Chapter 5: The Hospital & Distractions🔞

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3rd POV

Lilith walks into the room, where they placed Bella, with Carlisle.

Lilith's POV

"I heard the chief's daughter was here,"Carlisle announces as we walk inside. I smirk slightly at Bella's discombobulated figure.

"Dr. Cullen, Lilith," Dad says to us.

"Charlie," Carlisle says while I say, "Dad." Carlisle is handed over the clip board of her injuries. I just smile at the predicament. Karma real is a bitch.

"Isabella," Carlisle starts, but Isafishy decides to speak up

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"Isabella," Carlisle starts, but Isafishy decides to speak up.

"Bella," she corrects him. Carlisle being the sweet person he is, just smiles.

"Well, Bella, looks like you took quite a spill. How do you feel?"he asks her.

"Good," she answers. I look closely and see her looking at Carlisle with lust in her eyes.

"Oh hell, nah," I whisper under my breath so quietly that Carlisle was the only one to hear.

He takes out his flash light to check something about her eyes. "Look here," he orders. I see her smile, slightly. You nasty, bitch.

He flashes a small light in her eye while making her follow his finger. He does each eye. "You might experience some post-traumatic stress or disorientation, but your vitals look good," he notes to her.

"No signs of any head trauma. I think you'll be just fine," he adds with a smile. We all turn our heads when Tyler speaks up.

"I'm so sorry, Bella. I'm really..." He goes to apologize, but Dad closes the curtain between us. Dad and Cora need to get together quickly. He's gotten more grouchy than usual.

Everything is good until Bella decides to speak up. "You know, it would've been a whole lot worse if Edward wasn't there. He knocked me out of the way," she says. Carlisle and I exchange a look.

"Bella, I think the disorientation is getting to you," I say.

"Edward? Your boy?" Dad asks, pressing on the matter. I really believe he should just tell him the truth, but I don't want him to have a target on his back by welcoming him into the supernatural world.

"Yeah, it was amazing. I mean, he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me," Bella still presses. I glare my eyes down at her. I really wish Tyler's truck would have killed her.

"Sounds like you were very lucky. Charlie," Carlisle says. With that, we both walk away. We walk near his office to meet with Rosalie, Edward, and Elijah.

I walk up to Edward and punch the shit out of him. "What the hell is wrong with you!?!" I yell at him. I know I'm making a scene, but I don't fucking care.

Elijah pulls me away from him. "What the hell did you want me to do? Let her die?" He asks. I look at him with a 'are you serious' expression.

"Yes!" Elijah, Rosalie, and I say to him in unison.

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