63. Excalibur

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'Have you seen arya?' Gendry asked as the feast was in full swing.

'You can still smell the burning bodies and that is where your head is at?' sandor questioned him.

'I just want to thank her-'

'oh im sure you do.' Sandor grumbled

'it's not about that-' gendry said

"Not about what?" Caro questioned as she passed. 


"He fucked your niece." Sandor answered. "ANd now he's itching for more cunt." 

"I'm sorry, who are you and why are you going near-" Caro looked to Sandor. 

"The little shit." Sandor answered. 

"Why are you going near Arya's cunt?" Caro spat. 

"I'm... shit..." Gendry whispered. 

'Run boy run." Sandor smirked back at him. 

"Yep." Gendry agreed heading off. 

"Thanks for the update Clegane." Caro remarked as she headed off. 

'Gendry... thats right isnt it?' danny asked

'Yes your grace' gendry said turning to her.

'Your Robert Baratheons son...' he nodded 'you realize he took my family's throne and tried to have me murdered right?'

'I did not know he was my father until after he was dead' gendry told her.

'Yes. He is dead. His brothers are too, so who is Lord of storms end now?' she questioned.

'I don't know your grace' gendry admitted he hadn't thought about it.

'Does anyone? I think you should be the lord of storms end.' Danny told him

'I can't be. Im a bastard' he told her

'No you are lord gendry baretheon the lawful son of Robert Baratheon because that is what I have made you,' she told him and he stood speechless

'To the Lord Gendry Baratheon of storms End' Davos said and everyone stood up raising a glass to him

'Fitting reward for a hero' Tyrion told her 'clever giving him that position.'

'See you're not the only one that's clever' Daenerys remarked. "Lady Carolina!"

"You want to give me a title too?" Caro mused. 

"You already hold lady of winterfell." Daenerys countered. "Wardness of the north..."

"You see..." Caro walked up the head table she saw the annoyance in Tormunds face that she kept getting distracted, pulled away. "I like the north." Caro assured. "But I liked the south. I liked the sun... I'm good at bossing people around but I want somewhere I can swim with my family. Show my legs and arms... all the things. So veto lady wardeness of the north." 

"You were right about the crypts." Dany remarked. 

"She usually is." Tyanna called over to them, Caro smiled back at her. 

"You are smart lady carolina. You shouldnt be stuck in the north forever." Dany offered. 

"Thank you. I knew I liked you. Jon... keeper..." Caro remarked. "But we need to talk about... non related things... later." 

'To the dragon queen!' tormond yelled "Caro ass here." Tormund begged. 

'To Arya stark the hero of winterfell!' dany countered rising a glass to her.

End Game// Tormund Giantsbane (3)Where stories live. Discover now