9. Always Been Afraid

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Jon was chosen as the new Lord Commander, and to say Caro was the only one fully supporting her nephew was hardly an understatement. Yes he won but Janos and Thorne were still being difficult. Caro didnt like Stannis, didnt want him here but what was she supposed to do?

Jon reiterated that his place is with the Night's Watch. He also reiterated the Night's Watch's neutrality in the affairs of the Seven Kingdoms. Although having a Stark pledged to Stannis' cause would have been a great asset, Stannis respected Jon's decision, for now. Caro knew his false kindness would fade.

"Maester Aemon?" Jon questioned as Sam came in. He had hoped to have someone else on his side during Jon's first general meeting of the garrison in the main hall as Lord Commander.

"He apologizes for not being here. He's not feeling well." Sam remarked.

"Take good care of him." Jon remarked before standing up to address his men. "As you all know too well, it's long past time to dig a new latrine pit. First Builder Yarwyck and I have decided to appoint a latrine captain to oversee this crucial task." Jon declared. "Brian." Jon remarked. "It seems like a good job for a ginger.'' Jon remarked and the men chuckled out in agreement. "Ser Alliser. You have more experience than any other soldier at Castle Black. You proved your valour many times over by defending the Wall from the wildling attack. I name you First Ranger." Jon went on.

Caro's face pinched though, was that a good idea? She wasnt certain. Yes it was strategic but Alliser Thorne was a thorn in their sides, mainly Jons. 

"Lord Janos. I'm giving you command of Greyguard." Jon remarked and he scoffed back at Jon.

"Greyguard is a ruin." Janos hissed.

"Yes, the fort is in a sorry state. Restore it as best you can." Jon offered. "First Builder Yarwyck can spare..."

"I was charged with the defense of King's Landing when you were soiling your swaddling clothes." Janos spat back fury building in him. "Keep your ruin."

"Alright, alright. Enough of that." Jon demanded as the men started getting riled up. They werent listening. Caro stepped up on the table stomping down a boot breaking a plate. 

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Caro demanded. They stared back at her silently. "Listen to your commander." Caro added as she hopped down. 

"Thank you Auntie." Jon whispered before looking to Janos. "You mistake me, my Lord. That was a command, not an offer. Pack your arms and armour, say your farewells, and ride for Greyguard." Jon demanded.

"I will not go meekly off to freeze and die. Give it to one of the fools who cast a stone for you. I will not have it." Janos shouted back. 

"You forget yourself Janos, you are nothing here." Caro corrected. But he shook his head. 

"You hear me, boy? I will not have it!" Janos spat. 

"You refusing to obey my order?" Jon countered calmly.

"You can stick your order up your bastard arse."

"Careful boy." Caro countered. "His ass is in charge." she reminded him.

"And you are just a slut that thinks she is in charge." Janos shouted but a smug smile crossed Caro's face. 

"Take Lord Janos outside." Jon demanded, insulting him was one thing but his aunt on top of disobeying that wouldnt be tolerated. "Ollie, bring me my sword."

"You cannot do this! Get your hands off me! You're scum! All of you!" Janos shouted as he was dragged outside. "The boy thinks he can frighten me? He's mistaken, yes, very mistaken. A disgrace!" Janos continued to shout as Jon stepped forward admiring his valyrian steel blade.

"Oh, pretty." Caro whispered touching the flat edge of his blade. "You want me to do it?"

"I have to." Jon corrected and Caro nodded taking a step back. 

"I have friends, important friends in the capital! You'll see!" Janos spat thrashing in the Crows grip.

"Sure you do, thats why you are here." Caro agreed sarcastically. 

"If you have any last words, my Lord... now is the time." Jon told him calm and cool. Janos sucked in a nervous breath, he didn't think Jon would do it and switched tactics to show his true fear and grovel. Jon remembered what his father used to say, Jon was going to follow his example. Caro nodded to him. 

"I was wrong. You're the Lord Commander! We all serve you. I'm sorry. Not only for this, for all I've done and said." Janos begged as they forced him down. "I was wrong! My Lord, please, mercy! Mercy! I'll go! I will! Please." Jon stared down at him wordlessly.

'the man who passes the sentence must swing the sword.' Jon readied to personally behead Janos. While on the chopping block, he kept begging for mercy. 

 "I'm afraid." He admitted. "I've always been afraid." Janos whimpered out.

Jon was hesitant for just a moment, he didn't want to be this type of leader but then again, he couldn't be seen as weak, they would never respect him. Jon executed Janos with a single blow. From across the courtyard, Stannis saw Jon behead Janos for refusing his orders, a grin crossed Stannis face. 

"Clean this up." Caro demanded before leaning into Jon. "You did good. It may not seem like it right now but Ned would have been really proud of how you handled all of this." 

"Thank you auntie." 

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