22. Traitor

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"It's time, Ser Davos." Alliser demanded impatiently from the other side of the door. "Open the door and the men inside can rejoin their brothers in peace. We'll even set the wolf free north of the Wall where it belongs. Nobody needs to die tonight."

"I've never been much of a fighter." Davos remarked. "Apologies for what you're about to see." They readied their blades.

Ghost growled aggressively.

"Come on." Alliser demanded.

Caro unsheathed Jon's Longclaw. The faithfuls follow suit, drawing their own blades. While Alliser turned to address  his Night's Watchman.

Caro looked to Jon as they prepared. Tormund had a plan, it needed to work. But she wanted him here. Caro sucked in a tight breath holding tighter to her blade.

The Night's Watchman lifted a large hammer and walked over to the door. He begins slamming the hammer against the door repeatedly. Davos looked around the group. They were going to die. Ghost began to growl and bark as they readied themselves for battle. Caro tried to hush him, her ears were ringing and she was a mess as it was but he howled away.

''Bolton has women fighting for him?''

''I don't fight for the Boltons. I'm Brienne of Tarth. I was Kingsguard to Renly Baratheon. I was there when he was murderer by a shadow with your face." Brienne seethed down at Stannis. ''You murdered him with blood magic?''

''I did.'' stannis agreed

''In the name of Renly of House Baratheon, First of His Name, rightful King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to die. Do you have any last words?''

''Go on, do your duty.'' Stannis hissed, he was done with all this nonsense.

''Looks like we're done here.'' Ramsay agreed. soldiers groaned all around them

''I surrender! I surrender!''

''And I accept your surrender.'' Ramsay agreed killing the solider. ''Let's head back. My wife must be lonely.''


After a number of swings, the Night's Watchman with the hammer broke a hole in the door. A loud thudding thought could be heard somewhere behind them and Caro stiffened anxiously.

Alliser turned to see what the noise was. The thudding was coming from one of the courtyard's main gates. Wun Wun, the wildling giant came breaking down the gate and the Wildlings led by Tormund and Edd as they rushed into the courtyard. The Night's Watch loyal to Alliser were already ready for a fight but not against the whole damn wildling army, not against a giant. With bows drawn at the Wildlings, they didnt fire. They back up slowly. Waiting. Caro peered out the tiny barred window to see what caught their attention.

"Tormund." She whispered.

"Attack!" Alliser demanded drawing his sword. A Night's Watchman charged at Tormund but Tormund cut him down. The other Night's Watch members did not retaliate. They rose their hands, dropped their weapons seeing it was a lost cause.

"Fight, you cowards!" Alliser demanded.

A Night's Watchman on a balcony shot WUN WUN in the shoulder with a crossbow bolt. WUN WUN turned to face the man, then grabbed him by the legs, slamming him against a wall, and tossed his body to the ground in front of Alliser. The Night's Watch members allied to Alliser began dropping their weaponry looking to their smarter brothers who had already given up. Tormund and Edd approach Alliser though, swords drawn.

"You fucking traitor." Alliser spat at Edd. He was a crow and yet he sided with the wildlings.

"The only traitors here are the ones who shoved their knives into their Lord Commander's heart." Edd corrected.

"For thousands of years the Night's Watch has held Castle Black against the Wildlings." Alliser hissed.

"Until you." Tormund agreed.

Olly couldn't allow this, the wildlings killed his family, he shouted out a battle cry and charges at Tormund, like an idiot with his sword. Tormund easily grabbed Olly and disarmed him, then tossed him as though he was a doll to another man who restrained him. Two men took Alliser by the arms holding him back, as he thrashed in their harsh grip.

"Throw them into the cells where they belong." Edd demanded.

The men dragged Alliser, Olly, and the Night's Watch betrayers away. Tormund ran back up to where Jons body was. Where Caro was. He held onto her clinging to her. She fisted his shirt as she hugged him not willing to let go as the others looked at Jon's body, the wounds.

"That was awful." Caro whispered. "But good job." Tormund chuckled kissing her forehead. "Are the girls-"

"Asking for you? Saying we want Caro, she sings better than you da, she cooks better than you da, she smells better than you da." Tormund remarked. "Yeah, talkers they are."

"But they are alright." Caro whispered.

"Yeah." Tormund agreed.

"Took a lot of knives. I'll have my men get the wood for a fire. Bodies to burn." Tormund remarked after a long moment, Caro nodded into him.

"Dont burn him." Davos demanded. Caro stared back at him as he ran out. "Dont burn Commander Jon Snow." He locked eyes with her. "Do you trust me?"

"No." Caro answered honestly.

Davos blinked back at her as he hesitated at the door.

"I dont like you, I don't hate you. I don't trust you." Caro informed him. "But I wont burn Jon."

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