Chapter Eleven

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Authors Notes:  

Hey everyone! I'm uploading this early since I'll be out of town

I hope you enjoy this chapter!


The next morning, we all get up early and immediately go to the boat house, stopping along the way to pick up a few things for Eddie. I was finally able to hide my wings this morning. My eyes were E/C, and I appeared quite human when I glanced in the mirror. My skin wasn't burned by the sun, and I wasn't as pale as before. I could grow fangs, make my new wings emerge, grow long fingernails, and still have the blood compulsion, so I knew I was still a vampire. There was no way I could've become an actual human so suddenly.

The group's jaws hit the floor when I emerged from the spare room at Steve's place. They had questions about my human-like appearance that I just didn't know the answer to. Dustin busts straight through the door of the boathouse, holding up the bags of food and the pack of beer. Eddie was against the wall, holding up the broken bottle in front of him. He sighs in relief when he realizes it is only us and drops the bottle against the table nearby.

He takes a seat inside the boat and tears into a box of cereal. "So we have good news and bad news," I start. The young adult looks my way as he shovels another handful into his mouth. "Which would you like to hear first?" Eddie shrugs and takes a swig of his chocolate milk, "Bad news first, always." Dustin gives him a single nod and explains how the Hawkins police were looking for him. One hundred percent convinced that he was the one that killed Crissy.

Eddie looked a bit panicked at the news, "and the good news?" Robin gives him a hesitant smile, "Your name hasn't been made public yet. But if we found out about you, it's a matter of time before others do. And once that gets out, everyone and their shallow-minded mother are gonna be gunning for you."

He visibly swallows his anxiety, "Hunt the freak, right?"



"So, before that happens, we find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence." There was a twitch in my chest at that name again, but I didn't understand why. Why did my heart twitch at that name? Was it the same reason why I looked so human now? "That's all, Dustin? That's all?" Eddie almost laughed in disbelief. Dustin shrugged with a single shoulder, "Yeah, no, that's pretty much it." I shake my head, "If we can get the town in one place, I can use my hypnotism to make them forget that Eddie is a suspect in this."

Eddie looked at me in shock, "You can do that?"

I shrug, "Yeah."

"Listen, Eddie. I know everything those two are saying sounds totally delusional, but we've actually been through this before. I mean....they have a few times and....and I have once." Robin awkwardly explains what happened the past year and what the others went through before that. Steve mentions El but tells him that she lost her powers. "You guys still have me, though. We may be in the brainstorming phase, but there's nothing to worry about."

Eddie relaxed a bit at my words, but you could still see that the situation bothered him. I hear the sirens before the others and I pull the tarp over him. "What are you doing?" Dustin asked. "Sirens." The wailing of the siren becomes louder, and we rush to the window, watching the police cars zoom past along with an ambulance. "We have to go check that out." The three of them follow Steve out the door, but I hang back. "I'll stay here with Eddie. Keep him safe."

The four of them sent me a smirk, "Don't get pregnant while we're gone." My eyes flash in warning as my face flushed a bright red, but they only laughed at my reaction. I shut the door behind them and turned around with a sigh, "You can come out, Eddie. The police went further down the street." Eddie tosses the tarp off him and sits up in the boat with a smirk on his face. "Don't get pregnant, huh? Why would they suggest you getting into such a state?" He hops out of the boat, and the hot and confident Eddie I first met at the records shop appears before me.

The Vampire in Hawkins (Eddie Munson x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now