From Nothing to a Helping Hand

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Thank you so so so much for (almost as of this release- 3.99k views currently) 4k views! I really appreciate it and I'm glad you all are loving this story! I really love writing it! Thanks again! 💕

~ Future Sophie's POV ~

For such an ugly flower, the nectar was unlike anything I had ever tasted before. It was cool, but not too cold, sweet, however not sickeningly sweet, and had a tang of sourness and bitterness only present to balance out the overwhelming sweetness that coated my tongue.
The second it hit my lips, I gasped in surprise, not expecting it to be so...lively.
The nectar seemed to hold both the past and future in its hand, the nostalgia and the new-to-come.
The present to it was only a mere wormhole between the two.
An energy buzzed through my lips and travelled into my ears, filling my head with the warmth of a thousand swarming bees.
My body felt as though it could be carried through the current of the rocky tide, inexplicably remaining untouched and unharmed through traverse.
It seemed as though some invisible curtains from overtop of me had slowly become translucent and eventually turned to gossamer, and were now being lifted and slowly unraveled in layers.
As though my body was breaking itself down just to find every nook and cranny, every secret, every truth, every lie.
Someone could tell me that my physical form was shaking, which was probably true, but whatever this nectar had done made me feel disconnected from my physical body.
Disconnected from time, disconnected from space.
I was in my mental space for a short period of time.
And it felt so refreshing and calming.
But this little euphoria in only lasted a few seconds before I was eventually pulled back into my physical form and I creaked my eyes open.
With shaky hands I clutched the bowl tightly and lifted it away from my lips.
My head was spinning, not from pain or intoxication, but rather from jubilance.
But nothing was different when I regained a normal disposition and recovered from my high.
I was stood in the same place, with Keefe beside me, looking slightly confused but also very unexplainably overjoyed.
Nothing had happened.
We both stood standing exactly where we had been a few minutes ago.
As my eyes fully regained focus, I looked down at Flori tilting her head at me.
She asked simply, playing with her plaits.
"That was..."
I quivered, unable to explain the sensation that had just passed through my body.
I was shivering a little, not from cold, but from recollection of the strong feelings that had rolled through me only a seconds ago, and now felt all too distant.
Keefe finished for me, his eyes glazed and out of focus still, staring at something far in front of him.
Of course the word didn't encapsulate everything that had just happened but it was the best we both seemed to come upon in the second.
"But nothing happened."
I admitted, and the truth hurt even more when I had admitted it to myself.
Why did it hurt so much? What was I hoping to find?
Somehow, somewhere in me, I thought this would be the answer and solve everything.
But nothing.
I sighed in defeat.
"Do not give up now, moonlark. You have pushed past and succeded."
She gestured towards me, as if to say that I had defeated the Neverseen, obviously with the help of friends, nevertheless that doesn't take away from the achievement.
"I expect you will find this to be a challenge. However, alike everything you do, you will overcome it. It's only another obstacle."
Her words pushed some inspiration into my soul.
I nodded.
But there was still something bugging me.
"What do we do next though?"
I shrugged, nonchalantly hiding my disappointment in our failed endeavor.
"What about...seeing Kesler? He might help us?"
Keefe suggested.
I turned back to find him snapped out of his daze.
His eyebrows were scrunched in confusion and concentration and a frown was etched along his face.
I considered the idea for a moment.
As much as I wasn't keen on involving someone who most likely didn't want or need to be involved...he was our best chance.
It might be selfish, but in order to secure the fabrics of time, Keefe and I must return to our respected time period.
I spoke assiduously, as if I was uncertain about myself and in doubt of my own ability to create words.
"Thank you Flori. We really appreciate the help."
I smiled at the gnome.
"No need for gratitude and sincerities. It is my rightful duty to protect and help the one who chose to help us."
Determination flashed in her eyes and she smiled back at me.
She then busied herself with weaving her plaits with more flowers that somehow seemed to appear out of nowhere.
I nodded at no one in particular as Keefe duh around his pockets for another leaping crystal.
He fumbled for a few minutes before he finally found one that led to the whirlpool down to Atlantis.
I glanced around the clearing one more time as he held the pristinely cut clear crystal to the light.
Then, I tenderly grabbed his wrist and big my lip in thought.

When we arrived in Atlantis after the whirlpool, completely shaken dry, I blinked back into my body from my mental space after being lost in complete thought.
I reached for Keefe's hand and meticulously entwined my fingers with his.
"Come on, we have to go see Kesler."
I spoke gently.
"Of course, love."
Keefe responded, somewhat absentmindedly.
He still seemed lost in thought as I led us through snobby Atlantis and up to the front steps of Slurps & Burps.
It was only when I opened the doors and the ground shaking belch rang did he wince in startlement, alarm, and pain from the extremely loud and sudden noise.
He had even jumped a little, which made me make one short laugh.
I dropped his hand when we entered the store, only to keep the image subtle, as at this point in time we weren't married.
He pulled a fake face of hurt and I smirked back at him.
"Oh wonderful, Miss. Lerce, I see retrieving the list went quicker than expected- oh hi Keefe and Sophie! Apologies for my current appearance."
He wiped his hands on his lab coat and adjusted his spectacles, and then gestured towards himself, referring to his disheveled hair the multicolored neon splotches that spotted his lab coat.
I waved it off and smiled.
"No need to apologize, it's not a bother. We actually came to talk about something...weird."
I glanced at Keefe nervously, still not over the strangeness of explaining this spontaneous chain of events.
Kesler chuckled.
"Of course, the typical dose of weirdness in the world of the amazing Sophie Foster. Nothing too unbelievable."
He winked lightheartedly.
But I had a feeling that this might be a little too unbelievable.
"Yeah, about that."
I giggled awkwardly.
"Can we talk somewhere private?"
A look of wordy flashes in Kesler's eyes, but he blinked at it was gone, returned to his normal state.
He motioned for Keefe and I to follow him into his office.
"Please, sit."
There were two chairs that he gestured towards.
"Is it alright if I stand? This is a lot to take in and it would be more comfortable for me to stand..."
I explained politely.
"Of course. I understand."
He confirmed
"Thank you."
I acknowledged.
"Anyway, what's up?"
He asked calmly with a chill tone, as if this were just a hang out between close friends.
I gulped.
I let myself brace and prepare for about three seconds before advancing with the conversation.
3 small, sweet seconds of easiness in the large void of time, before I released all of the information out in one breath. That explanation included the future to past time change and our vice versa theory for our other selves, as well as what we had already checked out from what we had done in the yesterday of the past time period we were currently residing in.
I silently panted after the explanation, desperately trying to regain my breath and maintain my composure.
Kesler's eyes were wide with shock.
Was all he said.
A large gap of silence broke.
"Can you help us?"
Keefe whispered in a small voice behind me.
Kesler just stared for a little at nothing.
Then he slowly blinked, his eyes focusing again.
"I...I think I can..."
He started uncertainly, his voice shaky.
"And I might know where to begin."

~ Sorry for the wait! Hopefully you guys enjoy! Love you all so much!
Your author 💕 ~

Mrs Sophie Foster-Sencen (Sokeefe Tale of Two Times) - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now