43. Bad Idea

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"I wanted you to tell me you felt something. Anything! But you didnt. You are loud and bossy and mean and I liked that about you. Because you were so damn different from him." Caro shouted.

The ominous him. But Tormund knew.

"You tell me things and then your actions retract what you said what you claimed and I wanted you to tell me and mean it."

"Tell you what?" Tormund rasped

"That you would fight for us."

Her voice was a rasp as he stepped closer wrapping his arms around her.

"I am fighting for you." Tormund remarked softly. "Im fighting these damn monsters so we can have a future. So my girls are safe. Im fighting for us. Im not running away. Im running towards the monsters so we can figure out what the hell we are."

"I would like that." Caro agreed. He leaned in, needing to kiss her. Her mouth moved under his while he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her back with him until he landed in the chair. She held tight to him as she stumbled falling into his lap. 

He pulled his mouth from hers just long enough to look into her eyes. Her tongue chased his, equally desperate for a taste. With a groan, he pulled back at the knock at the door. 

"Always getting interrupted." Caro whispered bringing a hand to his cheek. 


"I've heard she beat the Hound in single combat. She's a very impressive woman." Petyr remarked as he saw Sansa staring down at Brienne in the courtyard.

"What do you want, Lord Baelish?" Sansa countered

"I want you to be happy. I want you to be safe."

"I am safe. I'm at home, surrounded by friends and family. I have Brienne to protect me from anyone who would harm me." Sansa assured. "My aunt as well."

"Your aunt Carolina is a little thing." Petyr remarked. 

 "Tiny but mighty." Sansa assured. 

"It's always the little ones you have to worry about." Caro remarked sneaking up behind them. 

"My lady." Petyr offered. 

"You alright Sansa?" Caro questioned ignoring Petyr. 

"Petyr doesnt think I'm safe." Sansa offered. 

"You are the only one Petyr that might be a danger to Sansa." Caro remarked. 

"What about happy?" Petyr offered.  "Why aren't you happy? What do you want that you do not have?"

"At the moment, peace and quiet." Sansa answered as Brienne came up the steps Petyr pursed his lips silently. Caro laughed out. 

"No need to seize the last word, Petyr. I'll assume it was something you thought was clever." Caro offered. Petyr looked between them before excusing himself.

"My lady, my lady.... My lady." Petyr offered as he headed down the steps to the courtyard.

"Why is he still here?" Brienne sneered

""We need his men. Without the Vale, Ramsay Bolton would still hold this castle. Littlefinger saved us." Sansa answered.

"Thats not the only reason." Caro corrected. 

"He wants something." Brienne agreed.

"I know exactly what he wants." Sansa assured. 


"Ned would have be proud of you." 

"You fucking Tormund?" Jon countered. 

"We are talking about you, not me and dont say such things in front of Neds bones." Caro corrected patting the statue. 

"He likes you."

"I'm very likable." Caro agreed. 

"You like him." Jon remarked. 

"He... remember when you said that TOrmund is like a teddy bear with knives?" Caro pondered. 

"I recall that. Yes." Jon agreed chuckling. 

"I really like him. That scares me because being here brings back all the memories of Jory. But I love Tormund... I might, I think I do. I dont know." Caro murmured. 

"He is a good man." Jon assured. "If you want some sort of blessing, you have it." Jon declared. 

"Thank you... I dont need a blessing I fell in love with Jory and had to beg ned for moons before he finally gave his blessing but I think it was more because he knew I was going to do whatever the hell I wanted to." 

"Sounds like you. Sounds like Tormund." Jon mused. 

"but I like having your approval." Caro assured leaning into him. "You are a good boy, dont let that dragon bitch trick you." 

"We need her dragonglass." Jon reminded her. 

"I know but I need you alive more." 

"You are going to be a good leader, a wonderful wardeness of the north... queen of winter-"

"Nope. Stop that." Caro corrected. "Just keeping your spot warm until you get back." Jon smiled holding onto her hand. "I dont trust Petyr." she added quietly. "I want... if he ends up dead before you get back, remember you put me in charge and that was probably a bad idea." Jon chuckled as the firelight flickered around them. 

"I delivered his bones myself. I presented them to Lady Catelyn as a gesture of goodwill from Tyrion Lannister." Petyr remarked. "It seems like a lifetime ago. Do give Lord Tyrion my best when you see him." Petyr looked up at the statue of Ned Stark. Catelyn's only love. Caro glared back at him. The fucking nerve of this man.

"I was sorry when he died. Your father and I had our differences but he loved Cat very much. So did I." Petyr added but Jon remained quiet he squeezed tight to Caros hand. " She wasn't fond of you, was she? Well, it appears she vastly underestimated you." Jon's gaze shifted just slightly to Petyr.

"Catelyn couldnt see past Jon's title. But now everyone sees Jon as I do. A wonderful young man. A great leader. A king." Caro declared proudly, but she had always been proud of Jon. 

 "Your father and brothers are gone, yet here you stand King in the North. Last best hope against the coming storm." Petyr went on. Jon finally turned to Petyr.

"You don't belong down here." Jon remarked calmly.

"Forgive me. We have never talked properly. I wanted to remedy that." Petyr offered kindly.

"I have nothing to say to you." Jon corrected

"Not even thank you?" PEtyr countered and Caro scoffed "If it weren't for me you'd have been slaughtered at that battlefield. You have many enemies, My King, but I swear to you I'm not one of them. I love Sansa as I loved her mother." Petyr declared but Jon grabbed Petyr by the throat and pushed him against the wall. Petyr gasped out choking for breath scratching at Jon's hand to release him. A smile curved Caro's face. Let this be the end of Petyr Baelish. 

"Touch my sister and I'll kill you myself." Jon declared before letting him go. 

"Watch your back Petyr, Jon may be leaving but I'm right here." Caro added as they headed out. "Be careful." Caro whispered hugging him at the top of the steps. "Come back."

"I got those cookies in my saddle bag, unless Tumi ate them all already." Jon remarked. "You have always been a mum to me auntie. I'm grateful everyday to have you in my life." 

"Then come back. Come back Jon. I need you in my life for the rest of my life." Caro agreed. "I love you honey." 

"I love you." he hugged her tight before turning to leave. Jon walked into the courtyard towards his horse. Davos was seated on his own horse awaiting him. Jon climbed onto his horse and looked back. He sees Sansa on the upper level of the courtyard. Jon waved goodbye as Jon, Davos and the Winterfell guards ride out of the gate and exit the courtyard. Petyr, quite shaken came out of the crypts. Caro glanced back at him as he straightened his jacket hesitantly. 

Caro stared out at the snow until the gates closed and Jon was gone. 

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