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Snarling, I hissed "I'll let you throw the first punch before I kill you"
Scrunching her nose, the woman threw the fist of steel into my direction.
Wishing myself the best of luck, I gripped onto it, feeling the thump to my chest and a few rips crack, as she brought the fist back, mistakenly bringing me close to her.
I punched as hard as I could at the glass shield over her body and managed to crack it, my fist shaking in agony as blood poured out, the large steel hands gripped either side of my waist and flung me off.
I winced as my spine hit a tree and I hit the floor.
"Think your strong?" She laughed, it only fields my rage.

Panting, I flew threw each flashback of the reds, scars face as he pounded himself into me as my tears splashed onto the white floor.
I growled as I got myself up and balanced.
"At least I don't need steel to protect myself"

She ran at me, stomping the blocks of metal on the floor. Jumping up, back onto the glass shield before she could get another punch in, I used my feet to break the glass.
"I wouldn't do that if I was you" Those words made me stop. "Not notice your new boyfriend?"

Immediately looking around, protective being my nature.
Quaritch held by 5 other avatars with a gun to his head.
"Don't try me hun, you know I'm far too powerful for you" She had this fucking grin on and it made my blood boil "throw another punch I dare you"
I had to refrain. Quaritch shouting "just do it!"
No way was I going to just let him die.
"We're going!" She threw me off, slamming my head onto a tree and watching me drop to the floor.

My vision was blurry now and I couldn't hear things properly.
Walking back to Quaritch and the others, I saw him kicking off, attempting to get out of the grip but with his hands and arms tied, he couldn't do much.
"We'll get you back to rights" Told the woman to Quaritch.

After watching them leave, dragging Quaritch with them. I saw my friend again. Victoria.
This made me angry, she was trying to get me to follow her.
"No!" I shouted at it "I listened to you since day one! Isn't Aywa supposed to keep us safe and protect her people?! I listened and kept you safe, and you let this happen! And you expect me to keep following?" I was fuming.

I knew instantly what they where going to do to him and it upset me.
Watching the Panopyra sit above me in the tree, it listened to me but refused to leave.

I sit there for a moment catching my breath when I noticed a screech.

Jumping up, I ran to the trailer. I sprinted, my ribs killing as I felt them cracked and cracking more. Getting back, Harikēn tied, Neytiri, Jake and a few others that I didn't recognise standing around her.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yelled angrily.
"You lied!" Neytiri shouted back.
"We saw everything" Jake snarled at me "now you and her are coming with us"
"You put us in danger" hissed one of the other na'vi.
"No way am I coming with you" I growled.
"May I remind you Harikēn is currently tied down, we will kill if we have to" warned Neytiri.

I sighed, I had enough losses for one day and I didn't have a choice. Lighting a cigarette, I nodded, surrendering.
"We do not know why Aywa chose you, but now you must come with us" Jake explained.
I nodded tiredly.
I walked over to Harikēn to see the sad look in her eyes. They loosened the ripped and I stroked her face trying to comfort her as she leaned slightly into my hand.
"Get on and tell her to follow us" Jake ordered.
Getting on and forming the bond. She tied my arms and hands before blindfolding me.

I felt us take flight and I struggled to keep on, I felt her trying to stay steady for me.
All I could see was black, there wasn't a chance of me getting out of this tie.

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