Of the Past ~ From the Future

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~ Since I couldn't keep you waiting for this, and don't fully have an idea for Present Sophie's POV right now (currently brainstorming) I thought I'd continue Future Sophie's POV. A few more things, I'm not super set on some ships, especially for characters such as Biana, Dex, Tam, Marella, and Linh- I'm just basing these off of what I'm noticing in the cannon book series, so if you want to see some more of another ship I might be able to implicate it somewhere. Anyways, Hope you enjoy! 💕~

Confusion filled the air way too heavily.
I whispered back.
He came over to my couch and sat down right next to me.
"How'd we get back here?"
He wondered, inquisitively.
I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could, a voice cut me off.
"Care to fill us in?"
Mr. Forkle asked, his eyebrow raised.
"Well... this isn't exactly something that's super believable. But if proof is necessary I can provide something. See, this isn't us. Well it's us, but not- Keefe and I, we're..."
I squirmed, my palms getting all clammy and sweaty. How do you explain to people that you're from the future?
Apparently Keefe decided that wasn't a problem for him, because he finished my sentence.
"We're from the future, just stuck in our past bodies."
Everyone sucked in a breath. Except for one person.
"That's impossible. Stop messing around."
Fitz snorted.
I rolled my eyes.
"I can provide proof if you'd like."
I announced to everyone, standing gracefully (which Biana gasped at.)
I closed my eyes, searching for the image of Keefe and I on our wedding day, and our whole family portrait.
"Are we supposed to hear your transmissions or....?"
Marella asked.
"No, I'm displaying this image physically. Sort of like a human film."
Even Forkle looked surprised.
"You know how to do that?"
He questioned.
"Yeah. You guys did make me to literally do the impossible, so this shouldn't be nearly all too surprising."
I noted.
I concentrated, dredging the image of the wedding up to the top of my mind with my photographic memory, then imagined it being projected out into the blank, box-like space in front of me in vivid color. I felt the buzzing warmth push towards the frontal borders of my mind, and mustered up all the energy I could to make it 'break through' and project outwards for everyone's eyes.
Biana whispered her eyes lighting up. She tucked a strand of her chocolate colored hair behind her ear.
"You look so beautiful..."
She said, her eyes still wide.
That was odd to hear coming from a brunette who always looked flawless every single time of day, but hey, I'll take it.
"Your wedding..."
Edaline spoke, her eyes glassy with tears.
Grady squinted, frowning at the image.
"Who is that boy you're with?"
He asked, looking anything but pleased.
Everyone peered over the image to get a better look at him too.
Keefe, to my amusement, looked extremely uncomfortable and squirmy.
"Welllll...you kinda answered your own question?"
I responded, looking everywhere but at Grady.
I could tell without even looking that he thought about it for a second, before his eyes widened with understanding.
"That boy,"
He grumbled as he reeled on Keefe.
Keefe looked terrified for his life.
"Woah calm down- he got your approval don't worry!"
I explained, as Edaline got a tight grip on Grady's arm to prevent him from tackling Keefe.
"Ugh of course it's with him"
Fitz grumbled under his breath, though I still caught it. I rolled my eyes again.
"Who all was invited?"
Linh asked.
"Every single person in this room- which includes all the members of the collective- and some others, such as Jensi for instance. You all have changed a lot...its odd to see you like this again..."
I spoke, my eyes starting to feel slightly glassy with tears of happiness. I remember these moments, where get togethers were a lot easier to arrange, and we all saw each other basically every day. Now we all saw each other only a few times a month, and I never really thought about how much I'd missed them. Well not the almost dying and trying to defeat a rebel group, but you get the point.
"How big was the wedding?"
Maruca asked, still invested in studying the photo.
"Pretty big. And really sparkly. Like way too sparkly. But it's alright. It was a really happy moment and not something I regret at all."
I said, reaching for Keefe's hand and entwining my fingers with his. I could tell he probably wanted to hug or kiss me or something, but not in front of this group. Definitely not. Some things screamed 'wrong time' and this was definitely one of them. Fitz eyed our hands looking almost envious or disgusted.
"Do you know all of the collective's true identities?"
Wraith whispered.
Keefe jumped in for me.
"Yeah you guys showed us your true forms, and for Forkle, he showed us a few more of his identities. I'm convinced there's more though."
He motioned towards Mr. Forkle.
"Knowing me, there definitely is."
Mr. Forkle responded, a smile creeping on his lips.
"Shall I switch images?"
I asked, looking around the room and surveying everyone. When everyone nodded I switched images over to the family portrait.
"Woah, who are all those people?"
Dex asked, gasping.
"With some marriages comes kids. I've got five of them."
I responded, smoothing my hair.
"You put your hands on my daughter-"
Grady glared at Keefe, attempting to break free of Edaline's restraint to probably murder Keefe or something.
Keefe scooted a bit away from me and sank farther into the couch.
Tam asked, looking up from playing with whatever shadow figure he was creating.
"Yeah...It was originally only meant to be three, but two of the times I had twins. The first and the last times were both twins. After the first three I just wanted another girl, but it ended up being the last set of twins."
I responded.
"What are they're names?"
Edaline asked, not taking her eyes away from the projection.
"The first and eldest child's name is a bit of a sentiment. She's sixteen. Her name is Jolie,"
I started, and Edaline and Grady shared a look of pride and sorrow. "She's the one with heterochromia."
I finished.
"What's that?"
Linh asked sincerely.
"A condition where your eyes are two different colors."
Mr. Forkle answered for me.
I nodded.
"Her twin's name is Dimer. He's the boy with brown eyes. There are no identical twins in the family. They're a minute apart, but Jolie loves to claim it was the best minute of her life."
I explained to everyone, smiling at the reminder. I wonder who was taking care of them right now. Did our past bodies switch with us too? And just how much fighting was going to happen today?
I noticed Tam, Linh, Mr. Forkle, and Squall all smile. They all had experiences to relate to with that topic. Multiple births were rare, and often faced scorn. So this was new for the elvin world...but not too surprising for the girl who was raised by humans, adopted, unmatchable, found one of the last two Alicorns alive, has almost died like five hundred times too many, and has brown eyes.
"Do they still hold hatred for multiple births?"
Juline- Squall- whispered.
"While some ancients still hold biases, many elves have let them go. It's beyond us now, and it's something's that's often praised instead of looked down upon. Same with bad matches. They are all considered normalcies."
I responded, the feeling pure euphoria rising in my chest when I saw the looks on everyone's faces.
"The two little seven year olds are Loriya and Omith. They love fighting and annoying me to the best of their abilities, but that's a trait alike with every one of these children."
I said, noticeably rolling my eyes.
Biana giggled a little bit, her hand in Dex's. I eyed their hands, smugly, but only for a second- can't arouse their suspicion. I wonder what would happen if they knew what the future held...
"Finally, there's Aidrene. He's the one with blonde hair and blue eyes who's eleven years old. He's the only non-twin."
I finished.
"Jeez. Rough."
Tam muttered under his breath, his eyes very focused on a shadowy corner in the room.
"It definitely is Bangs Boy."
Keefe winked as he assured him.
Tam rolled his eyes
"Apparently after all this time you still haven't changed."
He said, his voice boring pure and utter boredom.
"Nope! So don't expect me to."
Keefe smiled sweetly, batting his eyelashes.
I rolled my eyes at both of them.
"Ok. Focusing on the bigger things. Was that enough proof for all of you?"
Everyone nodded- though Fitz hesitated just a second.
"Good. Now, I'm going to let you all ask questions in order based on your location correlating to one another, but before we get there I need some important information. Everyone with me so far?"
I asked, watching them all eagerly.
"Yes Lady Fos-Boss,"
Dex winked.
"You guys still call me that after all this time, believe it or not."
I grumbled.
Wylie and Dex both snickered.
Biana also joined in on the giggle-fest.
They continued for a few more seconds before quieting down.
"Ok as I was saying, is everyone following?"
I studied everyone's features, making sure they were compact with sincerity. What I was about to ask them would not be easy. I waited for everyone to nod before I continued.
"I need two things. First of all, what is a big event that has happened in the recent past?"
"We found some information my mom planted in my head about the other starstone. So then we visited Elysian, and were unsuccessful."
Wylie explained.
I turned to face Keefe and our eyes locked. So this was after the kiss. But not everyone knew about it...well beside for one person, and he did not look happy. His teal eyes, which used to give me the extreme flutters, were filled with discontent and annoyance. Right. This was going to be a very long day. It took him a long time to get used to the fact that Keefe and I were dating and to return to our original friendship. He was jealous- and pretty controlling honestly. At least our present friendship still thrives, as well as our cognate relationship. I blinked back to reality, noticing that everyone was eyeing us suspiciously about the way Keefe and I were looking at each other.
Marella asked, waving her hand in front of my face.
"Right- yes?"
I asked, forcing myself to snap fully back into reality.
"You good? We were just asking what the second part was."
I blinked.
"Yeah I'm fine..."
I took a deep breath.
"Alright, this is important. I need everyone's consent to shatter the memories which contain everything I've shared. I need to ensure they never resurface."
Everyone stared at me with blank and unreadable expressions, before some people started slowly nodding. Then others joined in, until finally everyone had been nodding.
"Good. That wasn't much of a question, as it had to happen anyway. We can not mess up the past. I will be sure to shatter the fragments and bury them very deep into your conscious, as well as replace them with a story. I just needed to make sure everyone was aware."
I explained.
Fitz snorted.
"Then why even ask?"
He crossed his arms and tilted his chin upwards, probably trying to sound authoritative or intelligent.
His question didn't pose a single drop of intelligence.
I sighed, mustering as much annoyance as I possibly could and lathering it all over the released breath.
"For the reason I just explained. I needed to make sure everyone was aware of the complications."
'After all, I'm not some villain trying to erase these things from your mind,' I was going to add that to my little speech. I caught myself though. I'm not sure how Keefe would respond. He's still touchy on the subject sometimes. I don't blame him, his mom was awful.
Keefe then turned to face me again, his eyes locked with mine again.
"So then this was after-"
I cut him off by slapping him on the wrist so hard, it was left red and irritated.
He did not need to announce that.
He winced in pain, cradling his wrist.
"Jeez, Foster! I wasn't gonna say that! But I mean I don't mind saying it..."
He taunted, smirking.
I rolled my eyes at him.
"Whatever you were going to say, doesn't need to be said!"
I told him, firmly.
There couldn't possibly be anything he would have needed to say that would help the cause.
"What I was going to say before Foster oh-so-rudely cut me off-"
He glanced at me teasingly. I rolled my eyes again, trying to cover the smile that was creeping up the corners of my lips.
"Was that this was after Mommy Dearest pulled her little shooting-me-with-elements stunt and I ran away. So we're not too far off from-"
He cut himself off.
Thank god he had.
The past did not need to know about when and how we rid of the Neverseen and Lady Gisela.
"Seriously. Why would you even mention that?"
I shook my head in disbelief, though his little slip was slightly amusing, I will admit.
"You can not reveal those things right now. Hear me?"
I held his stare making sure he understood. Instead he, not so seriously, leaned back in the couch, and spread his arms over the top of it on either side.
"Yeah, yeah Lady Fos-Boss. Gee, when did you become so strict and intimidating?"
"After trying several times to make you be serious, which apparently is a very difficult endeavor."
I responded, glaring.
He agreed, smirking.
"Also why are you using such big words? You sound like Forkle over there, and he's been around for, like, a gazillion years!"
I shook my head and sighed.
This boy did not learn.
But I fell for him, and he's such an awesome, caring, and funny guy.
"Dang mood swings there. I know, I love me too!"
He was fanning the air, still with his trademark smirk plastered on his face.
"Ok, this is irrelevant. But your blast to Forkle wasn't, cause that was honestly kinda funny,"
I started, smirking when Mr. Forkle sighed and grumbled something that started with 'you kids'.
"Now that we've totally disregarded the rest of you, time for you to be back into this super fun conversation! It's question time. We'll go in order on the couch, unless someone wants to start on there own. The questions can be anything, but the answer may not be specific, in case these memories are uncovered again. Anyone wanna start? Or should I just go down the couch in order."
No one raised there hand, probably thinking of their question.
I waited a few more seconds, until Linh finally raised her hand. She was biting her lip thoughtfully, and looking just as gorgeous and perfect as ever. I smiled at her.
"Ask away."

~ Hi everyone! Super duper duper late update I know! I've just been super busy over the last few weeks and it's been difficult finding time to write. But here we are! Not a great cliffhanger, I know, but trust me the questions are actually what I'm misted excited to write about! I have a bunch of questions already, but if anyone has any suggestions then let me know in the comments. I appreciate all the support and views! Thank you all so much! I'm also going back and editing/adding a bit more to past chapters, just for reference, but nothing too big. Thank you all again! 💕 ~

• Also I think I subconsciously based future Sophie a bit off Cheryl Blossom from Riverdale- Oops! •

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