36. Starving

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'we are breaking down those gates.' Caro informed jon.

'yes commander.' Jon teased.

"Sorry." Caro murmured. "Just-" she circled her hands in front of her. "Adrenaline." she remarked.

"We couldnt have gotten Rickon back without you." Jon remarked. "What do you think?" Jon nodded to winterfell.

'I have had quite enough of the Boltons. We breech the damn gates and finish this.' Caro demanded and Sansa nodded. "Thanks Petyr." Caro added looking him over.

Their forces managed to breach the gates, and the remaining Bolton forces are defeated, rasmey knew he was beat.

Ramsay finally accepts Jon's offer to a one-on-one duel, while wielding a bow and arrow.

"You suggested one-on-one combat, didn't you?" Ramsay pondered. "I've reconsidered. I think that sounds like a wonderful idea."

Jon stepped forward grabbing a nearby shield, Jon skillfully blocked all of Ramsay's shots with it, Jon got closer with every step until he was close enough to smack the bow out of Ramsay's hands and hit him to the ground, once down ramsey pleaded but Jon furiously punched Ramsay's face into a bloody pulp. He panted for breath as Jon stood up.

'cant finish?' ramsay wheezed.

'the kill is not for me.' Jon said wiping his blood from her hands. He looked back to sansa. 'if you want to that is.' Jon added.

Jon ordered Ramsay locked up and the remaining Boltons surrender, restoring House Stark's hold on Winterfell. Sansa asked Jon for Ramsay's whereabouts, and he directed her to the kennels as Caro and Tormund handled the rest of the castle. Winterfell, it felt nice to be home. 

"Get these banners down." Caro demanded. "The Starks are back!"  

"Sansa." Ramsay remarked when she came into the kennels. "Hello, Sansa. Is this where I'll be staying now?"

"No. Our time together is about to come to an end." Sansa answered stiffly.

"That's all right. You can't kill me. I'm part of you now." Ramsay laughed out.

"Your words will disappear. Your house will disappear. Your name will disappear. All memory of you will disappear." Sansa declared. Ramsay glanced to his growling hounds.

"My hounds will never harm me."

"You haven't fed them in seven days. You said it yourself." Sansa remarked.

"They're loyal beasts." he corrected nervously.

"They were." Sansa agreed. "Now they're starving."


"When we had feasts, our family would sit up here... and I'd sit down there." Jon remarked as he stood at the front of the banquet

"Could have been worse, Jon Snow." The red woman corrected. "You had a family. You had feasts.

"Aye, you're right. I was luckier than most." jon agreed "What is that?"

"Tell him." Davos demanded storming in. "Tell him who it belonged to. The Princess Shireen." Davos answered for her. "Tell him what you did to her. Tell him!"

"We burned her at the stake." She admitted.

"Caro was right." Jon rasped. "You killed her?"

"Why?" Davos demanded. 

"The army was trapped. The horses were dying. It was the only way." She offered.

"You burned a little girl alive!"

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