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Good luck with what?

What was that laugh? That was not normal.

A sane person would never laugh like that.

I changed my stance as i peered into the next room.

It was some of the na'vi. Not just one. And not blue. But red.

"Hello?" I said to them. Another mistake.

Instantly their heads twisted back, I shivered and immediately backed away.
"The fuck?" I said to myself.

3 red na'vi.
I didn't like the look of this. 3 males, all bigger, stronger and tougher. All creepy looking. Binet and muscular at the same time, black eyes, tails with spikes on the end, sharp facial features with deep scars and black tongues.

"So you're the one they told us about?" Hissed one of them.
"Why are you here?" I asked. "I've never even heard of red na'vi before"
"Your friends must hate you" The tallest gave me an uneasy looking grin, standing up and walking towards me.
"At least we won't be bored now" mentioned the strongest.

I began to back away back to the corridor.
"That's adorable" said the one with the scar through the eye.

I put my ears back "stay away from me"

"Or what?" Asked the closest one.
I didn't know, I had no weapons, I didn't know what they were capable of and they looked like at least one of them had a dagger.

"It's 3 against 1 little lady" Scar mentioned.

I just hissed, my tail shooting around.

The one closest to me gave me a sinister smile as he cornered me and came closer and closer. I looked up at him, attempting to not seem weak.
He gently placed his hand onto my jaw and stroked my cheek with his thumb, knowing I couldn't do anything.
I narrowed my eyes at him but couldn't help feel slightly comforted, his hands where warm and I was tired to the point my eyes stung when I blinked.
That's when I noticed his hands getting warmer and warmer, until I was more of a burning. He tightened his grip and pushed his hand onto my neck and I watched a grin appear on his face.
I tensed my face as I could feel my throat burning.
It wasn't long before I had to try to get away, i tried to push him away but his skin was too hot and every time I tried to push him I burnt my hands and couldn't. I took a deep breath and prepared myself before suddenly pulling him down to me and sinking my sharp teeth into his shoulder.
"Shit what the fuck?" He shouted out.
Biting harder and harder, I could taste his thick blood I didn't stop no matter how hard he slammed my body onto the floor or pushed.
He hissed in pain, I could feel my face burning and scabbing but I didn't stop. Not until I bit a chunk of flesh off of him.

Then I let go. I watched him immediately reach for his shoulder.
"What the fuck?!" He shouted, growling.
I dropped the bit of flesh from my mouth, his blood dripping from my lips and my face all burnt up. "I warned you, you little shit"
I looked at the other two who sat, horrified. "Who's next?" I snarled.

"Shouldn't of done that, love" Scar approached me with his gleaming red eyes and some sort of material in one hand.

I hissed at him with my ears back. He stopped in front of me to look me up and down and gave me a look that made me want to run.

"What's with the violence?" He grabbed me quick and used the material to tie my hands behind me.
I struggled and kicked but he could easily restrain me with one hand alone. He tied some more rags around my mouth to stop me from biting.
Panicked, I fell to my knees, how was he so fast?

"As I said, adorable" He gave me this smile that I hated.
He grabbed my tail and tightly wrapped it around his knuckles and squeezed it before kicking my shoulder so I fell down onto my knees and shoulders, I winced and inhaled sharply as I felt the blood begin to drip down my face.

Kneeling down behind me, "there's a good girl" He told me.

I quickly realised what was about to happen and quickly got my self up before he violently shoved me back down onto the floor and held me until the strongest, spike, held my shoulders.

Pinned to the floor, helpless, I felt Scar's hands begin to stroke up my inner thigh from the back.

I knew exactly what was going to happen.

"This is going to happen whether you like it or not love... you may aswell go with it" He told me as he lifted my tail "you're a beautiful lady"
I heard the others let out a snigger, that's when I felt it. Felt him. Inside me. Every Inch.
Not to mention, he's 10ft.
Pain entered my body and I felt so weak and useless.
I heard him grunting behind me with his grip tightening onto my tail and the other hand digging his nails into my forced arched back.

"Be prepared love, there's 3 of us remember" Whispered spike, pressing down onto my shoulders as my eyes began to water.

Unable to keep my breath, I began to sob.
I felt everything, pounding into me, weakening me. My tears ran down my face and onto the floor.
Trying to focus on anything else, each pound hitting my insides, pushing inside until it hurt, and him trying to force it further kept bringing me straight back to this moment.

I felt Scar pull my hair and turn my head to look at him
"Watch me whore" He commanded. "Cry for me"
I shut my eyes tightly before hearing Spike "open your eyes" He warned.
Something about that tone scared me, a lot. So I followed instructions.
"Now keep them open" Scar ordered, breathing heavily.

Nothing could've prepared me for this, he must've not been going too deep, but after that moment I felt myself rip.

I let our muffled screams, agony raced through me as he got rougher and deeper into me until I felt his waist and I knew it wouldn't get deeper. But that didn't make it any easier.
"I love it when you scream" scar bit his lip "keep them beautiful eyes open for me"

I couldn't help it, muffled screams as I felt the sharp sting of him entering and exiting my new wound. Over and over.

"You're bleeding love" Scar told me, stroking my inner thigh and showing me the now bloody hand before smothering my waist in it.

I could do anything but cry harder and scream louder, wishing anyone would help me.
Even prayed to Aywa, the Na'vi god.

That's when I heard the bang.

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