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Being a hunter was never easy especially when you don't have a family to come home to or anyone to love. Sure you can blame it on the creatures who go dump in the night since you never know if you'll come back home alive but everyone has their own excuse.

Back in the 1500s, creatures and monsters of all kinds were known by all and hunters were paid to come out to solve the problem before police were called. Some hunters were nice and still helped civilians with their problems if it turned out the monsters weren't actually involved, but these hunters were very rare.

Most hunters became selfish and charged impossible wages and even then, they probably didn't show up or showed up when it was too late. Because of this, less and less people asked for hunters and it eventually came to what we know of today. Monsters weren't real and anyone who talked like they were was seen as crazy, so the hunters adapted and worked in almost plain sight.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. This is Y/N's story after all and you need to know how she became a vampire.

She was born in 1817 to Elizabeth L/N, and around then monsters of all kinds were only known as a myth or told as stories to scare naughty children. Ashely L/N, her father, the head of the household and owner of the L/N arms company, designed and created firearms. Sent them out across the world to leaders and militaries for their wars. He was a businessman first and a father second but he made sure Y/N knew how to work, clean, load, and build guns completely from scratch since she was his only child and heir until she married. She had designs of her own but her father always turned them away saying they were too advanced for their time. Too complex. Too hard to understand.

Y/N still built them in secret and hid them well on her person or room at all times.

It was a successful business set to expand across the globe and to celebrate, Ashley decided to take his family on a trip after work and decided to celebrate Y/N's 19th birthday at the same time. Y/N was set to be married off in a month's time to an older gentleman that was a friend of her fathers. They met in passing when her father's friend came over with others to talk in his study but they never officially met.

Her father came home early a bit nervous after work the day they would have to leave, her birthday, and her mother Elizabeth tried to find out what was wrong but he shrugged her off and told them to pack for the trip.

The journey to their surprise destination was long and tiring. When they finally arrived Y/N and her mother were surprised to see they arrived at the gentleman's, who she was to marry, estate.

Her father didn't utter a word as he ushered them both out the carriage and in doors. A tall, pale man waited at the entrance and led the three of them to the sitting room where the gentleman waited, drinking a deep red tea.

Your father fidgets in place as the silence grows heavy, unable to handle his nerves. "I've brought them to you, my lord." The gentleman sets his tea cup down and it clinks harshly against its plate, showing his displeasure. With a snap of his finger the tall one that led the family into the room came from behind and swiftly sliced your fathers head off with one motion, no weapon in hand.

You and your mother screamed in horror and tried to back away, but was swiftly caught by two others who seemed to appear from the shadows. You cried silently whilst your mother held you and begged. Pleaded for forgiveness, for you both to be spared.

The gentleman lets out a deep throaty chuckle as he stands and slowly turns to face you. The shadows across his face from the fire lit behind him made his presence terrifying, and his eyes shined and unnatural crimson as he took in your appearance.

He walks to you both slowly and briefly looks at the ones holding you and your mother in the room. The others tear you and your mother apart and she lets out a blood curdling scream, wanting to protect you. Wanting you back into her arms. She was quickly silenced and her blood splattered onto you.

The Vampire in Hawkins (Eddie Munson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now