23. Gods I Dont Believe In

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"Hi Caro." tyana said softly when she saw her. Tormund had to pull Caro away from Jons body.

"Hi." Caro rasped her voice harsh from screaming and crying and sobbing.

"Drink." Tormund instructed pushing a glass in front of her. Her eyes drifted to him. "Drink. Eat."

"Im sorry you lost your Jon." Tumi whispered hugging her and Caro wanted to cry again as she wrapped her arms around Tumi.

"Thank you sweetie." Caro rasped.

"Come in." the red woman remarked as she stared back at the fire.

"I'm sorry, my lady. Didn't mean to interrupt." Davos remarked.

"You interrupt nothing."

"I assume you know why I'm here." Davos remarked

"I will after you tell me." She corrected

'It's about the Lord Commander."

"The former Lord Commander." The red woman corrected.

"Does he have to be?" Davos questioned and she stared back at him.

"What are you asking?"

"Do you know of any magic... that could help him?" Davos whispered not even believing he could say such a thing, suggest such a thing. "Bring him back?"

"If you want to help him, leave him be." She corrected looking back to the fire.

"Can it be done?" Davos persisted.

"There are some with this power." she agreed vaguely.


"I don't know." she corrected.

"Have you seen it done?"

"I met a man who came back from the dead, but the priest who did it-- it shouldn't have been possible." she admitted.

"But it was. It could be now."

"Not for me."

"Not for you?" Davos spat back. "I saw you drink poison that should have killed you. I saw you give birth to a demon made of shadows."

"Everything I believed, the great victory I saw in the flames, all of it was a lie." She corrected. "You were right all along." she looked to him miserably. "The Lord never spoke to me."

"fuck him, then." Davos declared. "fuck all of them. I'm not a devout man, obviously. Seven gods, drowned gods, tree gods, it's all the same." he took a step closer to her. "I'm not asking the Lord of Light for help. I'm asking the woman who showed me that miracles exist."

"I never had this gift."

"Have you ever tried?"


Caro felt her knees go out as she entered jons room once again. Tormund held her up. She didnt want to be apart from him. She couldnt stand it. She hated being here and being away from Jon while he was like this.

He lay pale and breathless on the table she collapsed again holding onto the table for support.

"Come here you dont need to be here." Tormund assured.

"I dont want him to be alone." Caro whimpered with so many tears she couldn't see straight.  Ghost came running up to her nuzzling her legs. She clung to the ghost. 'Oh hi baby you're still okay. We are... going to get through this." She ran her hands over his fur kissing his soft head. 'I'm going to take care of you. You don't have to be a-a-lone.' Caro told him, he let out a sad howl. 'I know ghost.' She looked back up to jon running a hand through his thick black hair. 'I miss him too.' She stood using the table for support and rested her cheek on jons cold chest.

'This isn't how it was supposed to be.' she muttered. 'None of this.' Caro pressed a kiss to his head when she heard people enter jons room. She stood up straight and ghost stood protectively next to her. Tormunds hand shifted to his blade.

"I want to kill Alliser." Caro declared.

"You don't want to kill him.' Davos corrected as the red woman prepared.

'Yes i do. Lots of people. All the time actually, I just don't do it.' Caro told them.

'who else you want dead?' Tormund mused kissing her head.

'Thorne and his men are my first mission,' she warned. 'walder frey. Roose bolton. Cersei Lannister, Jaime too. I got his eye now i want him dead. I want everyone that hurt my family to suffer as I have suffered.' Caro told them. 'now can you bring him back?' Caro demanded.

The red woman began the ritual. Caro bit nervously at her nails as the red woman took her time cleansing jons body. Caros heel bouncing off the floor, nervously as they waited. Ghost sat at her feet, his tail wagging slightly between her legs.

Melisandre performed a ritual with Jon's body: cleaning his wounds, cutting some of his hair, trimming his beard, and burning it in the fire, all while chanting in High Valyrian. Tormund ran his hands over her arms as they watched, it felt like forever. She couldn't breathe.

The red woman cleaned Jon's wounds delicately and gently with lots of care dragging the cloth across his body. The red woman started chanting a prayer cutting a piece of Jon's hair and throwing it into the fire. Caro watched silently as she worked she kept praying as the red woman poured water over his hair it's soaked down to the floor that she ran her hands through his hair.

"Does he have to be naked?" Caro murmured awkwardly.

"Let me work." The red woman spat back.

Caro felt like she couldn't breathe as she watched and waited for a miracle to happen from a God she did not believe in. The red woman put her hands on Jon's chest continuing her prayer she pulled her hands away nothing happened she put them back down on his chest repeating the prayer again. Again and again she said the prayer moving your hands and putting them back on 5 times, 6 times 7 times, she kept going uselessly. Tormunds grip tightened on her as she shook anxiously.

'Please' the red woman murmured but Jon still did not move. Her attempts seemed to be in vain. She dragged her hands away from his body giving up everyone stared at Jon still speechless. Tormund scoffed he didnt know why they were trying. 

"Come on. You dont need to see this." Tormund begged her. One by one they left Jon alone. But caro wouldnt leave.

"This is the end. We burn his body tomorrow I want to stay with him tonight." Caro countered.

"I will stay." Tormund agreed kissing her cheek. She ran a gentle finger down jons cheek before she moved to ghost he whined looking to Jon.

'I know honey... I'm sorry.' Caro said kneeling before a ghost she pet between his ears looking back to Jon... 'Jon... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't here for you. I'm sorry this world is so screwed up... I hope you are in a better place.' Caro let out a pained breath. 'Jon... Jon I'm so lost. I don't know what I'm going to do. I don't... I don't know Jon...' she cried over him holding tight to him. 'Please...' she whispered. 'Don't be gone... I need you.' Caro felt jon shift under her as a gasp escaped Jon's lips. Caro shot up looking down at him blinking back up at her.


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