Chapter 10: Bella Finds Out

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3rd POV

Today. Today was the day that finally broke Lilith from her small, friendly, patient demeanor. All because Bella found out what the Cullens are.

Lilith's POV

"Fuck her and fuck Edward," I curse kicking a tree trunk, breaking the tree

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"Fuck her and fuck Edward," I curse kicking a tree trunk, breaking the tree.

Both Elijah and Alec wince a bit from my anger and harshness. "You know what that stank ass bitch had the nerve to say to me, this morning?" I ask rhetorically.

They both shake their heads frantically. I scoff and think back to the conversation earlier this morning.


I sit at the kitchen table eating in peace when I hear the sound of loud footsteps coming down the hallway. "Here we go again," I say to myself with a sigh.

Bella appears at the bottom of the stairs finally and walks into the kitchen with a smug look on her face. She looks me up and down, rolls her eyes, scoffs, and heads towards to refrigerator.

My eyes widen a bit. I know damn well this bitch did not just look at me like that. "Ooh, this bitch is asking for it," I say and take a sip from my flask.

She comes over to the table and slams the carton of orange juice on the table. "I know what the Cullens are," she says, breathing heavily in my face.

My face squinches up from the smell of her breath. I push her away from me. "Bitch, your breath smells like a can of bounce that ass," I state gagging at the smell even though I don't have a gag reflex.

She backs up a bit and rolls her eyes. "Whatever, I know the Cullens secret and you know what that means?" She asks.

I roll my eyes. "What does it mean?" I ask uninterested. Bitches stay fucking thinking I care about shit that revolves around them.

"It means that I can have them all to myself. I'm so much more better than you.  I will have Alec, Carlisle, Edward, Elijah, and Emmet, all wanting me," she says. When I hear Elijah's and Alec's names fall from her mouth, all I saw was red.

"I don't give a fuck what you believe that you are going to accomplish," I say standing up, causing her to get scared," but if you ever try to get near my fucking boyfriend or brother, I will have your head on the end of a stick. Do you understand me?"

 Do you understand me?"

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