Chapter 3: Lost & Found

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3rd POV

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3rd POV

It has only been a few hours and the departing of the Cullens left both Elijah and Lilith feeling empty. Where Elijah and his family were at the current moment, traveling back to Alaska, he didn't have the connection to be able to call her as he wished to.

He missed hearing her voice, and his unbeating heart felt at it was broken and beyond repaired until he could see, touch, or hear her. But he knew that couldn't be done, at least not at the moment.

He wasn't the only one feeling this emotion. Back in Forks, Washington, Lilith was feeling the same emotions. She laid down on her bed feeling despair. Wallowing in pity was all she could do at the moment. She missed Elijah. The memories of them filled her head. He is her soul mate, her twin flame, but they couldn't even be together physically. They needed one another's touch, their embrace, to reassure them that everything is going to be okay.

While most were sad for the couple, Edward envied. He chose to break up with Bella, so she could have a better life. He knew that there was a possibility that even if he hadn't broken up with Bella, she would've found someone while he was gone. He held hatred at the amount of trust and love held Elijah's and Lilith's that even miles away could never break their love for one another.

He was angry, and he had a plan to take out his anger, along with Elijah's and Lilith's relationship.

Lilith's POV

I lay on my bed, reminiscing all the moments Elijah and I have

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I lay on my bed, reminiscing all the moments Elijah and I have. I feel like I'm overreacting. It's not like he's dead or anything, but it still hurts that he's gone.

I finally get up from my bed and move over towards my desk. I look to see a picture of Elijah and I after our first. It was the moment I knew I truly loved him.

3rd POV

Lilith and Elijah hold hands as they rest on the boat. It's quite awkward since Lilith had just ran off to defeat someone from here past that attacked them. It was awkward, but they continue to try to make the most out of it.

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