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I let out a big yawn, slowly beginning to dry off and warm up.
"You tired?" Quaritch asked me, adjusting slightly so I have more space.
We were both lead down now, awkwardly, the only times we spoke wasn't ever to chat, it was him trying to kill me or something like that, depending on eachother was something we never thought had a chance of happening, especially this. I will admit, it is a little wierd he calls me sweetheart but maybe it was just something to patronise me.

"A little" I turned onto a side to face him so I wasn't ignorant.
"Me too sweetheart" He took off his jacket and laid it over both of us.

I immediately felt the warm blanket over me and not being able to help myself, I took a deep breath of his scent again, why did it comfort me so much?

He failed to avoid pulling a slight smile as I looked into his glowing yellow eyes.
We held eye contact for a while, listening to the storm outside run wild. I smiled softly back at him and relaxed a little.

As I closed my eyes to go to sleep, I felt a warm, large arm around my waist pulling me closer. I lifted my head and Quaritch used his other arm as my pillow. I wanted to lean my head onto his chest and get properly comfy but I didn't want to get too comfortable.

Why did he smell so amazing? His scent was like laying on a warm fluffy blanket after a tough day at work.
I quickly dozed off to sleep with his arm around me, it made me feel protected for some reason?


Waking up, I slowly opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light. I was now facing away from Quaritch with one arm as my pillow still and the other holding me close to him by the waist. I could feel his large chest and muscular stomach on my back, my tail curled around his.
I felt his deep breaths against the back of my neck and I smiled to myself, I was so comfortable in his arms.

After laying there for about half an hour, Quaritch woke up "good morning sugar"

I'm so glad he can't see my face, his voice was so deep and I wasn't expecting it. My cheeks had gone pinkish and my eyes widened.
"Good morning" I said back to him.

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