Search for Discovery

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~ Thank you guys for over 2k views! I know I haven't updated much, but I swear I'm trying with a tight schedule and less phone time! Anyways, apologies for my inconvenience. Let's embark upon this journey now, shall we? ~

~ Future Sophie's POV ~

"So this was pointless."
I grumbled, crankily.
"Hey- loosen up a bit Foster! We still got more exploring to do!"
Keefe winked, nudging me.
I could tell he trying his best to be optimistic, but I still heard the slight uncertainty in his words.
I sighed, doubtful that any exploring would take us anywhere.
We had spent the last three hours at Everglen finding a whole lot of nothing, nothing, and hey! Look, more nothing!
Not a single thing had triggered anything.
Biana had retired long ago from her search, practically imploring me to give me a makeover.
Eventually she realized words were not the solution, and now she was trying to drag me by the arm to her room for the torture yet to come regardless.
I hadn't the heart to tell Keefe that this was just as pointless as trying to feed Verdi, but I figured he was probably going to figure that out sooner or later.
Currently we were stood around the back of the property, near to where the override was.
Not that it had much use anymore since the luminous gates weren't even up anymore, since after the whole troll scheme.
We had circled back to this exact location five times now. Or was it ten? I was losing track.
Under the trees, light was naught, making it a strenuous task to squint at every little speck of random glitter in the glass.
That was what our eyes were out for now.
Glitter. As if it meant anything at all.
I angled my head trying to find a different perspective.
"This place just naturally sparkles? Dang."
I don't know how I never noticed this before- surely sparkly grass would be recognizable.
Maybe I just passed it up for dew drops, providing the grass with a constant viscosity.
Or maybe we were so busy fighting the Neverseen to ever actually be proper observant teenagers who led normal lives.
Does part of me still blame the black swan?
Will I ever get over it?
"I guess it does."
Keefe stated, shrugging.
"As much as I hate to say it, I think this is getting pretty useless."
Biana admitted, tossing her walnut hair over her shoulder.
We had already perambulated the interior of the large castle-mansion structure with leisure, as to waste as much time as possible.
Though it was impractical, we had most likely lied to ourselves when we claimed that we were
'Taking time to make sure we weren't missing anything.'
"Yeah- this isn't really doing anything."
I intoned.
"Ugh- fine. You win."
Keefe feigned annoyance as he put his hands up in defeat.
Also, it turns out that Biana definitely just wanted to come with us, not because she needed to "do something".
Deciding on confrontation I turned to her and smirked.
"So what happened to that something you were supposed to do?"
I asked playfully, crossing my arms and leaning into my left hip.
Biana just played it cool, her hair gliding in the gentle breeze gracefully, giving her the appearance of a goddess.
"It's already been done, I suppose."
She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and examined her perfect fingernails
I stifled a laugh, pretending to act annoyed, and tapping my hand against my arm.
"All right then."
I examined the highly vegetated area around us one more time before I turned to both of them.
"Should we move on now?"
Biana didn't even glance up from her nails as she told me,
"Sure- but first follow me. We are gonna go inside one more time."
"For a makeover?"
"Yup. Why else?"
I huffed. She hadn't even bothered covering up the idea.
I could leap away...but I want to enjoy childhood right? What better time than now?
"Do we have to?"
I fake whined.
"Come on Foster! Sparkle up!"
When I saw Keefe's expression, I could see the amused smile playing on his lips.
I glared daggers at him.
He laughed it off.
"Come on! You wanna get to the rest of your expedition, you gotta face the hardships first!"
Biana didn't waste a moment, grabbing my arm as she spoke, and leading me inside.
Keefe followed on my heel.
"Yeah I'm not exactly sure this is what they meant by hardships, but it still qualifies for it I guess- Ouch! Biana- that hurt!"
I pushed her deathly grip off my shoulder and rubbed the spot where she had sunk her long sharp nails.
"How are your nails this sharp?"
I gasped and looked up at her.
She merely flashed an amused and innocent grin.
"We don't have time to waste do we?"
She asked in lieu of answer when I stayed put.
I grumbled, noticing Keefe's attempt at not laughing and giving him and mouthed,
'Laugh all you want but wait till I get her to give you one.'
He raised an eyebrow, entertainment in his features, and simply shrugged and mouthed back,
'I won't regret it.'
I rolled my eyes, letting Biana drag me the short rest of the way through the front doors.
I hadn't noticed the subtle coolness outside until we were inside the warm castle and I was tracing my fingers along my goosebumps to settle them.
I had barely a seconds rest to register anything else, before Biana dragged me up the stairs.
I protested.
She didn't even leave room to argue.
"Fine. Can you at least give Keefe a makeover too?"
I negotiated, turning and sticking my tongue out at Keefe.
He responded by blowing me an air kiss.
Biana, not noticing this, seemed to be considering her options.
"That sounds like a pretty good idea."
She concluded, and we continued our trudge up the way-too-many stairs.
I was strict to limit my makeover to a generous fifteen minutes and the same to Keefe for time constraints.
When I first told Biana she rolled her eyes in annoyance, but understanding our need for as much time as possible.
She gave me mascara, eyeliner, and lipgloss, and then intricate plaits.
I had to admit, I loved it.
Keefe stared at me the whole time, his cheeks flushing. It was like he was unable to look away.
I smirked at him, and he quickly looked away.
When it came to Keefe's turn, she tried the same, but he refused.
"Just hair."
He insisted.
She sighed and admitted defeat, getting started on his hair.
I saw him stealing glances at me.
And when Biana finished his hair, it was my turn to stare.
She had just styled it so...perfectly.
[authors interruption- idk boys' hairstyles so I'm leaving this open to interpretation.]
This time Keefe smirked at me for staring.
That was the thing, no matter how much time passed, I always blushed over Keefe, and him the same.
It was like our love would never fade out over eternity.
Like a fire set ablaze so ferociously that it would never get set out.
Like a jewel shining so brightly, that even the dark couldn't shroud the glimmer.
I shook my head, focusing.
"You ok there Foster?"
Keefe tilted his head, studying me, with a smirk.
He reached out and touched my forehead as to see if the redness was from illness, though he knew it wasn't.
Biana was giving us both a goofy grin.
I smacked his arm away.
"Ouch! What was that for?!"
He leapt back, cradling his arm.
I smiled innocently.
"We have to get back on task. We should head back to Havenfield now. Thanks Biana."
She dismissed the gratitude with a wave.
"No problem. Now go- you two lovers should get back on task."
She smiled at us both, aiming for angelic.
I fake scowled as Keefe wrapped an arm around my shoulder.
"Yes we do- but we can wait?"
I twirled to the side out of his grip and grabbed his arm, removing the leaping crystal from my pocket and holding it up to light, not letting him say another word.
I heard Biana's,
Before we faded into the light.

As soon as we reformed in Havenfield, I sprinted down the path, not letting go of Keefe's wrist.
He tried to protest, but I ignored him.
As soon as we're back at the front door, I skidded to a stop, holding Keefe's wrist before he could take a tumble, and miraculously not falling over myself.
"Let's get to it!"
I insisted.
"Can't we rest?-"
He tried, but I shook my head and started around to the back of the property.

When the same a large length of time passed and nothing was discovered, Keefe and I eventually retired, placing ourselves underneath the Panakes tree.
"What are we gonna do?"
I whispered, my eyes trained on a petal in my palm.
There seemed to be a thoughtful silence, until Keefe pressed a kiss to my temple.
"It'll be okay. We'll find a way home to the kids. I'm sure our past selves have it handled."
He tried to assure me, though I could hear a small shakiness in his voice.
I rested my head on his shoulder, and he slightly tilted his head onto mine, releasing the tension in his shoulders.
I almost didn't want to voice my next question, scared that it will bring truth to the untruthful.
"What if we don't?"
I whispered, feeling my eyes get glassy.
I know I can be strong, but currently my thoughts were only focused on my children and my life in the present- well, future.
A scent radiated off of Keefe, it was citrusy and also resembled the scent of sea-salt coming from the ocean by the cliffs.
"We always do."
He kissed the top of my head again, digging his face into my hair.
In silence we waited for a few minutes, before a small voice broke it.
"I'm so sorry to interrupt, but if I may, I think there is a possible solution."
Flori appeared suddenly to my right, her voice soft.
It was soft enough, that it didn't make me jump at all to her random appearance.
Slowly, ever so slowly, I lifted my head off Keefe's shoulder, as he did the same.
We both got to our feet, brushing ourselves off.
"Follow me."
The little gnome led us past the pastures, past the little forest and clearing where I had kissed Keefe for the first time, and even farther.
We must have walked for about the minutes.
We were among new scenery, some I had never seen before.
Finally, we halted, right before a small clearing.
Flori led the way in, and I waited a bit uncertainly.
I scanned for some sort of ambush.
Couldn't get too careful, especially in my past.
Flori whispered a a tune that managed to be both somber, calming, and uplifting as she almost waddled over to the clearing.
There was flowers, several flowers.
They were wicked looking flowers, with smoky black petals and a stem that gave the appearance of wilting.
However, something caught my eyes.
They had an emerald green core, even in the darkness that the trees overhead had cast.
The trees willowed down, preventing almost all of the light from entering.
"The Emerinda Priscium."
Flori's voice was soft and quiet.
"It's quite unappealing, which is why it's not utilized often. However the nectar can be used for a delightful taste. Many judge far too quickly, though I am quite fond of them."
She informed, her voice still soft and breathy.
"I will harvest some now. I am just curious to see if this possibly does something."
She edged over to a flower, and leaned over it.
I expected her to pluck it...but she didn't.
She gathered a small wooden bowl-like item, and tilted the plant over.
She carefully dusted a purple substance onto the core, which made it illuminate even brighter.
Carefully tilting the flower down, she placed the bowl done and pinched the back, letting the glowing green that was once the core, now ooze into the bowl in liquid form.
After the bowl was almost halfway full, she tilted the flower back up, pinching the back still.
She then moved the bowl aside and retrieved another small bowl.
Repeating the process, she placed the bowl beneath the flower and emptied some more glowing liquid into it, until the flower had drained completely of the nectar.
Though the bowls were full, they were very small, only about the size of the center of Sophie's palm, where her palm lines gathered.
Flori handed both Sophie and Keefe a bowl each.
They accepted it carefully, staring into the luminous liquid.
"It's beautiful."
Sophie whispered.
She wasn't lying.
The color was so vivid and bright that it didn't look possible.
It looked like the color that humans would describe as the color of the potions that a mad scientist would make.
It looked so enticing, twinkling so brightly.
"If you do not want to drink it, I will not force you, but I hope it will help you in this situation."
Flori told them both.
Sophie exchanged a glance with Keefe.
They both seemed to say the same things with their eyes.
As if in sync, and without a second thought, they squeezed their eyes shut, brought the bowls up to their lips, and drank.

~ Phew! Your author here! I'm hoping this longer chapter will suffice for this week! Thanks so much for reading and love you all! 💕
Lots of love,
- Your author 💕 ~

Mrs Sophie Foster-Sencen (Sokeefe Tale of Two Times) - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now