52. Rumpelstiltskin

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Snow was falling into the courtyard. The ground was covered with several inches of snow. Several braziers ware burning as a servant carried a bucket of steaming water across the grounds. Arya was standing on the upper level looking into the courtyard. Sansa approached her from behind but Arya heard her footsteps. 

"Father used to watch us from up here. He wouldn't say much. You probably don't remember. You were inside knitting all the time." Arya remarked not looking to Sansa. Her gaze shifted to Rickon and Caro in the courtyard. 

"I remember." Sansa agreed standing beside her.

"One time the boys were shooting arrows with Ser Rodrick. I came out here after and Bran had left his bow behind just lying on the ground. Ser Rodrick would have cuffed him if he saw." Arya recalled a hint of a smile crossed her face at the memory. "There was one arrow in the target. There was no one around, just like now. No one to stop me. So I started shooting. And every shot I had to go out there and get my one arrow and walk back and shoot it again. I wasn't very good." It was a long time ago, when she was someone but had no purpose. Now she was no one with a purpose. "Finally I hit the bullseye. It could have been the 20th shot or the 50th. I don't remember. But I hit the bullseye and I heard this." Arya started a slow clap. It drew Caro's attention up to them. A smile spread over Arya's face as Caro held an imaginary bow aiming at the target. She remembered too. 

"I looked up and he's standing right here smiling down at me. Caro too. She was hooting out happily. I knew what I was doing was against the rules. But Caro trained with the boys and he was smiling so I knew it wasn't wrong." Arya recalled and she could picture Ned's face. "The rules were wrong. I was doing what I was meant to be doing and he knew it. Now he's dead. Killed by the Lannisters with your help." Sansa finally looked to Arya.

"What?" Sansa questioned. Arya retrieved a raven scroll from her pocket and unrolled it.

"That's your pretty handwriting. Septa Mordane used to crack my knuckles because I couldn't write as well as you." Arya recalled. "Robb, I write to you today with heavy heart. Our good King Robert is dead. Killed from wounds he took in a boar hunt-"

"You don't have to read it. I remember." Sansa sneered.

"Father has been charged with treason. He conspired with Robert's brothers against my beloved Joffrey and tried to steal his throne. The Lannisters are treating me well and providing me with every comfort. I beg you, come to King's Landing, swear fealty to King Joffrey and prevent any strife between the great houses of Lannister and Stark. Your faithful sister, Sansa." Arya finished.

"They forced me to do it." Sansa whimpered.

"Did they. With a knife at your throat? Did they put you on a rack and stretch you until your bones started to pop?" Arya countered and Sansa scoffed.

"You don't know what it was like. I was a child."

"So was I. I would have let them kill me before I betrayed my family." Arya spat back.

"They told me it was the only way to save father." Sansa informed her.

"And you were stupid enough to believe them." Arya sneered

"Aunt Caro did the same-"

"She wasnt there when father died." ARya corrected. 

"She married the enemy-"

"To try and save us." Arya agreed. 

"And you think her stupid too?" Sansa pondered. 

"Yes. But that was only because I knew father was gone before she married Tywin." Arya agreed.  "I remember you standing on that platform with Joffrey and Cersei when they dragged father too the block. I remember the pretty dress you were wearing. I remember the fancy way you did your hair."

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