium you help with skill training, since that is one of your core strengths as well. You aren't fully trusting of the council after they banished your sister. Linh, you are a mentor at Foxfire as well for Hydrokinetics as well as teach elementalism classes that especially work with water. You also do skill training at Exilium."
Both the twins seemed pretty happy with the answer they were given. Linh smiled, and given Tam's surly demeanor, he just shrugged.
"Marella, you mentor Pyrokinesis to young prodigies, and also work with the council as a regent, and you have a boutique for hair weaving, that specializes with weaving metals into hair. How you balance it all out, I have no idea."
She shrugged, but I could see a smile curling in the corners of her lips.
"The rest of you including Stina all work as emissaries."
I told them, playing with my hair.
"That was a lot of...stuff..."
Tam noted.
"Yup. But we are all super busy a lot, so it's been...a while...since we last met up. I think one day close to the one we left from, we were supposed to meet up with Biana and-"
I caught myself just on time.
Biana pressed curiously.
"And...her husband..."
I said slowly, speaking carefully so I didn't reveal much.
Keefe groaned.
"It better not have been today, cause then we are screwed. Our past selves will have no idea what to do."
He mumbled.
"Past selves?"
Edaline asked surprised.
She squinted.
"Does that mean you and your past selves..."
She seemed to stumble, trying to settle on the right word.
I nodded.
" seems like the only reasonable explanation right? Or where else would they be? that wouldn't make sense. Hmm..."
I shook my head, staring up at the ceiling, silently wondering if it would give me answers.
Keefe must've known of my spark of hope for the ceiling cause he said,
"Foster. The answers not on the ceiling."
I tilted my head back down facing him.
"If only it were that easy."
I grumbled.
"That's probably the right answer. It's the only one that makes sense. Look at me! I'm so smart!"
He closed his eyes smiling, and hooked his thumb towards himself.
I snorted.
"For once."
"Hey! I have smart ideas...sometimes..."
He tried.
I rolled my eyes.
"Mhm, ok. Whatever helps you sleep at night."
I told him.
"But yeah we probably switched. Why?"
I faced Edaline.
"I don't's just weird..."
She admitted.
"Tell me something I don't know..."
I sighed.
I looked back up at the ceiling.
"Our lives were literally the definition of weird."
"True. I wish you guys could've enjoyed your childhood more..."
Grady added, his voice trailing off.
"You and me both."
I admitted meeting his eyes.
Forkle looked a little guilty, I noticed out of my peripheral vision.
"I didn't mean for this to happen to you at such a young age-"
Mr. Forkle started.
But I cut him off.
"It wasn't your fault. They just happened to strike early and the timeline was set for around now. So don't be guilty. We all know how that ends."
I reassured him.
He nodded.
"Ok! Who's up next?"
Keefe asked, panning the room.
Wylie raised his hand.
"Did my dad get his memories back?"
He whispered.
I thought for a moment, considering whether or not he should know, but after all he's been through...
I nodded.
"Well...sort of. He recovered a good amount, but there's still evident gaps in his memory...but to answer your question, yes, some."
I met Wylie's eyes, and the relief and happiness in them made me almost tear up.
My heart began to swell like a giant balloon.
"Ok...who's up next?"
I lingered my eyes over everyone.
Mr. Forkle raised his hand.
I nodded in his direction.
"Does the collective still meet often? Or rather...does everyone in this room still meet often, to discuss problems our world is facing?"
I bit my lip in thought.
"Well...sort of...we don't find much time to meet often, and like Keefe mentioned earlier, we haven't seen you in that form in a long time. Finding time can be difficult, but from what I understand, the collective still works together on finding solutions to problems and creating new bonds between the species. Currently, I believe, your working on something with humans. As for all of us meeting together, that doesn't happen as often."
I explained.
He nodded in conclusion.
Keefe called.
The smudged figure of Blur, or rather...[NAME REDACTED: UNKNOWN IDENTIFICATION] appeared to shift. I gotta admit, figuring out who he was was weird. He had told us on the way over to Ravagog, before Keefe's "ultimate" (stupid) sparring match, that if we found out his identity it would require a lot of explaining...and it did. I recognized him a little bit during when he got splashed with water, by the outline of his face.
But I never would've guessed that he was [NAME REDACTED: UNKNOWN IDENTIFICATION]. Oh well...I guess you learn something new everyday.
Then I remembered his question and snapped back to the present.
I asked.
He froze for a moment, probably fully forming his question in his mind, before he continued.
"How did you find out about all of our identities? Did we tell you or did you just find out?"
The smudge-figure asked.
"Most of you guys told us. Like you, Wraith, and obviously Granite. At this point we knew who Granite was so that's fairly obvious to everyone. But for Squall...Biana figured it out. It was before this too. So yeah. It was pretty surprising figuring out who you were, and it required a ton of explanations. And for Wraith as well."
Keefe admitted.
I nodded my head in agreement.
"Alright who's next?"
Wraith raised an invisible arm.
"Speak of the devil."
I muttered to myself.
Only because elves don't know much about idioms and would be very confused.
I spoke up louder.
"Have we defeated the Neverseen? By the photos it seems we have, but things may not be as they appear, so it is wise to check."
He remarked.
"Well...the Neverseen are defeated-
ah, ah, ah!-"
I put up both my hands in front of me with my palms faced out in a way that said 'pause!' or 'calm down!'
Everyone had eagerly shot their hands up, trying to get me to tell them how.
"But I can't tell you how."
I added.
That encouraged a loud applause of groans.
A voice...Fitz voice (bleh) demanded.
I scrunched my nose up as if I had just eaten something sour, making it abundantly clear that I did not want to speak with him.
I started, speaking slowly and carefully, as if I were speaking to a child. Well I was.
"It'll mess up the timeline."
I finished, smoothing my hair.
And that earned a lot more grumbles and eye rolls.
"Ok! This is officially done because Foster said so! So who's next?"
Keefe leaned back into the couch, tousling his blonde hair.
Granite raised a gravelly hand.
"How secretive our we toward the council now?"
"On a scale of one to ten, ten being super secretive and one being not at all."
Keefe hesitated a second, thinking over his options.
"I'd say probably about a four."
He finished.
Granite nodded.
"Ok...Do you want to go next?"
I turned towards Juline- Squall.
She shook her head gracefully.
"I already asked a question earlier- about the multiple births."
She explained simply.
I nodded and turned to Grady and Edaline.
I smiled.
"Who's first?"
Edaline raised her hand.
"How often do we see each other? As in you and your kids visit us?"
She had the soft, sweet tone of a mother dancing along her every word.
I bit my lip in thought.
"Not very often..."
I started, and both my parent's features drooped a little with sadness, which broke my heart.
"We've tried to set up times to meet,"
I assured them.
"It's just...difficult between the missions from the council given to both you guys and Keefe and I, and the kids' school schedule is hard to get around."
I shot an annoyed glance at Forkle at the end, as if to tell him 'Be less strict about school days off in the future please!'
His response was a shrug that seemed to say 'Can't do anything about it now.'
Edaline sighed and shook her head.
"We just have to enjoy the time we still have...even if it means fighting the Neverseen while we are."
She smoothed her dress, staring at me with an expression full of motherly love, and then meeting Keefe's eyes and showing him that she cared for him just as much, even if he wasn't her biological son.
I could see Keefe's eyes become a little glassy out of my peripheral vision.
I agreed.
"Between everyone's schedules, it's difficult to find times to meet up and actually savor the fun times we barely got as teenagers. I know even though we were fighting a rebel group, we still had moments where we could be normal teens. I just hope that everyone takes time to appreciate and enjoy what time they have right now, even if it means simultaneously having to be brave and fight."
I gazed at everyone in the room, and they all met my eyes. Sincerely glazed their eyes too.
I turned back towards him.
"How are you? Are you sleeping enough now? Are you healthy and happy?"
He tilted his head curious for my response, and worry puckered his brow.
I laughed softly, feeling so loved knowing that he cared for me.
"I'm fine. I get good sleep and I'm really happy with where I am right now."
Keefe nodded in agreement to my statement.
"From what I can tell, you guys spend your days still in the pastures or on missions. So to sum it up, everyone's pretty much happy with what is happening in their lives now."
I explained.
Grady nodded.
I surveyed the room making sure I didn't miss anyone who wanted a question.
I carefully avoided looking at Sandor, who was standing in the shadows next to Grizel.
At least they had both ended hand in hand.
Love is a powerful thing, difficult to separate.
I snapped back to reality.
"First, let me show you the picture of all of us as grown ups."
I projected the image.
Everyone stared in awe for a long time, before I eventually stopped. I was running a bit low on mental energy.
" that you have asked your questions... we are going to ask ours."
I explained promptly.
"But wait, why would you need to know that? You already lived this after all."
Marella tangled a strand of her metallic weaved
hair around her finger.
"I never said I was going to ask about the past. But I think Keefe and I should ask some important questions."
I informed her.
She just shrugged.
"Soooo...what're you going to ask about?"
Maruca stared at us.
I turned to Keefe and he seemed to be thinking the same thing as me.
I slightly tilted my head at him. The motion asked 'Are you thinking what I'm thinking?'
He gave me a small nod.
And together, in perfect unison, we blurted out,
"How did we get here?"

~ This chapter took forever! You have no idea! I got a bit lazy near the end, but this was taking so long and so much of my time, and a lot of people were asking for an update, so here it is. I was trying to update consistently, but this one in particular threw me off schedule. With the amount of words (I'll put the word count at the bottom) this one chapter was basically the length of 10 pages for an average book! But I hope you all enjoyed it, and if you have anymore questions from the characters,'please put them in the comments and I'll try to add them in! Any suggestions will be taken for the story! Thank you so much for reading! Love you all so much!💕
Your author 💕 ~

Word count - 5231

Mrs Sophie Foster-Sencen (Sokeefe Tale of Two Times) - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now