Chapter 13: Volterra

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3rd POV

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3rd POV

The wolves haven't been informed of what Bella did to Jacob, so they saved her out of respect of Billy and Charlie's relationship. A lot has happened. Harry Clearwater was attacked by Victoria and died of a heart attack.

All of this happened, yet four people, those four people being: Jake, Alec, Lilith, and Elijah, haven't heard anything as they are too caught up in one another's presence.

Lilith's POV

I walk into the kitchen to make breakfast

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I walk into the kitchen to make breakfast. I see Alec already sipping on coffee as he's on his phone. He looks up at me for a moment before his eyes go back down to his phone. "Hello, Lil," he greets me.

I walk over to the refrigerator and start to take out ingredients. "Hello, brother,"I greet back, closing the refrigerator. I place the items I've grabbed from there on the countertop and go to grab a nonstick crepe pan and a spatula.

From behind me, still sitting, Alec asks, "What are you making?"

"Strawberry Nutella crepes. Breakfast is the gatekeeper to having energy throughout the day. It'll probably give Jacob energy for another rendezvous of y'alls," I tease him a bit.

He rolls his eyes with a smirk. "Just maybe," he says slyly, raising his eyebrows to insinuate it wouldn't help.

I roll my eyes at his desires. "Alec, give the poor boy a break. He can barely do patrols because of you," I complain as I mindless start cooking.

"Well, if he would stop being a brat and irresistible, he would be able to walk," he insists. Just as he finishes talking, Jacob comes waddling downstairs, hissing.

Alec smirks, but he goes to help. I roll my eyes at his nonsense. Jake's really going to have to learn how to walk again. I quickly finish cooking and start plating the food for the others.

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