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Since being here on this island for about a month now, the boredom was killing me, I had grown sick of doing the same thing over and over again. There wasn't much space on this island and I couldn't hold my breath long enough to explore the ocean.

I had created many many blankets from vines and leaves, drawn countless pictures using mud and the coloured juice from the berries, switching up my workouts, talking to myself, made chandeliers from fish scales and everything you could think of.
I woke up today with the ambition that I would find something new to do for the next few days. I tied my hair back and walked over to the ocean.

I began to walk into the clear water and started swimming out. Going underneath, there lay beautiful coral reefs and schools of many different coloured fish all different species. But something was off today. Usually, they'd swim all together in the patterns, today they seems frantic. None of them could stay in line like they usually did.

Something was wrong but maybe it was just me. Perhaps there was a storm rolling in. Soon, I heard a soft rumbling and the fish turned into chaos, a few skimming past me with sharp fins, creating small cuts all of my body.

I reached the top of the water again and swam back to shore quickly, getting onto the shaded patch of sand, I had blood dripping down me everywhere, I had a deeper gash on my cheekbone but that wasn't my focus. I squinted my eyes to look at the ocean to see if there was anything there.

Going further inland, I climbed the tallest tree and looked again, I still couldn't see anything but I could hear the running still and the ocean near one of the surrounding islands looked a little choppy. I soon noticed all the fish and whales leaving that island in a hurry. What was going on there?

Another few minutes passed by and I noticed a large metal boat coming straight for this island. I knew that the military would be looking for jake sully and probably guessed I'd be with them if they checked the old cabin I was at.

Luckily, I was the only one here and so I could hide wherever I wanted and nobody would give my position away so I decided to stay up in the trees.

The shop got here fast and the avatars from before stepped off. I watched them look through my base, making a mess of everything.

The tree I was in slowly began to creek and panic set in, I didn't think but the trees round here weren't fit for having avatars climb up them like the ones back home. I attempted to quietly shift my weight more evenly when I noticed a familiar voice.

"These aren't normal na'vi things to build" he informed "search everywhere, she's here"


They new I was here and Quaritch knew it was me. I was relieved that he wasn't dead, over the moon. However, whatever they had done to him, I would have better luck staying out of his way.

However, this damned tree decided to betray me.

I came tumbling down fast, I had a smaller branch in my hand as I landed on one of the avatars and shoved the end into his torso by the neck.

They all turned to look at me and Quaritch had a look on him that I didn't like.

"So this is where you got off to?" He looked down at me.
I backed off so he couldn't grab me and smirked. "Well, once a moon a time, it was you that I got off to, but I figured you don't deserve it until you come back to your senses"

The others looked around, they obviously wasn't supposed to know we had something together and he looked livid.

"I'm gonna make you wish you never opened that pretty little mouth" he snarled, advancing closer.

"Now, now princess, I said until you come back to your senses, don't start flirting with me yet" I giggled at him, he hated this and I knew it.

I figured, if he'd hate me enough to come after me on his own, I might be able to reverse whatever they'd done to him, but while there was others with us, I can't.

He snarled at me and gave the command for his troops to begin attempting to capture me.

They started to rush me all at once. I ran back to the ocean where I'd put the shade, before I got in the water, i took away the main support log I had put there so it all came down and there was no shade for the piping hot sand. As I saw them all appear from the trees, I waved goodbye I'm a sarcastic motion and dived under.

I wasn't able to explore much because I couldn't hold my breath but now I had no choice.

I swam to an underwater cave system and figured that somewhere in there, there would be air. I jumped as bullets began firing through the water, I felt a very sharp sting in my arm.

I held it close to me, running out of breath as I frantically started with through the cave in all sorts of twists and turns. Getting more desperate, I started to panic, I felt the pressure building up inside me with the urge to inhale.

In the panic, I scratched my arms and legs on the cave walls, the pain began to consume me as I got out of the cave.

It didn't lead to anything! Just straight back out into the fucking ocean!

That's when I began to feel weak as the pain took over and my body attempted to inhale the water.

Naturally, coughing made it worse, however that was just my body responding. I know it made it worse but there was nothing I could do now.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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