Of the Future ~ From the Past

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~ Hi! I'm glad you all are enjoying this story! Thank you so, so, so much for all the votes, views, and comments. I appreciate all of you so much! We're also moving up through the tagged categories which is amazing! I wouldn't be here without you all, and this fan base is amazing and so sweet! *Ahem* back on topic! This chapter has quite a lot of Sokeefe in it, so stay tuned! Lemme know if you have any ship, question, or just general suggestions for this story! I'm pretty much basing off canon and I'm not stuck on any ships (besides Sokeefe), so if there's anything you wanna see, comment and I'll do my best to listen and add it in. Now, without further ado, let's get right to the story. Thank you 💕
- Your (kinda annoying because of all these useless segments) author 💗 ~

~ Present Sophie's POV ~
Thank goodness we left. Honestly,
Who's idea was it to have not two, not three, not four, but five children! Was future me crazy or something?! Well I mean two sets were twins...but that's besides the point!
"Foster! Please let go of my wrist- your grip is brutal!!!"
Keefe half shouted half whined, interrupting my train of thought.
I snapped back into the present...or rather the future- I don't know it's getting all too confusing for me.
The awareness of my body started to return, and I gazed over at Keefe's wrist, which was very much the victim to my brutal death grip. It was pale, so I must have cut off his circulation.
I loosened my grip and dropped my hand back down to my side.
"Was I holding your wrist the whole time?"
I queried, meeting Keefe's eyes.
We'd already gone down the whirlpool apparently, not that I was paying too much attention. I was zoned out, thinking about what I could do to get back.
"If by hold you meant death gripping then yeah-"
I opened my mouth to apologize, but Keefe interrupted me, putting a finger to my lips.
"it's fine, Foster. your cute when your angry, you know."
He winked at me, dropping his hand back down to his side.
I scowled, feeling my face heat up.
He laughed, wrapping his arms around my shoulder. I leaned into the side embrace, not sure if the warmth I was feeling was the sunlight seeping through the deep-blue tinted ocean, or his body heat, but either way I didn't really mind. This felt normal somehow...not like how it did with Fitz. With Fitz I was uncomfortable and so self-aware, constantly trying to look and do my best. Meanwhile around Keefe. I felt comfortable, almost a feeling that felt like I was...'home' in a sense.
In return, he treated me like I was his world. He cared about me. Unlike Fitz, he was always kind, never blamed me, understood me, helped me (even when his problems were far larger), and stood by me. He was my world too.
I shook my head. I was getting way to sappy and swoony right now. When I looked back at Keefe, his head was tilted, studying me, with his lips twisted into his distinct smirk.
"Was Mysterious Mrs. F swooning over me just now?"
He teased, his smirk still plastered along his face.
I rolled my eyes.
I responded, fighting back the urge to smile.
"Must I remind you, I'm an empath? You can't lie to an empath, even if your my cute little blondie!"
He patted my head, tousling my hair in a teasing flirty way. I could practically feel my blush. Also he was hella tall.
I was about to retaliate with some stupid cover story (that probably would not work anyway), when I noticed two things.
One, and the far less serious one, notice how he said my little cute little blondie? My. Face. Is. On. Fire. My? I was his in the future, but even now that's huge. I think I might spontaneously combust.
I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to focus on the actually important thing.
Two, he could feel my emotions. When we left, he was numb. He couldn't sense what other people were feeling. Though I left a lingering effect (which still makes me feel special to him) he couldn't read or understand other people. So how can he feel my emotions now. Like fully feel them. Also...how did I not pick up on this before? He literally said out loud that he understood what I was feeling, the dots just didn't connect!
"It's weird, I know. Being able to feel normal again, and actually sense other peoples emotions.
Keefe admitted, which made me wonder if he knew what I was thinking or just sensed my mood change.
"I wonder what happened to get your empathy fully back, and when it happened."
I thought aloud.
"Same, though hopefully sometime soon- because it honestly kinda sucks not being able to sense what others are feeling. Like, for instance, the moments when you feel how much you love me!"
He teased. But I knew, I knew he had just put on his mask. I could see the shake when he teased. I could practically feel his upset. He was hiding the scared boy underneath. It was painful and saddening for me, even though I wasn't the one who had gotten blasted with elements, had horrible parents, and had numbed abilities.
So I did the responsible thing.
I turned towards Keefe and brushed a strand of his dirty-blonde hair out of his face, resting my hand on his cheek.
I met his eyes, and he met mine.
"I do love you Keefe. Don't hide what your feeling. I know humor is how you cope, but if you ever need to seriously let out your feelings, I'm here to listen."
I told him seriously, staring at his twinkling ice blue eyes.
For one second, his facial features dropped and his eyes turned slightly glassy. For one second. Then he blinked, and hid face became as blank as an unused slate.
I sighed.
An idea washed through my head, and I tried to shake it off...but it wouldn't. The broken look in Keefe's eyes, the sad boy he was. It made my heart tear into a million pieces. There was only one way to fix it. I had to do something to make him feel better.
Without hesitation after that resolution, I tilted up on my toes and brushed my lips against his soft face, kissing his cheek. When both my feet fully touched the floor again, I met his eyes. He was blushing and looked a little flustered, but I could see an emotion I couldn't quite register or name too. It was like relief, joy, and sentiment all mixed into one sweet expression.
We both stared at each others eyes in silence for a little, his arms wrapped around my waist and mine around his shoulder.
"We should get going now. We have to go meet Kesler and figure out what's going on. Come on."
I told him gently, dropping my hands from his shoulder as he did the same to my waist, and entwined my fingers with his.
Together we walked, my head leaned on his shoulder, and his head tilted on mine ever slightly. I could feel his calming breaths on my cheeks, filling my body with a soothing and loving warmth.
I noticed the stares at us, and the whispers. I even caught a few...
'It's Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen!'
'The moonlark!'
'They're all so amazing! Our world would be in shambles without them.'
They were not whispers of impoliteness, but rather of awe and aspiration. No more of:
'Ew it's the freaky girl'
'The one raised by humans!'
'Her eyes are so weird!'
It looks like we helped change the world after all.
On and on we traveled, until we reached the large, vibrant doors of Slurps & Burps. Almost everything was the same, except for some extra arrays of hanging yellow fluorescent lights draping from the sign.
As I opened the door, the familiar ground-shaking belch rumbled the whole store.
"I'll be with you in a moment!"
A familiar voice called.
Keefe and I waited as he requested, our fingers still entwined.
Kesler rounded the corner from the alchemy lab, wiping his hands on his towel.
"Sophie and Keefe! So nice to see you! Unexpected visit, I see! Looking for some more Scrape Stuff? Or do you need some more Burn Bash?"
Kesler called, a smile smeared on his face, and multicolored goo on his coat. His dimples were showing.
"Oh...uh thank you but that's uh...not why we're here..."
I told him.
He frowned.
"Oh, is there something more serious your looking for?"
He asked, his expression full of concern.
"No, there's just something weird going on that we need to explain to you."
I locked eyes with him.
"You know how it is with Foster, just the usual dose of weirdness!"
Keefe added, teasing to lighten the mood.
Kesler chuckled.
"Well of course. A typical Sophie Foster moment, I see. Follow me, we can talk in the lab. Magnate Leto's in there trying to assist me with a new elixir to cure...you know...last week's disaster."
Kesler sighed.
I actually didn't know, but from experience with Ro, that did not sound good.
It probably had something to do with bacteria and microorganisms.
"Poor girl, she's currently still on bed rest in the healing center. But I guess it is sort of her fault. Everyone knows you shouldn't get in the way of an angry ogre bodyguard."
He winked.
Keefe snickered beside me, and I had to jab him in the ribs.
"Yes, that sounds awful...but anyhow should we go now?"
I asked Kesler, reminding him of our current presence.
"Yes of course! Follow me."
He gestured, motioning for us to follow him.
He led the way into a large, square room located towards the back of the store. There were thousands of elixirs, funnels, vials, and pretty much anything that a scientist dreams of. Bright and vivid colors filled the room, and several fumes mixed together in the air, some more pleasant than others. Plumes of similarly colorful smoke floated around the air.
This place was definitely unlike the old lab, but I guess that brings me to the question I should be asking.
If we are in the future, then what time period are we in?
It seems like everything has advanced quite a lot, so it must be far away from where we are now.
"Mrs. Foster."
A voice snaps me out of my mental thought train.
I notice Mr. Forkle , or rather, Magnate Leto, standing by a vial that was glowing a vibrant magenta-toned pink, and was emitting an extremely pungent smell.
He had nodded his head in greeting towards me.
My palms felt sweaty. How was I supposed to respond?
I cleared my throat.
What am I supposed to call him?
Magnate Leto?
Mr. Forkle?
Sir Astin?
None of those options felt right, especially the last one.
I just settled for a brief (and uncomfortable) greeting nod towards him.
I briefly glanced over at Keefe, and he met my eyes. He seemed to know I was uncomfortable, so he smirked playfully.
"Seriously, what cologne do you use Leto? I can smell it from all the way over here."
He teased, fanning the smell and over dramatically crinkling his nose with disgust.
Forkle- er Leto, rolled his eyes.
"It's simply the concoction Mr. Sencen. Now, to what do we owe your visit?"
"Or in simple terms, what's up?"
Kesler corrected.
"Right. Um..."
What was I supposed to tell them?
'Yeah so me and my husband here are from the past and uh we don't know how we got here. Think you can figure out how to get us back? Thanks!'
Like no. That was never going to work. Did they have training or something on how to phrase these types of sentences?
I sighed.
"Ok this is going to be very complicated. Do both of you remember any notable events that happened when I was fifteen?"
Almost immediately Magnate Leto jumped in.
"Yes. We found Elysian. Why? Is there any essentiality to this?"
"Well...yes...I just..."
My voice trailing off.
Kesler pressed curiously.
I took another deep breath. This would be much harder to explain in steps, so I'll just have to go for it I guess. I gave myself a quick countdown.
"Keefe and I are from the past. From that time zone. Right after we found out about Wylie's memories of Cyrah. We don't know how we got here and we don't know how to get back, that's why we're here."
I blurted out, squeezing my eyes shut the whole time.
I have my self a few seconds the process what I had just said, and then I opened my eyes to find both Magnate Leto and Kesler staring at me, wide-eyed and curious.
Kesler started carefully.
"Your supposed to be...fifteen right now? But your currently stuck in your future self...are you alright Sophie? Do I need to get you to Elwin?"
He put his hand to my forehead, checking for a fever.
I gently brushed his hand away.
I insisted.
"I'm fine. Please...just let me prove it to you. I swear Keefe and I just woke up this morning like this."
I turned to him for help.
"Yeah Foster and I were fine yesterday. We had just gone to Elysian to check the place out and find that power source Mommy Dearest was looking for, and we ended up finding nothing other than a few weird plants and stuff. Then we got back and Elwin insisted on giving us all a medication for minor injuries like scratches and cuts, since everyone had a few from some searching rough and sharp surfaces. Then Foster and I went back to Havenfield and Flori insisted on us trying some weird plant dish thing with some random plants, and one was...what was it called? Emerald Pincher? Something like that..."
Keefe explained.
I replayed the scene from 'yesterday' in my head, trying to find the name of the plant. Finally I got it.
"Emerinda Priscium. That's what it was. Then he slept under Calla's Panakes tree and I went up to my room. Nothing super unusual. Flori has been trying to give us new plants and plant dishes to taste for some new recipes she's making."
I finished his thought for him.
Leto and Kesler stood their, both their mouths gaping open.
"So let me get this straight. You just woke up here? Are you sure you both are all right because-"
"We're good,"
I interrupted him.
"I swear. You can ask us any questions or go through our memories of yesterday or something-"
But I immediately cut myself off when Keefe nudged me, and the nervous, wide-eyed look he gave me reminded me that something else had gone down yesterday that had nothing to do with Elysian.
But what other option did we have for them to believe us?
If they didn't now, then we would have to share something.
I could just control my thoughts...
But they didn't have an empath here, and Forkle- Leto would know I was controlling my thoughts and wouldn't believe me.
Could I get away with it though?
Maybe I could outsmart him...
That wouldn't work though. He created me, so he probably knows me best...
Am I way overthinking this?
Someone clearing their throat dragged me out of my haze.
Magnate Leto's eyes locked with me.
"I have no doubt that you are telling the truth. And no, I did not slip into your thoughts. I can just tell when you are overthinking things. However, for reasons to do with the current circumstances, I must see an important event that happened yesterday. Though I have no doubt of your truthfulness, I can tell how recent the memory was, so the confirmation process will be no matter."
He told me, wringing his hands a little.
"All right...I'll show everything important that happened tomorrow..."
But as I was about to open my thoughts to him and allow him permission to enter my mind, I remembered something. I had already told him what we had done yesterday. So why did he need to know again? Unless...does something similar happen again later from the present? Or the past now? I can not keep track of this anymore I swear. I shook my head, clearly noticing the nervous glances exchanged between Kesler and Magnate Leto.
They probably knew I've caught on.
"Our memories will have to be shattered after we get back right?"
I asked them, unfocusing my eyes so the world became blurry.
"Well yes...but not after...before."
Leto corrected, staring up at the ceiling.
I asked.
But Keefe seemed to have already knew.
"Sorry Foster, but you're gonna dread this one. They need us out, but not the knocking out that my mom did to Tammy boy before he got forced to join the Neverseen. More like...the medicinal kind..."
I groaned, feeling a phantom smell of sweetness clog up my nostrils causing my stomach to become sour and bile to build up on my tongue.
Kesler nodded.
"I'll have to wash and shatter your memories, since I'm not as proficient in that skill as I wish I was."
Magnate Leto told us.
I grumbled.
Because the idea of taking a sedative and losing a memory sounded awesome.
"Alright you two ready?"
Kesler asked, glancing between the two of us.
Keefe nodded and then looked at me.
I met his eyes and then nodded.
I prepped my memories, tucking away the ones I definitely did not want Leto to check, and I focused just on the eventful ones.
"All right. Let's get this over with."
I told Magnate Leto.
He briefly nodded and closed his eyes.
I fluttered my eyes shut too.
And then the memories started.

~ Haha not so good ending I know! I just didn't know how to end this and I'm writing this late at night so I'm exhausted. Sorry for updating super late, I've just been super busy! I'm trying my best to keep up but sometimes it's hard to keep track of everything at once! Hopefully this fulfilled your want for more Sokeefe (and don't worry there will be more!) I can't express how thankful I am for everyone who's reading! I'm really trying my best for consistency, but it's super difficult! I know this chapter isn't filled with much, but I'm currently working on a lot of plot building for the main points of the story. Sorry again, and thanks everyone for reading! Have an awesome day! 💕
- Lots of love,
        your author ~

Mrs Sophie Foster-Sencen (Sokeefe Tale of Two Times) - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now