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All 4 of us stopped, even Scar, which allowed me to take a breath.

Then there was another bang, but louder, until I noticed a dent in the door.

Scar ragged himself out of me and pushed me forward, allowing blood to come pouring out.
He pulled up my shorts and whispered "save it for me" with a wink.

I sat myself up and I could feel my inside stinging so I had to sit on an angle, leant against the wall or it would hurt.
Sniffling, I didn't notice spike.

Pulling down the mouth cover, he jumped and landed both heels on my tail, knowing it would aggravate whoever was behind the door.

I let out a huge screech of pain, so loud all of their ears twitched as they tried to cover them. I sobbed, unable to keep in my breath, holding my tail.

The banging on the door stopped.

Confused, the 3 assholes looked at eachother.as I began to stand up and run back through the corridor when I heard a familiar voice except very, very different.
Much more angry, and growling.
"YOU MOTHERFUCKERS" Quaritch yelled viciously,snarling, bursting through the doors, both knuckles bleeding.

With my hands tied behind my back, I ran down the corridor and into the original room, surely the others would be more interested in the reds and Quaritch than me.

All I heard was yelling and hissing, while I was trying to somehow manage to get my hands free. After really trying to focus through the tears and inability to breath steadily, I felt the material come loose and I shuffled around until it came undone.

A great rage come over me like a dark and stormy cloud, just waiting for the thunder.
I grabbed the material tightly in my fists and took a deep breath before exiting my original room to the reds. I walked in to see Quaritch on the floor coughing and Scar stood up behind him holding his dagger.
The other two reds on the floor, battered and bruised beyond recognition.

I snuck behind Scar as he raised his arm to strike on Quaritch. Holding the rag with both hands either side, feeling the pulsating pain inside of me, I built up rage.

I held the rag above his head and forced it into his mouth like a gag, I positioned my knee onto his back and pulled tightly.

Immediately, Scar panicked, not knowing what was going on. I pulled him down to my height and continued to pull on the rag until the corners of his mouth was bleeding.
"Whimper for me, love" I whispered in his ear "I want to hear you scream"

I watched his expression change from anger to fear.

"I'm going to be the last face you see before I kill you" I told him "and there's nothing you can do about it"
I felt him begin to warm up "we aren't having any of that"
I bit the end of his ear hard "you're just warming up my next meal"
I felt him tense, trying not to let out any sound.
"This is going to happen whether you like it or not love" I mimicked " you may aswell just accept it"

I gave him a toothy grin. I kicked the backs of his knees so he fell in front of me and I tied his hands behind his back.

"What are you going to do?" He asked, voice shaking.
I stood behind him, holding Quaritch's dagger. "I'm going to make you scream" I laughed at him.

Quaritch was in the corner of my eye, done coughing and watching silently.

I watched as Scar tried to lift himself off the ground, but I swung my leg back and with every ounce of strength I had, kicked him perfectly in between his legs.

I watched him yell out in pain, unable to 'tend' to the radiating pain.

"You like that, love?" I asked, his agony gave me great happiness "be prepared because there's more"

I waited until he had calmed himself, then I kicked again. And again. And again.
I listened to his screamed.
"How the fuck do you like it?!" I yelled angrily, still kicking until I saw patches of blood seep through his trousers.
"Awe, you're fucking bleeding love" I mimicked angrily, again.
I knelt beside him "look at me" I commanded.

Opening his watery eyes, he met my stare. I gave him another toothy grin.
"Now keep it that way"
I slowly began to press the dagger into his back, adding pressure until it pierced his red disgusting skin. I watched him tense as the pain started to surge through his body as I began to twist the knife, still adding pressure, watching blood drip around his waist.

"Irritating isn't it?" I laughed at him.
"Alright I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He replied, pleading for my mercy.
"Beg" i ordered, still pushing the dagger into him.
"Please!" he shouted. "I will do anything"
"Anything?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Yes, anything" he was shouting out in pain, breathing heavily.
"That's dumb even for you" I sniggered at him, I stopped digging the dagger and pulled it out.
"What w-would you like me to do?" He was stuttering now.
"Wait for 1 minute exactly, then run" I commanded.
"What?" He was confused and afraid "you want me to run?"

I saw Quaritch in the corner of my eye raise his arms, confused.

"Sprint like the wind, get away from this place, I will spare you mercy and a chance to leave" I told him "you have 35 seconds to catch your breath, you will be chased"
I cut his hands free. "You fight me, I'll gut you while you're still alive... you have 20 seconds"
He got himself ready to sprint.
I continued to count down.
Then I did it.
Slitting straight through the back of his ankles and listening to his screeches as I laughed at him.
Quaritch, silent and shocked.

I carried on.
"Sprint" I ordered.

Immediately, not understanding the extent of what I had done, he stretched out his legs, opening the wound up and tearing more skin around it.
Screaming in agony, he fell straight down.
"Oh no, looks like you failed" I laughed.

Quaritch was wide-eyed, I don't think he'd ever seen anything like this by the look of him.

I watched the blood drain from Scars body with screeches. I stood in front of him and pulled his hair back so he was forced to look at me.
"Look at me love"
I watched as tears ran down his cheeks.

"Now scream for me"
I dug the dagger into the sides of his mouth.
He followed my commands. Screaming at the top of his lungs.
"Goodbye Love" I told him, before slowly pushing the dagger through the roof of his mouth into his brain.

I felt his body loose all control, limp and cold. This made me grin to myself, covered in both mine and his blood, I turned to Quaritch.
He began to put on a defensive stance, holding his ribs.

I threw his dagger on the floor next to him.
"Good riddance, don't follow me" I warned.
I exited the rooms and silently, escaped to the outside.

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