26. I Want You

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"You going with him?" Tormund questioned. 

"You could come with too." Caro remarked as she braided Tumi's hair. 

"Could we Da?" Tumi begged. "Please please!" 

"Yeah, I want to stay with Caro!" Tyana agreed. Caro looked sheepishly to Tormund. 

"Sorry, I should have asked in private." Caro remarked. 

"You really want me-"

"US!" Tyana corrected him. 

"You really want us to come with you?" Tormund questioned. 

"I really do." Caro agreed. 

"Give us a moment." Tormund told his girls. 

"Da please, you can't say no." Tumi demanded. 

"We are coming with you. Dont let him say otherwise."  Tyana agreed. 

"Looks like they have spoken." Caro declared as he wrapped his arms around her. "What do you say Tormund? It will be an adventure." 

"No place I would rather be then by your side gorgeous," he said before taking one more step closer to her, their bodies practically pressed together. He placed his hands on the sides of her face and swooped his head in for a kiss. He pressed his lips roughly to hers.  The feeling of his lips on hers was breathtaking. One hand still cupping her face, he let his other hand travel down to her hip, squeezing it tightly and pulling her forward so they were pressed even tighter against each other. She wrapped her arms around his waist, letting her hands slide under his shirt, feeling every single muscle in his back tighten under her cold fingers.

"Where you gonna go?" Edd questioned holding up Jons longclaw as Jon packed up.

"South." Jon offered simply.

"What are you gonna do?" Edd added

"Get warm." Jon remarked smiling back at him as edd put down the blade.

" I was with you at Hardhome." Edd reminded him. "We saw what's out there. We know it's coming here. How can you leave us now?''

"I did everything I could. You know that." Jon corrected.

"You swore a vow."

"Aye, I pledged my life to the Night's Watch." Jon agreed locking eyes with him. " I gave my life."

"For all nights to come." Edd reminded him pleading silently for Jon to stay, he was the best of them.

"They killed me, Edd! My own brothers. You want me to stay here after that?" Jon countered. "My aunt is coming and we are starting over. We deserve that. After everything..." A single horn sounded outside Jon and edd moved to the doorway.

" Riders approaching!"

"Open the gate!" The southern gates opened.

Sansa arrived at castle black after escaping Ramsay with help from Theon, along with Brienne of Tarth and Podrick Payne on horseback. The Night's Watch and the Wildlings all watch them. The trio dismounted from their horses as Caro stepped out. She couldnt believe her eyes. 

"Who's that?" Tormund questioned as Jon and Edd emerged onto a balcony overlooking the courtyard. Sansa slowly spins around anxiously until she locked eyes with Jon. Jon quickly made his way down to her while Sansa stood frozen before him. She had been awful to him and now she was begging for him to take her back, to forgive her. He stared back at her before opening his arms and she lunged into him, hugging him tight, she was safe. 

"Aunt Caro?" Sansa rasped as she pulled away from Jon. "Auntie?"

"Hey sweetie." Caro said as she ran up to Sansa. 

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