Chapter 12: Bella Meets The Cullens

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3rd POV

Today is not only the day that Bella comes meet the family, but it's also the day that Lilith has been the most silent.

She hasn't spoken once since she has came over to the Cullens to help them prepare for when Bella comes. Everyone in the kitchen thought of her as a ticking time bomb. Emmett especially was wary of the girls mood and actions.

If only they knew that Lilith was attempting to not talk because she might say something she regrets or kill someone, specifically Bella.

Lilith's POV

Lilith's POV

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I continue to help everyone in the kitchen with small tasks. I can see everyone seems wary of me. It's whatever though. "Okay, enough of this, Lilith talk," Emmett demands me, tired of the silence.

I just look at him and then continue to  do what I was doing. "Oh my god. Please talk. The silence is killing me," he continues to beg and whine whilst I have no reaction at all.

The tv plays a cooking show that teaches you how to make Italiano, I guess. I can see Rose getting angrier by the second. "Is she even Italian?" Rose asks, aggravated by the entire thing.

"Her name is Bella," Emmett points out, trying to prove a point, but doesn't really prove it.

"That doesn't mean she's Italian, dumbass," Elijah curses at his brother.

Esme death glares Elijah for his use of language, but he brushes her off and kisses my forehead. "I'm sure she'll love it, no matter what,"Carlisle reassures, attempting to ease out the tension.

"Get a whiff of that," Rosalie says disgust, I guess cringing up at the smell of Bella.

"Here comes the human," Alec practically sings with a mischievous smirk upon his face.

I roll my eyes at his childish antics. Esme grins and runs towards the doorway to be the first to greet them. We all see Bella and Edward waltz in.

All the thoughts of murdering both of them come to mind. Edward looks over and glare at me; I gladly return the same look, but mines was much more murderous. "Bella, we're making Italiano for you," Esme informs the pale girl.

Bella brushes her hair behind her ear awkwardly. "Oh. Um...," is all the awkward girl says then looks up at Edward.

"Bella, this is Esme, my mother for all intents and purposes," he explains to her.

Bella then faces back to Esme. "Buon giomo," Bella says.

"Molto bene," Esme replies back to the girl with a motherly smile. Carlisle turns around from what he's doing to look at her.

"You're given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time, well except for Lilith and Alec, mostly Alec," he says jokingly.

Bella gives Alec and I a spiteful look. I raise an eyebrow up at her. She then looks a Elijah, her eyes full of lust. I let out a scoff. "Oh, she must want to die," I say dangerously.

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