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- Your author 💕 ~

~ Future Sophie's POV ~

I gasped in disbelief.
Kesler might've known the answer this whole time and Keefe and I were dilly dallying and wasting precious minutes?!
It was almost as if he knew what she was thinking, which would be impossible considering his talentless status, because he clarified,
"I said I think I might know. But I never said I did know. I just have some theories."
I frowned.
"What theories do you have?"
"Well based on the information you gave me, and the reports I have been given by Elwin, I assume that it had to have been some sort of biochemical reaction."
My frown deepened further along with the crinkle in my brow.
"What reports?"
Kesler sighed.
"Well I guess it would line up that you don't know."
He admitted.
"And I will call Elwin here for additional assessment and information. But what I'm referring to is the fact that you both said you used a pain remedy for scratches, bruises, and cuts yesterday, yes?"
I paused for a moment, remembering.
I started, uncertain as to where this conversation was going.
"I am going to have to confirm, but I believe you two took the same remedy yesterday as you did in this timeline's yesterday."
Kesler spoke carefully, as if he was measuring his words.
"Uhm...sorry but why does that matter?"
Keefe asked.
"I'll get to that but-"
"Wait! Doesn't that mean we technically changed the timeline?"
I interrupted him, shivering at the words that had come out of my mouth.
Kesler didn't look upset to be interrupted, and he instead considered my question.
"'s possible. But...I doubt it. The fact that you have shown from the future and everything that you mentioned about the future syncs up with the events leading up to said outcomes in the past, makes me believe that nothing actually changes."
My eyebrows were raised, and my eyes narrowed with concentration and anxiety.
"How is that possible?"
He shrugged.
"We'll see, I suppose. Stranger things have happened."
A beat of silence for information processing occurred before Kesler continued talking about his previous conversation.
"So as I was saying, I'm pretty sure there had to be some sort of connection between the two doses."
I frowned.
"But I've taken the same elixirs more than once in my life before and been completely fine."
"There must have been some other factor. I'm not one hundered percent sure about this theory yet, but tell me, do you know a relative date as to what yesterday was in your timeline."
I thought for a moment.
"Yesterday was the second Celestial Festival of the year I believe."
I turned to Keefe as if to double check my information, and he gave me a tiny nod.
I spun back towards Kesler.
"Wow...well yesterday was the second Celestial Festival here as well..."
His eyes were wide and glazed over, as if he was running through theories, possibilities, and probabilities.
" all technicalities, we could be on the same day just different years?"
I asked, wondering if there was any correlation there.
"Not necessarily."
Kesler tapped his right hand index finger lightly against his desk.
"Can you specify the date if you remember."
He asked, his brows furrowed with focus.
I scrunched my own eyebrows and thought.
"I think it was...April 28th? Or was it May? I think it was May, actually. May 28th."
If Kesler's eyebrows raised any higher they would fly right off, I swear.
"That...that was yesterdays date..."
Keefe and I sucked in a breath.
"There's no way that can be a coincidence, can it? And at the twice-in-a-year Lunar Eclipses?"
Keefe asked, his brows crinkled.
"We matched up dates exactly, just with different years. That's pretty much solid proof that this was not a coincidence..."
I spoke, hesitating a little with the revelation.
"Not necessarily, but this does seem pretty specific."
Kesler considered.
"Here...let me hail Elwin for confirmation. Why don't you two take a seat in the back there."
Kesler pointed to two elegant armchairs, which would seem unlike him until you have seen his house, in the back of the lab.
Keefe and I nodded and Kesler dug out his imparter from his pocket, turning his back towards us.
I sighed thoughtfully, and met Keefe's hand with my own.
He smoothed his thumb over the pocket of space that was besides my thumb and below my index finger.
"This is starting to feel so much bigger than we originally thought it was going to be."
I mumbled, surveying the back of the lab, and then tilting my head slightly down towards the floor.
"I know...but we'll figure it out. We always do."
Keefe shrugged as he led me over to the armchairs.
"But...what if we don't."
I whispered, my worries coming back to haunt me.
I reached to tug on an eyelash, but as if it were out of instinct, which it probably was, Keefe managed to grab my elbow first and hold it only firmly enough to prevent me from going through with the habit.
He laughed a singular short, breathy sound.
"Foster, you gotta stop worrying about this stuff. It'll be just fine. The more you worry, the more stress you're giving yourself. You have to step back and assume from the beginning that this will work out before pessimism kicks in."
He spoke as if he had rehearsed this before, seeming sure of every single word. Though I doubt he rehearsed it, I think he just had faith in his wording and knew precisely how to calm me down.
I bit my lip.
"I guess you're right."
I decided, plopping myself down into the armchair on the left.
Keefe lowered himself down into the one on the right.
We held onto each other during the wait, our hands clung together, buzzing with energy, providing me with an all encompassing sensation of warmth and love. I'm sure he felt the same, as he continued to smooth his thumb over my hand.
Finally, around ten minutes later, Kesler hung up, and spun to face us.
"Elwin should be over in around five minutes. In the mean time, we should brainstorm what could've gotten you here."
I frowned.
"Didn't you say the elixirs?"
Kesler shook his head.
"I said that the elixirs must've had some part in it. I never said that was just it. There's no way that's the only reason, considering, referring back to what you stated before, you've taken the same elixirs twice. Even on the lunar eclipses. So those could've been some sort of contributing factor in the reaction. However, there had to be something else that caused this,"
He gestured at us.
"to happen."
Another factor?
What could it have been?
I turned to Keefe to silently ask him, and he just shrugged in response.
My brain frantically ran through what had happened in my day.
"Could it have been a surrounding factor? Like environmental? For instance, like temperature."
Kesler considered my question.
"It's possible, but because of the lunar eclipse I'm led to believe there's no other surrounding factors, since that is our surrounding factor already."
Dead end, great.
What else happened significantly?
There was noth-
"Wait. Have you ever heard of the Emerinda Priscium?"
Keefe asked, frowning as well.
"I...I'm not sure I have. Why?"
Kesler was the third to frown.
"Well basically, in this timeline, and in the pst of our timeline, Flori has been giving us different recipes to try everyday. Yesterday she gave us a formula with a flower called
the Emerinda Priscium. It didn't seem significant, we even tried the nectar and it did nothing out of the blue. It's a pretty ugly flower too. But that's a possibility right?"
Keefe explained.
Kesler was silent for a moment.
"I'll look into it, though it doesn't seem significant, considering it's a flower. But if it was something new, it should be looked into."
He determined.
"That would be great, thanks."
Keefe appreciated.
Silence took on the conversation after that.
In that fleeting moment, Elwin light leaped, his body reforming from dissolving with the light.
He smiled when he saw all of us.
"I'm informed, don't worry."
He explained before Keefe and I could launch into explanation.
"You did take that medicine yesterday."
He confirmed.
"Do you guys have any other ideas of what could've caused this? We know the elixirs were most likely apart of the biochemical reaction, and that the lunar eclipse might fit in there somewhere, but that can't be all."
"Well...we guessed that the flower Emerinda Priscium could've been part of it. But it's just a flower after all...have you heard of it?"
I spoke, facing Elwin.
Elwin's face turned ghostly white draining of all the blood.
His eyes widened a bit and his lips parted slightly.
"The...the Emerinda Priscium, you said, correct?"
When I nodded in verification, he continued,
"'s known to be stayed away from, but once, long ago, it was rumored to have sone sort of magical power. Many have forgotten the story or disregarded it due to the flowers rather unappealing appearance. However, something key to be noted about the Emerinda Prisium, is that it is at its highest nectar producing point during lunar eclipses."

~ Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait! I meant to get this out earlier but I ended up being too busy to get it out. But here it is. Enjoy the revelations... love you all! 💕
Your author ~

Mrs Sophie Foster-Sencen (Sokeefe Tale of Two Times) - KOTLCWhere stories live. Discover now