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~ OMG! We reached 1k views!! And on Valentine's Day too! Thank you all so so so much for all of the support! I love you guys! 💕 ~

~ Present Sophie's POV ~
Magnate Leto pulled his hands away from my temples after witnessing the scene.
He had a frown on his face, which obviously caused me to worry.
"Is something wrong?"
I asked, wrapping my arms around my stomach to fight any possible incoming nausea.
"Not necessarily..."
His frown didn't lessen.
"Okayyyyy...if nothing happened then why are you so worried?"
Keefe jumped in, gently stopping my hand midair from my face in attempt to tug out an itchy eyelash.
"Well that's the problem."
Magnate Leto told us simply.
Yup. This man could not be any less confusing.
It wasn't just me though, confusion was etched into Kesler's and Keefe's face.
A short period of silence followed, before I decided to break it.
"What do you mean that's the problem? Shouldn't that be..."
I hesitated for a second.
"A good thing?"
"Mostly it would be considered as such."
Leto smoothed out wrinkles along his jerkin.
I sighed.
"Can you please stop being vague. I'm trying to figure out how we got here and how to get back, and I'd really appreciate some straight forward answers."
Magnate Leto's lips curled into a smile.
"Ah, don't be impatient now Miss. Foster. The answer will come to you. But alas, we are now left with what your memory has provided us with."
He smoothed back his overly gelled hair.
"I am sure you were telling the truth based on the timestamp your mind has assigned to the memory. I just don't understand the significance of what you both did yesterday that managed to make you and Mr. Sencen end up here today."
"Great. You're super helpful."
I grumbled, rolling my eyes.
Yeah, I'll admit, maybe I was being a bit cranky, but hey! What am I supposed to do when I somehow ended up in the future and now don't even know how I got here, and when I ask it turns out no one else does either? It's only fair I get to be at least a little annoyed!
He sighed.
"No need to be so irritable about this. I assure you, you will find a way back."
I glared at him.
"Yeah, I would be less annoyed if you didn't tell us information that we already knew. You basically just restated everything we said earlier!"
I pointed out.
"Yes, I suppose that is the case. But nevertheless, you must've done something to get here."
He raised his eyebrows.
"Yeah. Now how do we figure out how we got here in the first place?"
I asked him, silently pleading he would give me a proper answer.
No such luck.
"You tell me."
Was all he said.
I groaned.
"I don't know. Why can't you just tell us?"
I whined, dragging out the words.
He smiled.
"That would be far too easy. I'm building your cognitive and critical thinking here Miss Foster."
He tapped his temple.
"I don't need that right now! I need to figure out how I got here!"
I explained.
"But I was aware that the revelation required these types of mindsets Miss Foster."
He slicked back his perfectly gelled hair once again.
I blew out an exasperated breath, fighting back the rising urge to strangle him.
"Ok fine, whatever. Maybe we should..."
I turned to Keefe unsure of how to finish that sentence.
"Maybe we can retrace our steps? Like go back where we were yesterday and it's possible that a memory might come back?"
He shrugged.
"That sounds like a good idea."
I agreed.
"Should we also check through our memories once just to make sure that we aren't missing anything?"
I asked.
He nodded.
"I would also like to see those memories if you don't mind. It's possible I might know how to figure out what caused this."
Kesler suggested to Magnate Leto.
"Of course."
Magnate Leto assured him.
I turned back to Leto.
"Ok so that's our resolve I guess."
I crossed my arms.
"I had faith that you could do it."
He winked.
Keefe and I both rolled our eyes on cue.
"Well I guess we should be going now."
I fumbled in my pocket for my leaping crystal.
"Where are you going?"
Kesler raised an eyebrow curiously.
"To Havenfield. Where it all started."
I lifted the crystal up and grabbed Keefe's arm, letting the light peacefully whisk us away.

Mrs Sophie Foster-Sencen (Sokeefe Tale of Two Times) - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now