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"You've got no chance" I told him with my ears back, snarling.
"I can't blame you" Quaritch told me. "But we need to get this tracker out of you"
"It's only there because of you" I told him. "I've been safe for a year and now you come to tell me this"
" I can show you" He asked, trying to go behind me.
"You think I'm going to trust you enough to literally just let you go to where I can't see you?"
"Well how else am I supposed to show you?" He asked.
I looked him up and down, analysising his body language, the fact that he had the dagger in the leather pocket told me he wasn't prepared to use it, he wasn't in a stance to run or to throw a sudden punch either.
What was he planning?

I gave Harikēn a look and she stood herself behind me, keeping a close eye on Quaritch.

With my dagger tightly in my hand, I let Quaritch behind me and felt his rough, warm hands, then a sudden pin prick.
"You feel that?" He asked.
"Yeah" I answered.
"That's the tracker" he told me "I can take it out if you want but it will hurt"
"Do it" I told him.
"Can you calm your....dragon?" He asked, unsure of what to call her "please"
"Her name is Harikēn" I raised my arm to her and she came towards me, leaning her head to me knowing what was about to happen.
"I'll try be quick but you might want to bite on something and I'm sorry about this"

After biting down on a torn pierce of clothing, I felt him cut a small slit in the back of my neck, then one of the most painful things I've ever felt in my entire life. I bit down hard, wincing as Harikēn put her head below my arms, I petted her in attempt to calm my breathing.
"You ready?" Quaritch asked.
"Yeah" I told him, hesitantly.

I felt a sharp pain shoot down my spine, it felt like every individual bone was crumbling and it was unbearable.
My knees gave way, naturally trying to get away from the pain.
Harikēn stopped me from falling, I felt Quaritch's strong hands on my shoulders, trying to comfort me, it did and all I could think was how I'd love to be back in his arms with that amazing scent.

After regaining my balance, the pain went away.
" are you okay?" He asked, turning to me.
"Yeah" I answered, wincing, slightly feeling the new wound on my neck. "Why'd smith decide to switch sides?"
"Do you want me to be honest?" He asked.
I nodded, waiting for the answer, preparing myself for the worst.
"Well" he began "I've been on your side since that night in the forest"
He looked me in the eyes.
"But the memories from the old colonel changed me" He carried on " Made me focus on the mission, it was like I wasn't in control of myself sometimes, every night I spent alone, I've wanted you in my arms, but every time I close my eyes, I hear you scream and I've wanted to run to the forest to make sure you're okay, even prayed Aywa would send you a guardian after I lost sight of you"

I looked up to him, meeting his gaze. "So what made you change now?"
"Don't you realise?" He asked "nothings changed, I've always wanted to be on your side, you're my Aywa. The memories just aren't there as much anymore. I can finally focus on my life... preferably with you"

I narrowed my eyes, I wish this was true. I liked being alone but sometimes I felt lonely, and it's not like I wasn't either.
"How do I know you aren't lying?"
"I thought you ask that" He told me "so I'm hoping I can trust you"
"What do you mean?" I was confused.

He passed me his dagger to me. "It's not much but at least you know I won't literally stab you in the back"

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