30. King Crow

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"We said we'd fight with you, King Crow, when the time comes and we meant it, but this isn't what we agreed to. These aren't White Walkers. This isn't an army of the dead. This isn't our find." Dim Dalba one of the wildling leader reminded him when Tormund, Caro, Sansa, Davos and Wun Wun came to discuss their future, their home, their situation with the boltons.

"If it weren't for him, none of us would be here. All of you would be meat in the Night King's army. And I'd be a pile of charred bones just like Mance." Tormund reminded them.

"And it was her fault-"

"I gave him a quick clean death." Caro reminded them defensively. "I can do the same to you. Dont piss me off." 

"Control your woman Tormund." Dim demanded with a cackle.

"Auntie." Jon begged when he saw Caro take a step forward. 

"Remember Mance's camp? It stretched all the way to the horizon. And look at us now. Look what's left of us. And if we lose this, we're gone. Dozens of tribes, hundreds of generations. Be like we were never there at all. We'll be the last of the free folk." Dim corrected. The fire crackled between them and Sansa pulled her cloak tighter around herself nervously.

" That's what'll happen to you if we lose. The Boltons, the Karstarks, the Umbers, they know you're here. They know that more than half of you are women and children. After they finish with me, they'll come for you." Jon declared "You're right. This isn't your fight. You shouldn't have to come to Winterfell with me. I shouldn't be asking you. It's not the deal we made. I need you with me if we're gonna beat them, and we need to beat them if you're going to survive." Tormund gestured dramatically to Jon.

"The crows killed him because he spoke for the free folk when no other southerners would. He died for us. If we are not willing to do the same for him, we're cowards. And if that's what we are, we deserve to be the last of the free folk." Tormund declared.

"Snow. The giant. " Wun Wun declared as he stood up and walked away. Dim looked around the group of wildling leaders, one of them nodded, Jon remained silent as they had their own silent deliberation. Dim stuck out a hand and Jon shook it. Jon watched them as they walked off. 

"Their lack of communication is infuriating." Caro declared. "What was that? Yes we will help or sucks for you. Good luck?" Caro looked to Tormund and he chuckled kissing her neck. 

" Are you sure they'll come?" Jon questioned Tormund.

"We're not clever like you southerners. When we say we'll do something, we do it." Tormund assured.

"That was like a jab and a compliment at the same time." Caro remarked. 

"It's a skill." TOrmund agreed. 

"Stop flirting, we got work to do." Jon reminded them. 

"I can multitask." Tormund corrected. 

"See you back at castle black." Caro remarked. 


The castle of House Mormont sat atop a high hill. Waterfalls poured out below. A bird screeched out, it was eerily beautiful. They knew a child ran house Mormont.

LYANNA Mormont sat at a high table flanked by a commander and a maester. Jon, Sansa, Caro and Davos entered, guards closing the doors behind them. Jon stood tall as he got closer.

"Lady Mormont." Jon remarked.

"Welcome to Bear Island." Lyanna declared looking between them. Jon looked to Sansa as she stepped forward.

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