32. Run With Me

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"Mama you're back!" Tumi declared running to Caro. 

"We need to talk about that." Sansa remarked as she headed inside. 

"Hey sweetie, were you good for your father?" Caro mused as she scooped TUmi up. 

"Nope." She answered honestly. 

"Little shit she was." Tormund agreed and Caro smiled back at him. "You took your sweet time didnt you gorgeous?" 

"Had to yell at a lot of idiots." Caro agreed. "Takes time." 

"Never leave again!" Tumi declared. "Never!" 

"Never ever." Caro agreed. 

"Alright squirt, find your sister I need a moment with Caro." Tormund instructed. Tumi grumbled but moved away. Marching her little feet through the snow. 

"I missed you," he said. It wasn't loud. It wasn't desperate. It was ... life. She stared back at him as he brought a hand to her hip pulling her closer. "The girls missed you too. But ... not as much as I did." Caro mirrored his grin a breath before he kissed her. She swore they kissed forever but when he pulled away without a word her heart sunk and confusion filled her. 

She pressed her fingers to her lips like she could hold the flavor and feel of him in longer. Her mind raced about what it all could mean. Wondered if it was a moment of weakness as he pulled away, why did he pull away, did they gave in to or if it was a tide turning for them, and more repeats were on the menu.


"I've said no three times already." Blackfish corrected

"I have a signed letter from your niece Sansa Stark." Brienne declared.

"I haven't seen her since she was a child." Blackfish countered. "I don't know her signature. I don't know you. And I will not surrender. Double the guards tonight."

"The Kingslayer wants to try us. I can feel it."

"As I have said, my name is--" Brienne began.

"Yes, Brienne of Tarth. I know your father. Good man. He always spoke highly of you." Blackfish remarked.

"And if he were here now, I'd tell him the same I'm telling you." Brienne countered.

"If you think I'm abandoning my family's seat on the Kingslayer's word of honor, you're a bloody fool."

"Riverrun cannot stand against the Lannisters and the Freys." Brienne countered. 

"We can stand longer than your one-handed friend thinks we can."

"He's not my friend." Brienne corrected

"No?" Blackfish mused. "Who gave you permission to cross the siege line and enter the castle? Who gave you that sword with the gold lion on the pommel?"

"Ser Jaime kept his word to your niece Catelyn Stark." Brienne corrected "He sent me to find Sansa, to help her as Catelyn wanted. He gave me this sword to protect her. That is what I have done and I will continue to do until the day I die." Brienne declared. "What of Carolina Stark?"

"I havent seen her in ages either." Blackfish corrected. 

"Lady Catelyn spoke highly of her sister in law. Does that mean nothing? That Catelyn Stark cared enough after death to try and protect her family?"

"Sansa, she's exactly like her mother. I don't have enough men to help her take Winterfell." Blackfish corrected. 

"You have more than she does." Brienne corrected.

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